The Storm God

Chapter 4183 Scary! (Please subscribe!)


Hades and Xuan Ming stared blankly at Captain Demon, with expressionless faces and speechless eyes, but they were quite undisguised: "Damn! Are you talking nonsense!"

"Why don't we understand this truth? The key is that you tell us, what kind of abilities and means does Joan of Arc have?"

"Why can't you just be foolish?"


The two captains are naturally not fools.

It is natural to suspect that the Demon Captain may have concealed some important information, such as Captain Joan's abilities and means, as well as the strongest attack...

In short.

They will not attack rashly until they get the exact dry goods.

So as not to become someone else's shooter by accident.

To fight is also the devil captain priority!


The devil captain understood the eyes of the two captains, he was speechless for a while, and said depressedly: "Damn! What I said is true, I really don't know her ability, because there are not many people who fight her. , even if there is, it’s all to blame!”


The two were silent.

Obviously, he didn't believe Captain Devil's words.

no way.

Who made them enemies.

As an old enemy, he told others that he didn't know the abilities and means of his old enemy...

Would you believe me instead?

Anyway, Hades and Xuan Ming didn't believe it.

The attitude is very firm: "Don't say it? It's okay, but you have to take the lead in attacking you, otherwise why should we believe you?"


The demon captain was speechless.

Seeing that the two of them didn't see the rabbit and didn't scatter the eagle, they were immediately very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

After a change of expression, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! If I make the first move, I will make the first move. You all watch carefully!"

The demon captain was about to explode.

Depend on!

These bastards!

All of them don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles, what a chicken thief.

But depression is depression.

The action was unequivocal, because he also knew very well that if he dared to play tricks at this time, he would be tricking himself, so he did not show mercy!


Facing Joan of Arc, who was as powerful as the sixteen-winged angel, the devil captain did not dare to hide anything. If he had reservations in front of opponents who were inferior to him, he would pretend...

But in front of a strong person who is higher than himself, it is pure courting death.

The devil captain hasn't lived enough, of course he won't seek death, so when he chooses to do it to prove his sincerity, he directly exploded with all his strength!


And with the outbreak of the devil captain.

His strength, which is also visible to the naked eye, has a huge boosting effect. First of all, his body shape is even more terrifying and burly than before.

The magic energy around him is so strong that it looks like the nebula of the galaxy, covering almost half of the battlefield space.

So far, this move is definitely not something that ordinary opponents can compete with.

Captain Reaper, Captain of the Alliance, felt the huge pressure at the first time, their faces changed, and they secretly said: "Good guy, this guy really hides his strength, although he hasn't revealed his special demonic ability, but just this demonic energy The degree of richness is enough to shock people!"

In shock.

They also felt that the devil captain seemed to be really anxious.

One move at a time, against Joan of Arc, the head of the Guangming Cult team in front, it was really hard work, not at all like before, weak and weak, it was just acting.


in comparison.

The captain of the Order of Light is even more terrifying.

No one moved at all, just relying on the movement of their eyes, they mobilized the endless power of light and holy light to defend and counterattack.

Even the demon captain who fought had almost no defensive ability, and suffered a little damage in the blink of an eye. With such strength, the two captains immediately felt great pressure and threat.

They asked themselves ignorantly, if the person they were fighting against was themselves, they might not even be able to achieve the level of the captain of the devil.

The most likely thing is that after a face-to-face meeting, he was completely blown away.

With that in mind.

They were also anxious immediately, their faces changed suddenly, and then they all spoke out, saying in support: "Hold on, we will help you!"


The terrifying power of decay and aging, the bone-piercing freezing air, erupted almost at the same time, and they all blasted towards Joan of Arc.


"Is it finally unbearable?"


That's all for now.

Her counterattack is always sharper and faster than her own words.

Before the words were finished, there was a ray of light that covered the entire space, directly purifying everyone's attacks!


It is purification!

For angels, this was originally the most basic ability, but in the hands of Joan of Arc, this move turned into an almost incomprehensible terrifying move.

The tricks that were as strong as the bursts of the three captains were purified by Joan of Arc in an instant, and they were completely neutralized with one blow.

This is extremely outrageous!


By the time the three captains reacted, it was completely over.

They all flew upside down as if they had been hit by a meteor, and they couldn't stop spitting blood to donate halfway, as if they didn't want money.

The strength of Joan of Arc is so terrifying!

Only one face to face.

With just one move, the attacks of the three captains were completely defeated, even completely blown away, and suffered minor injuries.

this moment.

The three captains were all shocked.

Depend on!

This is too scary, right?

The three of us were abused by each other like this? Don't you want to be so perverted, it's just two more wings!

As everyone knows...

In the family of angels.

The number of wings is not simply a matter of strength, especially when the number reaches above the twelve-winged angel, even a slight variation and difference will symbolize the uniqueness and uniqueness of the angel. walk alone.

Its level of strength and level of realm are completely different.

Just like Joan of Arc in front of me.


She just has one more pair of wings than the fourteen-winged elite angels, but the real gap cannot be made up by a small realm.

It's a terrifying difference of a whole level!

To know.

In the subsequent division of realm levels, even a small realm is an unimaginable gap, let alone a large gap?

for example.

In ancient times, the extremely backward aborigines may think that knowing how to use flames is a great progress in civilization, and they are extremely advanced compared to other backward people.

But compared to modern civilization, it doesn't even count as a fart.

In fact.

Modern civilization compared with the high-level civilization in the interstellar, so why not?

But now, the gap between the three captains of Devil Captain and Captain Joan of Arc of the Order of Light is like the gap between the high-level civilizations of natives and aliens in ancient times.

In the middle, it's not just the punishment from God.

It is simply a terrifying level separated by an entire universe!


Beating the three of them is like boxing champion Tyson bullying kindergarten children. There is no need to use any professional skills at all. Even ordinary pushing and pulling movements can cause huge damage to these children!

With that in mind.

The faces of the three captains of the devil suddenly changed.

Captain Xuanming said with a face full of despair: "Fuck! That's what you said, it's almost at the level of 2.5 elite angels?"


"I also believed you to be evil!"

"This time it was planted!"


Although Death Captain Hades didn't say anything, his obviously unfriendly eyes fully explained his unhappiness and despair at the moment.

Depend on!

This bitch can't do it at all!

What's the matter?

Little did they know, they were depressed, and Captain Devil was even more miserable, because all of this was analyzed and speculated based on his own experience and insights.

Who would have known that reality and speculation would be so different! Not to mention others, he himself was fooled by his own analysis.


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