The Storm God

Chapter 4190 Do whatever you want! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was furious.

After playing for so long, it was really aggrieved.

He obviously has stronger power, but he can't use it openly, he can only output a little secretly, but he still can't beat Joan of Arc.

You can only play four or six with the other party.


If the teammates work harder, it's still very delicious, but these two fucking goods are too deceitful, either they won't use them, or they are worried about being robbed

Depend on!

Brother, this is a battle of life and death!

Where are you two scribbling a few handfuls of wool? It made me anxious. Believe it or not, I just dropped the pick and didn't care about anything.

When the time comes, let Joan of Arc kill you all!


Bai Xiaofei can also settle for the next best thing.

Are you worried that your infinite gems will be robbed? ok, then lend me the infinity gems to use, it's no problem at all, right?

Do you have confidence in my strength?


Captain Devil and Hades, you look at me, I look at you, there is nothing to say.

Admittedly, they were still a little concerned.


They also know.

Now is a special moment, if he and others are still in such a state of haggling, I am afraid that Haotian will really be impatient, and then no one will think about it.

With that in mind.

The two immediately stopped hesitating.

They looked at each other, nodded one after another, and then took out the Infinity Gem they owned from their personal space, and prepared to give it to Bai Xiaofei.

Captain Demon has the Time Stone, while Hades has the Soul Stone.

Although the two infinity gems are far inferior to the entire sequence, at least in Bai Xiaofei's hands, he can use his power openly without worrying that others will see any flaws.

after all.

It's all about the power of the Infinity Stones.

Who can tell whether Bai Xiaofei is using the power of a single Infinity Gem, or the power of a whole set of Infinity Gems?


Some people say, why is the Infinity Stone so powerful in your hands?

Depend on!

I'm so talented.

In short

Bai Xiaofei had a lot to say.

I'm afraid that these pig teammates won't give it, but if they give it, Bai Xiaofei has the final say, even Joan of Arc has to stand aside obediently!


While trying his best to fight against Joan, Bai Xiaofei looked at Zhang Sheng who was besieging Yi and Hua, and asked, "Xuanming is dead, where is your gem of reality?"

When the four teams formed an alliance, in order to show their sincerity, the Titans had already taken out the reality gem as a bargaining chip in advance and handed it over to the alliance team.


Xuan Ming, the captain of the alliance team, died.

Bai Xiaofei could only get the Infinity Gem from Zhang Sheng, he didn't believe it, Xuan Ming didn't hold back, so there was no need to worry about not being able to find the Reality Gem.

as expected.


Zhang Sheng gave an accurate answer.

But seeing that with the help of his teammates, he got a chance to escape, flew directly in front of Bai Xiaofei, took out the Reality Gem from a special space, and handed it to Bai Xiaofei very happily.

"Avenge us!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded heavily.

He understood Zhang Sheng's mood very well at the moment. His captain was killed by the ruling of Joan of Arc. Although there were also reasons for his teammates' cheating, the main enemy was Joan of Arc.

Zhang Sheng himself has no ability, so he can only pin his hopes on Bai Xiaofei.

This is also one of the reasons why he handed over the Reality Gem so readily. Of course, the more important thing is that Zhang Sheng understands very well that losing the chain at this time is not good for everyone.

Only by working together can we achieve victory.

in comparison.

Zhang Sheng's awareness is far stronger than that of Captain Devil and Hades. There is no way to do this. Who made the alliance team only have a few of them left now.

Almost the original team of Sanctuary team.

have to say.

Zhang Sheng and the others were quite evil. Others took them in, but in the end, everyone else died. Their own team members were still quite well preserved.

This is outrageous!

As for why Zhang Sheng has a reality gem?

This is also easy to explain. In the setting of the reincarnation space, among the team members, it is possible to set up a common warehouse and a team space.

For the items stored in it, the captain can set certain permissions.

Like infinity gems.

It can be set so that only the captain can take it out.

As soon as Xuan Ming died, Zhang Sheng, the vice-captain, naturally became a regular immediately, and he also had the right to take out the infinite gems.

This is almost the basic operation of the team, just to avoid accidents with the captain, which will lead to bad luck for the entire team.

Closer to home.

After getting the Reality Gem from the alliance team, Bai Xiaofei has three Infinity Gems in his hands——Time Gem, Soul Gem, and Reality Gem.

The power gem is still in the hands of the Dragon King of the Titans.

The remaining two, the Mind Gem and the Space Gem, are in the hands of the Order of Light. As for whether it is on Joan of Arc

This is hard to say.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry about it too much.

Anyway, the infinity gems are just a cover to deceive people's eyes. His real killer move is actually a whole set of infinity gem sequences in his own small world.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's strength was suddenly raised to a very terrifying level. The terrifying aura and sense of oppression immediately made Captain Demon, Hades, and even Joan of Arc feel the danger.


However, a sneer suddenly appeared on Bai Xiaofei's ferocious face, followed by a wave of his hand, and countless swords were formed out of thin air, like endless stars, surrounding Bai Xiaofei's body.

And each of these treasured swords contains extremely terrifying power, as well as sword intent and sword energy that can destroy the world.


This was created out of thin air by Bai Xiaofei using the Reality Gem (the entire sequence), and it is the embodiment of the power of the entire Marvel Universe.

It is not due to his personal real means and strength.

But no matter what, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei was awesome. With such means and power, Joan of Arc on the opposite side immediately felt the pressure.


Seeing Joan of Arc's beautiful face, a dignified and cautious expression appeared for the first time, followed by the gathering of the Light Cult, and a pair of beautiful angel armor appeared on her body, transforming her graceful figure , all protected in it.

Not only that.

On the top of Jeanne's head, there is actually a golden angel halo, which may not look big, but it is sprinkled all the time, containing the brilliance of the extremely terrifying power of light, making Joan's state, It was greatly improved in an instant.

As long as the halo is not extinguished, Joan of Arc can continue to fight in this extreme state. This is one of Joan's signature skills.


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes slightly, quite surprised, he didn't expect that Joan of Arc still had a hole card hidden in his hand, but it doesn't matter, with the Infinity Gems as a cover, I can use the power of the entire set of Infinity Gems Sequence as I like, without scruple.

He didn't believe it.

This can't beat Joan of Arc, a novice who has just stepped into the realm of the Venerable!

Worst of all, it will consume you to death!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Countless swords, following Bai Xiaofei's order, shot wildly in an instant, like a torrential rain, and launched an extremely ferocious attack on Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc, on the other hand, took a completely defensive stance at this moment. The holy light shield in her left hand was opened to the extent of protecting her entire body, and the holy spear in her right hand stabbed a few times at regular intervals, taking the attack as a reward and reducing the holy power. The pressure of the light shield.

Look from a distance.

Joan of Arc is like a stubborn rock submerged by endless waves, but she is extremely hard and tenacious, despite the surging waves, it is difficult to smash and destroy it easily.

And in such a crazy offensive, Joan's power was also being consumed rapidly, and the angel halo above her head, which was visible to the naked eye, became much weaker.

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