The Storm God

Chapter 4188 The Holy Son is out! (Please subscribe!)

"team leader!"

The fastest responder was naturally Zhang Sheng.

When his sanctuary team was in the most difficult time, Xuanming accepted them and was kind to him for rebuilding. Now that Xuanming is in trouble, Zhang Sheng is the most nervous.

Immediately put down the enemy in front of you, and rush to save people.

And here...

The three of them, Yi and Hua, shot desperately, completely reckless, and laughed wildly: "Don't bother, once the judgment comes out, everything will disappear, unless their strength surpasses that of Joan of Arc. There are too many adults, otherwise it would be impossible to resist!"

"You'd better accept your fate obediently!"


"Go away!"

Zhang Sheng doesn't care about this.

Seeing the three of them, Yi and Hua, desperate to stop him from saving others, he became angry immediately, and the Tianwu magic wheel output crazily, hitting the opponent back again and again in an instant.

But his own impact was indeed delayed.


He could only watch helplessly as the terrifying flaming sword slammed into the ice crystal red lotus dragon, smashing the latter into pieces in an instant, vaporizing it completely, and disappearing.

And its owner, Xuan Ming, is also having a hard time.

It showed Zanpakuto Hirinwan, which was broken inch by inch, followed by the ice crystal armor on his body, which turned into steam all over the sky and dissipated invisible.

Immediately afterwards, Xuan Ming's body began to burn.


The billowing sacred fire enveloped Xuanming's entire body, and the fire was extremely terrifying. Along the soul shackles, it spread directly and quickly, killing the nearest Hades.






Seeing that Xuan Ming was so easily roasted into charcoal, Hades' expression changed drastically as he thought of the terrifying holy fire spreading towards him.

Following the continuous urging of power, as if he didn't need money, he frantically released the power of the law he had mastered, and built several layers of defensive shields not far in front of him.

As for the holy flame of the ruling, it is not known whether it was due to the absorption of Xuanming, which offset some of its power, or for some other reason.

In short.

The flame of bright judgment, which was supposed to go forward indomitably, was really resisted when it rushed in front of Hades' law shield.

Although the latter's law shield suffered a devastating blow in an instant, it still blocked it after all.

This is incredible.

Not to mention the two parties involved, Captain Devil and Hades, as well as Yi and Hua who were on the sidelines, as well as Zhang Sheng and other team members.

Even Lord Joan of Arc, who was the releaser, showed a surprised expression at this moment, thinking to himself: "How is it possible?"

But followed, and the next moment she knew why.


In Joan's perception.

Suddenly other masters appeared on the battlefield, it was Bai Xiaofei and others who rushed over, and in the end, Joan set her sights on Bai Xiaofei.

Her intuition told herself that the anomaly just now was probably related to this person, although she had no evidence.

at the same time.

Joan of Arc also immediately felt the tremendous pressure.

The enemy's reinforcements finally arrived ahead of time, but there was almost no change on their side!

Although one Xuanming was killed, the battle situation is obviously more favorable to the enemy!

With that in mind.

Joan of Arc couldn't help frowning slightly.

Her first thought was to quickly retreat with Yi and Hua.

But it's a pity.

Lao Sun and the others seemed to have expected her thoughts long ago, and they had already joined the battlefield the moment they appeared, completely trapping Yi and Hua in it.

want to go?

It's not that easy!

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, came directly to Captain Demon and Hades, and with a wave of his sword, he easily cut off the soul shackles that bound the two.

Followed by a backhand and another sword...


Thunder Dragon is alive.

It soared into the sky, wrapped in unparalleled sword intent and strength, and directly flew back the big blazing sword, which had less than one-third of its power left before.

This scene immediately stunned Captain Demon and Hades.

An expression of disbelief all over his face.

As everyone knows.

Bai Xiaofei's two swords seemed simple and easy, but in fact they were not easy at all. Instead, he secretly used the power of the entire set of infinite gemstone sequences to achieve success.


The result will only be the same as Captain Devil and Hades, who can't help the soul shackles and the great sword of brilliance.

No way, the difference in strength is too much.

And besides, these two moves of Joan of Arc are extremely special super skills, with special buffs and enemy lock attack effects.

If it is not strong enough, it is impossible to break it.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei didn't do it out of kindness.

But for self-help.

after all.

Joan is too strong!

With so many people teaming up, Xuanming was killed by the other party. If Bai Xiaofei didn't care about it, he would be left alone, and it would be even more difficult to deal with.

So now these people can't die yet.

They are alive so that Bai Xiaofei can get more benefits. You must know that there is a thirteenth person hidden in the Guangming Cult.

And until now, even though Joan of Arc has made an appearance, the guy who hides the most has still not shown up!

This made Bai Xiaofei very apprehensive and uneasy.


It's so difficult to hide alone.

If that guy jumped out, wouldn't our situation be even worse?

This is not allowed!


Bai Xiaofei had to make a decisive move.

In his opinion, the guy who hides the deepest will show up only when Joan is beaten into a dangerous situation.

after all.

Joan of Arc is one of the saintess candidates of the Order of Illuminati.

This status is completely unmatched by other angels, even if it is the danger of Joan of Arc regardless of the mission of the team battle, the other party will have to show up.

And to complete this task, Bai Xiaofei alone can't do it.

Need help from others.


The premise is that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to expose himself.

Otherwise, directly using the power of the entire set of infinite gem sequences, Bai Xiaofei alone would be enough to counter Joan of Arc.

It's the same even if Joan of Arc is far more powerful and terrifying than expected.

"grown ups……"

And the other side.

The three angels, Yi Hehua, saw that the enemy's coalition reinforcements had arrived, their faces changed drastically, and they were very anxious, and quickly shouted:

"You go! There are too many enemies, don't worry about us!"

"We will give you the queen!"


After speaking.

It doesn't matter how Joan reacts.

The three angels immediately exploded with all their strength, launching a suicidal counterattack against the crowd besieging them.

Completely ignoring defense, only seeking offense, really desperate.

And the people besieging them, seeing this, how could they fight to the death with them?


Joan frowned slightly.

But he didn't retreat immediately, but looked at Bai Xiaofei with deep eyes, and said coldly: "There is something wrong with you!"


Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk to her.

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to say something, Bai Xiaofei waved his hand directly, and the sword light burst out, and he had already killed him.

At the same time, he did not forget to greet Captain Demon and Hades: "Don't look stupid, the opportunity is rare, kill this boss first!"


Neither of them are ink blotted.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so powerful that he could easily cut off Joan of Arc's stunt, his confidence immediately increased, and he immediately followed, and they all used their means to kill Joan of Arc.

And at the same time.

In the resident of the Guangming Mission, with a slight vibration, the closed stone door was slowly opened.


A handsome man with a face like a crown of jade stepped out of it.

"Master Holy Son!"

The elite angel who was in charge of staying behind to protect his law, let alone how excited he was, hurriedly came to the man and told him the recent events in a concise manner.


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