The Storm God

Chapter 4191 You call this Jianwan! (Please subscribe!)


"That's it, come on, kill her!"

"Steady and win!"


Next to him, Captain Demon was very excited.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei using the power of the Infinity Gem to directly suppress Joan of Arc and gain a clear advantage, he really wanted to rush over and have a good time.


Also just think about it.

He also knew that his own strength was not comparable to Bai Xiaofei's, except for watching the show silently and cheering for him.

Nothing else can be done.


Hades thought the same way, but compared to Captain Devil, this Captain Reaper was obviously much calmer.

It may be that there is not so much hatred between him and the Guangming Cult.

Anyway, seeing that Bai Xiaofei had the upper hand, he was only relieved, and didn't feel that excited.


He still has extra thoughts to observe the situation on another battlefield.

compared to here.

The situation on the other side is almost one-sided.

There is no way, Zhang Sheng and the others have too many people, and Yi Hehua and the others only have three of them. Although they are not weak in strength, they cannot hold back a pack of wolves.

The key is that the people who besieged them were not easy to mess with.

plus care is chaos


Soon, they fell into a passive state.

After being surrounded and beaten by everyone, one by one began to be injured, and the situation became worse and worse. When Hades looked over, one of the angels was even torn off a wing by Lao Sun.

That scene was extremely bloody and brutal.

And with Lao Sun's success, other people also began to make contributions one after another, either inflicting heavy damage on the enemy, or playing a decisive role at critical moments.

all in all.

The situation here, it went smoothly.

If there is no accident, at this speed, I am afraid that within a few minutes, Yi and Hua should be completely killed in the street.

Of course.

That's only in theory.

As for whether it can be successful, the key depends on whether Bai Xiaofei is strong enough.

If they are not strong enough to withstand Joan's counterattack, there is still hope for Yi and Hua to be rescued.

However, judging from the current situation, this possibility should be very low.

after all.

It was Bai Xiaofei who had the upper hand.

With his violent storm attack, Joan's defense has begun to appear unbalanced, and the consumption of everything is also increasing.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei seemed to have infinite power. All kinds of swordsmanship moves, whether it was a group attack or a single attack, seemed to be free of money, and he kept putting them on Joan of Arc.

Regardless of the effect of the attack, at the very least, Joan of Arc was dealt with, which means that there is no thought or space to care about other things.

Almost all of them are dealing with Bai Xiaofei's attack, and they have no time to look around!

It's very inspiring.


A moment that should have been happy.

Hades felt a little worried in his heart.

Because, Bai Xiaofei's performance is too strong, no matter before or after getting the infinite gems, this kind of terrifying strength improvement made Hades feel a little worried——

What if this guy really took the Infinity Stones for himself?

after all.

He and others are not his opponents.

Moreover, Dragon King, the captain of the Titans, for some unknown reason, has not shown up to participate in the battle until now!

All of this made Hades faintly feel that something was wrong.

Not only that.

There are also some tricks on the side of the Guangming Church!

It stands to reason that Joan of Arc is one of the saintess candidates of the Order of Illuminati, her importance is unparalleled, and she shouldn't be in danger easily.


In order to save others, the other party was in danger alone.

If it's just like this, it's fine, after all, Yi Hehua and the others are currently the only subordinates of the Guangming Cult.

But the problem is, there is still an elite angel in the Order of Light.

That person did not follow Joan of Arc to save people, but let Joan of Arc, one of the core figures of the saintess candidates, run over alone

No matter how you look at it, it's not right!

"has a problem!"

Hades' intuition told himself that there must be something wrong, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

This cloudy feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Regardless of the reaction of others here.

In the battlefield.

Bai Xiaofei became more and more excited as he fought.


"It's cool, what the hell is that right? I was so aggrieved by the fight before, and it's more comfortable like this. I just don't know how long this little girl can last?"

"Under such indiscriminate bombardment and endless onslaught, it is estimated that she will not be able to withstand it in a few minutes or so?"

"It's still too long, let's speed up!"

"in case!"


Bai Xiaofei was very proud in his heart, look, this is the real strength of a buddy, before that was completely left to you.

But while feeling refreshed, he did not forget his original intention.

In case.

He didn't keep going.

Instead, with a thought, he immediately mobilized stronger power and began to hold back his big move. Then, a "sun" with a diameter of more than 100,000 meters and formed by countless sword qi and sword lights was thrown violently by Bai Xiaofei. past.

"Come and taste the taste of my sword pill!"

Bai Xiaofei grinned.


In an instant, the terrifying sword light and sword intent almost drowned and enveloped everything, and its brilliance even far surpassed Joan of Arc's light power.

Jeanne's expression changed instantly.


She was suddenly speechless.

Sword pill?

This is also called Jianwan?

Are you afraid that you have a wrong understanding of Jianwan? With this size and horror, it is almost possible to set up a little sun!

"Holy metaphor!"

Joan of Arc did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

While the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he immediately gathered his strength and summoned more than a dozen walls of isolation composed of the power of the holy metaphor in front of him to block the impact of Bai Xiaofei's so-called "sword pill".


Jianwan killed him brutally.

Just like a huge meteorite crashing into countless high-rise buildings on the surface, the wall of isolation built by Joan of Arc was shattered in an instant, destroying a large number of them.


Joan of Arc had expected it a long time ago, so she built this stuff from the very beginning.

So what if we ruined a big wave? In front of Joan of Arc, there are still countless ways, enough to defend for a while!


Seeing the scene of Jianwan's attack and destruction, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and said in his heart: "It's interesting, using the power of space to build countless barriers beyond imagination in a limited area?"

"If you were an ordinary person, maybe Jianwan would have been blocked, but unfortunately, you ran into me, so you are destined to fail!"

"Second form, Stegosaurus!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's furious roar, the terrifyingly huge sword pill on the opposite side changed instantly, and immediately turned into a golden dragon formed by countless sword lights.

The giant dragon is domineering, showing its teeth and claws, majestic and majestic.

With just one claw out, countless walls of isolation were easily destroyed, and the concentration and explosion of attack power were far greater than before.

The construction speed of Joan's Wall of Severance was instantly compared to the destruction speed of the golden dragon, and the barrier between the two sides was rapidly shrinking as far as the naked eye could see.

at the same time.

Joan's power consumption immediately soared countless times.

The most obvious feature is that for the first time, layers of fine sweat appeared on the female captain's stunning face.


Bai Xiaofei's attack made her feel strenuous, even threatened.

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