The Storm God

Chapter 4185 Blessed Formation! (Please subscribe!)

"Good guy!"

Captain Devil saw Xuan Ming's transformation, his expression darkened immediately, and he curled his lips and said, "You all held back your big moves just now!"


The two looked indifferent, with contempt in their eyes: "It's just each other."

The implication is that I don't believe you didn't hide it.


The Demon Captain had nothing to say.

Of course, he didn't want to pull the pigtails of the two of them, he was just talking, and after an awkward smile, the devil captain was also in ink.

Seeing that the two captains have shown their strongest form, he certainly can't fall behind, otherwise he will not have any share in the future credits.

Things have come to this point, the devil captain is naturally unwilling to give up.

Dang even released his demonic ability.


With the release of endless anger and hatred, the terrifying body of the demon captain was instantly enveloped and surrounded.

The opposite of.

His specific figure did not expand this time, but shrunk rapidly, evolving into an ordinary human form.

Xuanming and Hades could feel that although Captain Demon's body had changed, the power in his body had become stronger and more solidified.

Compared with before, the level of strength is at least several times stronger.

Not only that.

In Captain Devil's hand, there was an extra spear. The spear has a ferocious shape, and its domineering side leaks. Both ends of the spear are infused with different negative emotional forces, and they are full of destructive power.

And his body also condensed a majestic purple-black demon armor, which almost protected the demon captain's armor to the extent of his teeth.

The three main captains have completely completed their transformation so far.

All without reservation.


Jeanne remained indifferent.

However, in the depths of her eyes, there was obviously a little more seriousness.

Obviously, after the three captains have all exploded their strength cards, if they join forces to fight against the enemy, she will still be under some pressure.

But for the sake of the overall situation, Joan of Arc can't show it anyway.

The more confident she is on this side, the more uncertain the three people on the opposite side will be, and the less they will dare to release ultimate moves easily, the safer Joan of Arc will be.


Once the other party sees through the details, it will be hard to say.

Similarly, Joan of Arc knew it in her heart.

It is not suitable to stay here for long.


The captain of the Titan team, Dragon King, and the sword fairy Haotian, as well as other members of the team, probably will arrive here soon.

When the time comes, she will be outnumbered, and she will have no advantage at all and the possibility of a comeback. The only chance is to defeat these three as soon as possible.

only if.

Only then can you bluff the opponent and dare not act rashly.

It's a pity that she thought well, but the reality was very cruel. In the beginning, Joan almost succeeded relying on her absolute strength.

But finally.

The three captains still chose to fight to the end.

Without any choice.

Joan of Arc could only bite the bullet and hold on.

At this moment, she only hoped that Yi and Hua could recover as soon as possible. Even if she couldn't help herself deal with the three captains, it would be okay if she could hold back the rest of the team members.

Joan of Arc was confident that it would be fine to fight against the three captains for a short period of time.

But if the other members, who are also not too weak, join forces to assist the three captains to deal with her, then Joan will not dare to say it.

after all.

She is strong, but not invincible.

Before the enemy attacked, Joan could only help Yi and Hua recover their strength as much as possible.

And the three of Yi and Hua also saw the situation at the scene, which seemed to be very unfavorable to Mrs. Joan of Arc, and they couldn't help but speak one after another, persuading them: "My lord, you don't need to worry about us, just concentrate on treating them, we"

The words are not finished yet.

She was directly interrupted by Joan: "Shut up! Give me a good recovery, the more you are so verbose, the more you will drag me down!"


The three of them said nothing for a while.

Everyone was so grateful that they quickly restrained all their wild thoughts and began to pay more attention to recovering their losses.


The three captains who were ready smiled coldly: "Do you still want to restore their losses and increase your own combat power?"

"You are really arrogant."


The demon captain was the first to rush out.

Before the person arrived, the ferocious and domineering spear in his hand turned into a black meteor, and launched a merciless bombardment at Joan of Arc.

"Holy Light Shield!"

Jeanne narrowed her eyes.

It seems that he has already seen the power of this magic gun. This time, he did not choose to ignore it, but immediately used his ability to summon a golden round shield.

Although the round shield looks ordinary, it is imprinted with countless mysterious and obscure light patterns, giving it an unparalleled defensive ability.

The Holy Light Shield had almost just taken shape when Captain Demon's magic spear pierced it with a bang, followed by an incomparably crisp sound of golden arms clashing.

at the same time.

Shock waves of fear, as well as energy ripples, also erupted instantly and swept the audience.

The power of the magic gun seems to be a bit short after all.


He was blocked back by the Holy Light Shield.

However, he was caught by the demon captain who came one after another, and launched a stormy stab at Joan of Arc.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The two sides immediately came and went, and countless gun shadows fell from the sky, like a black nine-day waterfall, while Joan's Holy Light Shield defended like a golden city wall, airtight, and perfectly defended against all attacks.


The terrifying purple-black demonic energy and the holy golden light surged with each other, as if two peerless beasts were fighting desperately.

The battle situation was directly pulled to the extreme.

And this time.

Xuan Ming and Hades were also not idle.

One waved the ice wheel pill, rode the ice crystal red lotus dragon, and sprinkled endless ice crystals on Joan of Arc, intending to completely freeze Joan of Arc.

The other is the wild dance of the skeleton long sword, slashing out countless sword shadows, wrapped in extremely terrifying power of death, decay, and aging, attacking the vital parts of Joan's body respectively.

The attacks of the three of them are single-point, sharp, and comprehensive, but they are all available, and they cooperate very tacitly. It is really difficult for ordinary people to encounter them.

However, it is a pity that what they met now was Joan of Arc, a top expert whose strength and level far surpassed the three of them.


However, Joan of Arc stood in place, constantly directing the Holy Light Shield to defend against the attack of the demon captain's magic spear, and at the same time, the cross starlight flashed in her eyes.

In an instant.

Around her, a large circle of holy light enchantment actually lit up.

As soon as the barrier was formed, twelve phantom phantoms of twelve-winged angels appeared in different parts of the barrier, posing in special shapes, thus constructing an extremely terrifying array of divine protection.

In this formation, unless the upper limit of the enemy's attack strength exceeds the combined force of the twelve twelve-winged angels in one fell swoop, there is no way to break through its defense and harm the people in it.

More critically.

This large formation can not only defend, but also rebound and attack.

Whether it is Xuanming's icy cold air, or Hades' power of death, decay, and aging, etc., once they come into contact with this holy bless formation, they are instantly thrown away like a cow in a quagmire. flew back.

Although the attack after the bounce was far inferior to the original version, the faces of the two captains changed instantly and they had to dodge in a hurry.


Captain Demon was not spared either.

Because part of the rebounding power was manipulated by Joan of Arc, it was transferred to his side, and it was even more powerful when combined with the Holy Light Shield.

Without paying attention, deep marks were left on the densely protected magic armor, including frost marks, death and decay, and signs of aging.

The damage caused by the power of light, which is in an extreme and restrained relationship with it, is actually the smallest among them, almost negligible.

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