The Storm God

Chapter 4184 Skeleton King! (Please subscribe!)


"I don't know about this situation. Damn Joan must have deliberately concealed her strength before. You have to trust me!"

"I can't even fool myself, can I?"


The demon captain's face was full of grievance, despair and helplessness. Obviously, this situation was not what he expected at all.


Seeing this, the two captains couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

This guy really doesn't know?

It doesn't look like it's pretending, if that's the case, then things will be troublesome, the captain of the Order of Light, Joan of Arc, is too powerful!

It's simply not something their three captains can compete with.

It's like playing a game when people abuse themselves!

No wonder!

The other party came over alone. Nima has such abnormal strength, she alone is enough, why do I need other helpers!

In fact, it is right to think about it carefully.

In the past, he used a protective shield of sacred metaphors, and the three of them had to use up a lot of energy before it was smashed. Now that the deity shows up, how can he be easy?

It can only be said that they took it for granted.

The plan went so smoothly that they were a little inflated, ignoring the fact that the intelligence information might be wrong.


It's too late to say anything now.

For today's plan, the most important thing is, what should we do now?

You can't just watch the opponent, help your subordinates recover, and further strengthen the opponent's power, right? It can't be beaten by one person. If there are more people, wouldn't it be even worse?

But here comes the problem.


Can't beat it at all!

If you don't fight, all previous efforts will be wasted, and this great opportunity will be wasted in vain.

what to do?

For a moment, the three captains couldn't help but looked at each other.

And opposite.

Jeanne didn't intend to make a move.

On the contrary, he spent his free time, sitting and watching the three captains here make eye contact, and at the same time helping Yi and Hua recover through actual combat methods.

Seeing so.

The devil captain suddenly became even more angry.


"That damned little bitch, dare to despise us!"

"It's simply unreasonable!"


However, anger returns to anger.

But there is no way at all, who is so awesome.

So what if you don't accept it, hold on!


Xuan Ming narrowed his eyes.

Look at Captain Devil for a while, and look at Joan for a while.

His eyes shifted, as if thoughtful.

Same goes for Hades.


The eyes of the two met, and they nodded almost at the same time.

This scene, on the contrary, made Captain Demon look confused, and couldn't help frowning and asked, "What charades are you two doing?"

He was a little angry.

These two bastards actually "conspired" in front of their own face, they don't take themselves as the devil captain too seriously, right?


Xuan Ming said: "The two of us are discussing whether to fight or retreat, and finally decided to take a risk!"

"That's right!"

Hades interjected: "After all, this is a team battle. In the second phase of the mission, only one team is destined to win. In other words, no matter what, we will fight to the death with the Order of Light."

"Since we have met ahead of time, let's fight to the death. Although the strength of Joan of Arc has far exceeded our expectations, it is not impossible for us to win!"


The demon captain suddenly became curious: "Where do you get your confidence? You have also seen the situation just now. She can blow us away with a simple purification. How can you fight her?"

"It's useless to try hard!"


Xuan Ming nodded and said: "Normally, this is the case. After all, the other party may have already touched that level, and it is far from what we can fight against."


"We still have backup! As long as you hold on for a while and believe in the battlefield over there, the battle will be resolved soon, and they will definitely come to us when the time comes."

"At that time, when the strength of all the four teams is gathered, I don't believe that no matter how strong Joan of Arc is, she can completely resist it. If this is the case, then there is no need for the Bright Church to send so many people to follow her. It is completely a display!"


It's obvious what he means.

Joan of Arc should have an upper limit of her abilities. Although she is indeed very strong, far beyond imagination, she is not invincible and invincible.

after all

There are still a few super masters on their side who have not appeared, such as Dragon King of the Titans, Sword Immortal Haotian and so on.

If everyone came together and besieged Joan of Arc together, they might not necessarily lose. Of course, the premise is that the three of them can last until then.

Anyway, Hades and Xuanming have reached a consensus.

Watch Captain Demon now.


Seeing the two kick the ball to him, Captain Devil was speechless immediately, and said angrily, "Damn! You've already decided, so why the hell are you asking?"

The implication is that I will not quit.

You have all made up your mind, so naturally I won't be cowardly, isn't it just a fight to the death? We abyssal demons have always been super brave, okay?

"very good!"

Hades laughed immediately when he heard this.

Then he looked at the two of them seriously, as well as the team members who also retreated and were at a loss, and said seriously: "Then, it will be our crazy moment, everyone, don't keep any more tricks!"

"Otherwise, it is very likely that everyone will never have the opportunity to use these backhands. After all, it is Joan of Arc. The strength of the opponent is terrifying, and everyone can see it."

"If someone thinks they can survive this catastrophe, then just pretend I didn't say it. In short, everyone should use the strongest strength and means, success or failure depends on it!"

"As an example, I will come first!"


The voice just fell.

Death Captain Hades completely liberated his Zanpakuto.

In the terrifying and turbulent spiritual pressure eruption, Hades' figure suddenly changed, and he immediately turned into a terrifying skeleton man.

This skeleton, wearing a yellow robe and a crown on its head, even if it looks like a skeleton, is still full of the air of a king.

In his hand is a terrifying skeleton sword, which contains infinite power of death, decay, and aging.

With the blessing of many forces, its overall strength broke through to a limit in an instant.

At the very least, Xuan Ming and Captain Demon, who were present, immediately felt the tremendous pressure, and their expressions suddenly changed, exclaiming: "Damn! Is this his real strength? There is something!"

at the same time.

Seeing the death captain Hades took the lead in expressing his opinion.

The rest of the people also let go of their restraints one after another. After looking at each other, they began to explode completely. For a while, the breath of various abilities on the battlefield was like a tide, rising and falling, surging.

Xuan Ming and Captain Demon, as leaders, are no exception.

The first is Xuan Ming.

His Zanpakuto had already been undone before.


That was not his last resort.

But seeing it, he took out a boxy treasure box from his bosom, crushed it directly, and then embedded the core inside on his Zanpakuto Hirinwan.

Afterwards, Xuan Ming's overall strength instantly rose to another level, especially the Hinlun Wan, which became even more powerful.

Obviously did nothing, but directly began to affect the environment of the entire starry sky, as if the entire space-time universe was about to be frozen, and there was an incomparable absolute zero coldness everywhere.

Fortunately, all this is fleeting.


All the cold air gathered on Xuanming's Ice Crystal Armor, Ice Crystal Red Lotus Dragon, and the Zanpakuto Hirinwan in his hand.

It instantly possesses extremely terrifying protection capabilities, attack capabilities, as well as assistance and field control, as well as many means of pet combat.

The combat aspect can be said to be quite comprehensive, and the level of strength is no less than that of Hades who is the incarnation of the Skeleton King.

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