The Storm God

Chapter 4187 Use teammates to block arrows! (Please subscribe!)

"Wake up!"

Under the cover of the demon captain, the power of the pilgrimage Sanskrit that Hades received was greatly reduced in an instant, and at the same time, Xuan Ming's eyes became dull and stiff.

It seems to be waking up, but it is difficult to break through the barrier.

See here.

Hades dared not neglect.

Following the suggestion of the demon captain, he hurriedly fought the soul means of the death department, and smashed Xuanming with a single attack.


Xuan Ming's physical body didn't respond.

But in his soul consciousness space, a big hole was suddenly blasted, and Xuan Ming, who was trapped in the bewitching illusion, immediately noticed the abnormality.

The dull look in his eyes began to degenerate rapidly.


Joan's attack was more than that.

Just when Hades tried his best to help Xuan Ming regain his mind, and the devil captain used actual combat methods to forcefully confront the pilgrimage Sanskrit.

The phantom image of the terrifying angel descended from heaven smiled coldly, and then raised his hand to condense a super big sword full of flames.

"God says you are guilty."


The angel phantom spoke.

At the same time, the bodies of the three captains of the devil were immediately stamped with a layer of special brand marks, and a bright cross-shaped cursor appeared on each of their eyebrows, chest, and abdomen.

That's the mark of judgment.

It means that as long as you are marked, it means that you are guilty and will be punished by the God of Light, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape!


The Demon Captain is well aware of the means and abilities of the Order of Light.

Seeing this, I was a little panicked.

"Damn it!"

"This thing is not a joke. It is really going to be judged. I am afraid that all of us will be finished. We must find a way to stop it!"

"If it doesn't work, just take him on top!"


In the blink of an eye.

The demon captain set his sights on Xuan Ming, who still hadn't fully recovered his sanity, who was like a walking corpse.

The meaning is obvious, and at critical moments, this product should be used as a shield.

Hades felt the malice of Captain Demon, and couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean? Do you want to use us to protect yourself?"


The demon captain hurriedly explained: "That's not what I mean, but the current Xuanming, who is simply a burden!"

"Joan of Arc's trial and verdict is terrifying, and you must have felt it. Under normal circumstances, we can't bear it."

"However, Xuanming became like this again, so I thought, instead of all three being unlucky, it would be better to minimize the loss."


A few words, said almost nothing to say.

Anyway, in Hades' view, the meaning is the same, that is, to use his teammates as a shield, which he is very disgusted with.

Even if Xuan Ming is not his real teammate.

after all

He is no different from Xuanming, the captain of the demon can use Xuanming to block arrows now, then maybe it will be his turn next.

Of course Hades would be upset.

"Can't hide?"

He was skeptical and puzzled.

The devil captain heard the words, but couldn't help pointing to the soul shackles connecting the three with a wry smile, and said: "Of course you can hide, but the premise is that you have to untie this thing first, otherwise it's useless!"

The soul shackles connected the three captains.

That is to say, at this moment, the three of them are grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can run away from the other. Facing a series of combos such as Joan of Arc's coming of heaven + trial and ruling, they are completely in a passive position.

This is the terror of Joan of Arc.

Once you free your hands, without any scruples, it is a breeze to deal with the three of them. Just one move of soul shackles completely turns passivity into initiative.


Hades fell silent.

Of course he is aware of the power of soul shackles. After all, Hades majored in the ability of the God of Death, and his knowledge of the soul is second to none. No one dares to be the first.

Even he couldn't break free from the shackles of the soul for the first time, so it can be seen that this thing is terrifying.

"Is there really no other way?"

He gritted his teeth, still a little unwilling.

The devil captain said helplessly: "It's not that there is no way, but we simply don't have that time."


Can't help but look up to the top.

At the entrance of the big hole in the void, the flaming sword in the hands of the angel phantom became more and more dazzling and dazzling, as if it was not a sword, but a sword-shaped universe formed by countless suns, the terrifying power and lethality , Not to mention feeling it personally, just looking at it from a distance is unbearable.

this moment.

Hades fell silent.

Obviously, he has been persuaded by the demon captain, yes, it's not that he doesn't have the means and ability to break free, but that he doesn't have that time at all.

The judgment of the trial will be approved almost immediately, they have no time to deal with the soul shackles, the only way is to find a shield!

And at this very moment.

Has been pilgrimage to Sanskrit, the poison is too deep, has not fully recovered the will, like the walking dead Xuanming, Wuxin is the best choice.

after all

His ability, which is of the ice attribute, can help offset the power of Joan's judgment to the greatest extent.

Just like Captain Devil said, it is better to minimize the loss than to suffer disaster for all three of them, so that Xuanming's sacrifice is not in vain.

Moreover, this can also reduce an opponent

With that in mind.

Hudderston no longer hesitated.

He nodded slightly at Captain Demon, and said in a deep voice, "Just do as you say, after all, this is our only means."

"Hahaha, good!"

The devil captain smiled and said: "I knew you would agree, let's do this, when the judgment comes down, we will"


After listening to Captain Demon, Hades immediately expressed his support.

And this time.

The condescending angel, with the flaming great sword in his hand, had also raised his power to the extreme, and without hesitation, he slashed angrily at the three captains below.


The sword has not yet arrived.

The terrifying sword pressure and the ultra-high temperature flames have already separated the space, posing a huge threat to the three captains.

No matter how they use their means, it will be useless and useless in the face of this terrifying force that will destroy the world.

It will fall apart almost instantly and disappear into nothingness.

"So strong!"

Feeling the terrifying power of the trial ruling, Hades, who was still a little bit unbearable, immediately put this last kindness behind him.

no way.

People don't kill themselves!

If you want to blame, you can only blame Xuanming himself for being unlucky. Who made him be controlled by the enemy at this time and become a walking dead?

Don't sacrifice who you sacrifice!

"It's now!"

In a trance, Captain Devil suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

When Hades heard this, he didn't dare to hesitate immediately, he quickly flicked the chain, and threw Xuanming who was closest to him over.

at the same time.


A shot of special soul energy in his hand was directly imprinted in the body of Xuan Ming who was at his mercy, causing all the power in his body to be detonated suddenly.

Then it turned into endless freezing cold air, and charged head-on at the angelic great sword that was burning with billowing flames.

But alas.

Xuan Ming's power was too weak after all.

Even though he has been completely detonated by Hades now, he has raised his power to the extreme at the cost of sacrificing the entire Zanpakuto and soul.

But in the face of the crushing attack of the infinite flame, it is still a drop in the bucket. Almost in a blink of an eye, the endless freezing air will be evaporated.


Xuanming's power impact is not useless at all, it can somewhat weaken the power of the great sword of light and flame.

And take this opportunity.

The demon captain and Hades hastened to exert their strength, and built layer after layer of defense measures in front of themselves, preparing to resist the remaining power of the judgment after Xuanming's complete sacrifice.

Just at this time.

Bai Xiaofei and others traveled to this area, and then rushed over. As a result, from a distance, Xuan Ming was used by the demon captain and Hades to block arrows.

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