The Storm God

Chapter 4189 Lend me gems! (Please subscribe!)

"Holy Gun!"

"God damn!"

"Soul Blessing!"

"Holy blessing!"



At this moment, Joan's firepower was fully fired, and she directly transformed into a gorgeous Valkyrie, holding a radiant holy spear, and faced Bai Xiaofei and others with a 1v3.

Although she is single and weak, her fighting power is extremely terrifying.

Bai Xiaofei and the three joined forces, but they couldn't do anything to Joan of Arc, and if they didn't pay attention, they would be injured, and the situation was very bad.

Only Bai Xiaofei himself was able to withstand Joan's attack.

The difference in strength between the Devil Captain and Hades is too great, it's okay not to be targeted, but once locked and attacked, they will fall into a disadvantage.

Joan beat them both, just like a boxing champion bullying a child.

There is no pressure.


The two were suddenly depressed to death.

Depend on!

Everyone is God Emperor Realm.

Why can Haotian resist Joan's attack, but he can't?

Could it be that Haotian is actually much stronger than us, but it's just that he can't see it at ordinary times, and he didn't reveal it until now?

But it shouldn't be!

You know, Captain Demon is at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, and he is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the Venerable Realm. Coupled with the ability of demonization, he can increase his strength to the limit. Who else is stronger than him?

It stands to reason that this should be an invincible existence in the same realm.

Why is Haotian better than himself?

This unscientific!


Death Captain Hades was also full of doubts.

His intuition told himself that there must be some special secret hidden in this sword fairy Haotian, otherwise it would be impossible to resist Joan's attack so easily.

After some previous battles and analysis, they can already confirm that Joan of Arc has completely passed that threshold and entered the realm of the Venerable Realm.

Although it may have just stepped in and has not yet mastered its own strength, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

It is definitely not something that ordinary top players can compete with.

Waiting for others is the best proof.


Except for Haotian!

This guy is definitely not just a cultivation base of the God Emperor Realm!

Although his attack looked mediocre, it contained extremely terrifying power, enough to counteract Joan's attack.

But others such as myself are not.

There is obviously an essential difference in the strength between the two parties.

It's like fighting with a piece of iron with a biscuit. You are no match for others at all. There is no other result except hitting the stone with a pebble and killing yourself.

If it weren't for Haotian's constant help, I'm afraid that the two of us would have been like Xuan Ming, and they would have gone to the streets.

What's going on with this Haotian?

Why is it so powerful?

"Dang Dang Dang!"

And here, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what everyone thinks, at this moment, there is only one thought in his mind——

Defeat the enemy in front of you!

no way!

This woman is too strong.

It is obvious that he has entered the realm of the venerable. Although it is only at the initial stage, his strength is already fundamentally different from that of the god emperor.

If it weren't for the power of a whole set of infinite gem sequences as support and cover, I'm afraid I would be the same as Captain Devil and Hades.

He was directly pressed and beaten by Joan of Arc, and he had no power to fight back.


It's not that Bai Xiaofei has no possibility of winning. For example, his strength is ruthless and endless, but Joan of Arc is different.

No matter how powerful she is, her strength is still limited.

after all.

This is Marvel.

Bai Xiaofei, who has a complete set of infinite gem sequences, is a proper landlord and old fortune, taking all the worries of the geographical advantage.

Not only that.

At the same time of every move and attack, Bai Xiaofei will also quietly use the infinity gems to change the surrounding force field and rules.

for example

The imprisonment of light elements.

This alone can greatly weaken Joan's recovery of strength and the release of many means.

Just like a clever woman can't cook without rice.

Without the light element, she couldn't release many big moves, but Bai Xiaofei didn't have any prohibitions.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.

And because of this.

Joan had no choice but to take melee measures, because only in this way can she minimize the consumption of her own light power.

And the price is that the group attack has shrunk significantly.

Only one-to-one output.


Even so, it was quite terrifying, only Bai Xiaofei could resist her attack, if it were Captain Devil and Hades, they might have to give up after a few hits.

After all, the strengths of the two sides are essentially different.

Although Bai Xiaofei is a bit worse, but he has a cheat, the other two don't, this is the biggest difference.

This is equivalent to Bai Xiaofei taking the two younger brothers to fight the boss together.

The boss is a top monster, although Bai Xiaofei is a little bit close, but he has a hang, and can resist the output of the boss, but the two younger brothers can't do it.

Not only did it not hang up, but its level was much lower. If you don't pay attention, if you are touched by the boss twice, you may completely fall to the ground.

The two sides come and go, and the battle situation seems a little anxious and difficult to save.

At least

In a short time, no one can kill anyone.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

She said in her heart, shit, this is not going to work, God knows if there will be an accident later, I have to take advantage of the time when there is only Joan of Arc, and try to injure the other party as much as possible, otherwise this opportunity will be wasted.

next moment.

He thought of a solution.

Bai Xiaofei stepped up his output to block Joan's continuous offensive, preventing him from threatening the Demon Captain and Hades.

At the same time, he immediately said to the two of them: "Give me a little effort, if you don't work hard at this time, and she runs away, then you can stop working!"

"Depend on!"

The demon captain was speechless: "What you said is easy, we also think about it, but the key point is that we have already reached the limit!"

"How can I improve?"


Hades on the other side also has the same thoughts.

It's not that we don't want to give strength, but that our own realm strength is only like this, we can't let us break through on the spot, right?

The key field of the Venerable Realm is not an ordinary small realm. Even a super genius with enough accumulation cannot succeed.

What do you want us to do?


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes angrily, and said speechlessly, "Are the infinite gems in your hands just decorations? Take them out and equip them!"

"Huh? This"

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, the two captains were a little dumbfounded.

Can you still do this?


There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The power of Infinity Gems is also very strong, especially in the Marvel Universe, even if you can't make yourself break through the gap with Joan of Arc, you can still increase your attack power to some extent.

At worst, it can also be used as a backup energy source.

With that in mind.

The eyes of the two suddenly brightened.

But after that, he became a little worried, and said to himself, "Damn! If you use the Infinity Stones, what if Joan snatches them away?"

Don't blame them for being careful, because this possibility, given the current situation, the probability of it happening is still very high.

Who made them not strong enough!


On Bai Xiaofei's side, he was alone and tough on Joan of Arc, and the pressure suddenly became overwhelming. It was visible to the naked eye, and he broke out in a cold sweat soon.

As a result, the two people on the other side were still struggling with the safety of the Infinity Stones, and immediately made Bai Xiaofei very angry.

"If you guys are not confident, then lend me the gem first, and I will use the power of the gem to blow up this chick's defense!"

Bai Xiaofei roared angrily.

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