The Storm God

Chapter 4182 Joan of Arc debuts! (Please subscribe!)

The resident of the Light Mission.

Joan of Arc was sitting on the throne, she was meditating with her eyes closed, she saw her beautiful face, with a little sadness and sorrow, and she didn't know what she thought of.

Between the brows, there is a touch of sadness.

at this time


A huge force of light suddenly erupted from Joan's body, forming a special huge mark of light in front of her.


This imprint quickly dissipated, and it directly turned into a holographic projection-like image, and what it showed was everything that Fire Angel Yi Hehua had experienced.

Including encountering the siege of three captain-level masters, and the conspiracy of the four teams to join forces to give priority to eradicating the Guangming Cult!


Seeing this, Lord Jeanne's eyes suddenly turned cold.

From the beginning to the end, his face hadn't changed much. This time, he finally had a moving face. His beautiful face was full of murderous intent and anger!

"You vile and shameless devil!"

"grown ups!"

And this time.

The last elite angel who sensed the burst of Lord Joan's power of light rushed to the captain at the fastest speed.

Similarly, he also saw the news from Shengyu.

Can't help but face a big change.

"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect that group of abyssal demons to really unite with other teams, and there are still four of them. It's clear that they want to get rid of us completely!"

"I'm afraid Gabriel and Lucica will be in trouble this time. If Yi Hehua and the others hadn't had the holy metaphor of Lord Joan of Arc, they would probably be here now."

"My lord, what shall we do now?"


The elite angel was a little anxious.

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth again: "In this situation, should someone be awakened? With his help, we can"

At this time.

Lord Jeanne finally spoke.

"Need not!"

"That person is now at a critical moment and cannot be disturbed by the outside world. I will personally take care of this matter!"

"You stay here, for that guardian!"


The words are not finished yet.

Lady Joan of Arc has already started casting spells.

The terrifying power of light suddenly erupted, directly tearing apart the void, forming a resplendent space-time tunnel.

As long as he passes through it, Joan can immediately rush to the battlefield activated by the holy metaphor.

"grown ups!"

When the elite angel heard this, he became even more anxious.

"You want to go alone?"

"This won't work!"

He subconsciously wanted to stop it.


How could Lady Joan of Arc listen to him?

Ignoring his obstruction, Joan just smiled coldly, and with a proud smile, resolutely stepped into the space-time tunnel.

That smile seemed to say: "Don't worry, these guys won't be able to keep me!"


Watching the captain leave, the elite angel was stunned.

Depend on!

How did things become like this?

Our responsibility is to protect the adults, but now we have to ask the adults to personally risk themselves to wait for us. This tells us how to deal with ourselves!

His heart is infinitely sad.


He also knew that guilt alone was useless.

After regaining his senses, he immediately went outside the retreating place, and regardless of whether the person inside could hear him or not, he immediately began talking to himself about the huge predicament that the Guangming Cult was facing at the moment.

at the same time.

On the battlefield, after the unremitting efforts of the three captains, the sacred shield protecting the three angels of Yihehua was finally dried to the point where only a little bit remained.

From the original huge appearance, it has now become a tiny form that can accommodate three people, and its protective ability has dropped sharply.

And the three angels, Yi Hehua, were also sweating profusely and were extremely weak.

With their abilities, it is already a little bit reluctant to support the operation of a level method such as the holy metaphor shield, let alone in the case of encountering a powerful enemy attack.

In almost a moment, their strength was severely depleted.

Now it's all about holding on.


As the three captains on the attacking side, their own losses are also not small, and they even paid more in comparison.

But the key is that there are too many of them.

Play this one for a while, then play that one for a while, and recover while playing, rounding up, there is almost no consumption.

Unlike the three angels of Yi and Hua who were trapped inside the shield of the holy metaphor, who could only go in and out, so who could bear it? The three of them are already awesome if they can support it until now.


No matter how awesome you are, there is a limit.

After persisting for a few minutes, the protective cover of the holy metaphor, after all, could not withstand the decaying power of Hades, the death captain, and was completely broken.

At the last moment when the sacred shield was broken, it seemed to sense its own destiny, and turned all its power into attacks.

Then they all blasted at the three captains of the devil.

The three captains didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly used their means to protect and block them, so as not to be taken advantage of by the opponent, although the three angels now are already at the end of their strength.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

And at the same time.


At the moment when the holy metaphor shield shattered and counterattacked.

The space shattered for a while, followed by the resplendent space-time tunnel almost at the same time, and then the incomparably cold figure of Lord Jeanne of Arc came out of it.

Even if she didn't do anything, just standing here created an extremely terrifying and powerful sense of oppression, which made the three captain-level masters turn pale in horror and continued to retreat one after another.

The demon captain's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Jeanne!"

"it's me!"

Lady Joan held her head high.

His eyes were full of disdain, and he glanced at Captain Demon and the others, and then completely ignored them. His eyes finally fell on Yi and Hua, who were full of excitement and emotion.

"Master Jeanne, why did you come here in person?"

Yi Hehua said with guilt on his face.

"No problem!"

"It's just some jumping clowns, and they can't keep me. You have consumed a lot. Instead of feeling guilty and remorse here, it is better to hurry up and recover."

"There is still a big battle waiting for us!"


Lady Joan of Arc was full of confidence.

In the words, he has already used his means to sway a large area of ​​holy light to help the three angels Yihehua recover their own consumption.

The three angels burst into tears of gratitude.

He kept nodding, then secretly concentrated his mind, began to greedily absorb the power of light, to recover, and secretly swore in his heart that when the battle came together later, he must swear to the death to protect the lord, and never let the lord suffer any harm!

And the other side.

Feeling that they were completely ignored and underestimated, Captain Demon and the others couldn't help but lower their faces, their eyes full of jealousy and anger.


They all admit that this Joan of Arc is very powerful and terrifying.

However, there are three captains on my side, and there are several other players who are not weak. You are almost alone on your side.

Outnumbered, have you heard?

Depend on!

I've seen arrogant ones, but I've never seen you so arrogant. No matter how awesome you are, you can't run into the enemy pile alone, right?

Really think that I am invincible!


With the complete closure of the space-time tunnel, Captain Devil finally confirmed that the only one who came to support from the Illuminati Order this time was Captain Joan of Arc.

Although I don't know why another elite angel didn't come along, but anyway, this is a great opportunity!

A heaven-sent opportunity to completely kill Joan of Arc!

With that in mind.

Captain Devil's eyes turned red with excitement.

"Everyone hear me!"

He immediately began to give a speech before the battle: "Although Joan of Arc is strong, but after all, there is only one person, and the three are almost ignored, and I will leave it to my subordinates to solve it!"

"The main task of the three of us is to kill Joan of Arc. As long as she is killed, the Order of Light will be completely finished!"

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