The Storm God

Chapter 4192 The Holy Son arrives! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"This sword fairy Haotian is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. His power seems to have not been consumed or reduced much since just now..."

"Although there is a bonus of infinite gems, it is impossible to reach such a level. There must be some other secrets on him!"

"It seems that this time I won't be able to use my hole cards..."


Jeanne thought to herself.

In fact, although she looked a little embarrassed on the surface, she never lost her confidence, because she never used her hole cards.

after all.

The enemies haven't fully emerged yet.

When there is no complete despair, it is naturally impossible for Joan to use her hole cards. What if all this is designed?

And it's up to now.

Bai Xiaofei's terrifying power has already made Joan of Arc have to pay attention, because if this continues, she will really be unable to bear it.

It's not that Joan of Arc's strength is not good enough.


Her consumption is too great.

On the one hand, Bai Xiaofei used the power of the infinite gem to isolate all light elements around him, and indirectly sealed Joan's many methods and attacking abilities.


One is to cheat and cheat, and the other relies entirely on its own strength to contend with it. It may be nothing at first, but as time goes by, the latter will inevitably suffer.

Especially under the indiscriminate bombardment of Bai Xiaofei's unscrupulous ults, Joan could only respond passively.

This greatly accelerated her power consumption.

One ebbs and another, the result can be imagined, the balance of victory has gradually tilted towards Bai Xiaofei.

Faced with this situation, if Joan of Arc wants not to lose, she can only use her hole cards in advance.


Not only her.

The three of them, Yi and Hua, also had to be unlucky.

With that in mind.

Joan of Arc immediately stopped hesitating.

There was a flash of light in the golden pupils, and a special message escaped from her body in an instant.


Bai Xiaofei sensed this scene, and couldn't help but startled slightly: "What? A special way to counterattack?"

He subconsciously became vigilant.


Nothing happened.

It made him worry about the abnormality in vain, and he suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

Could it be a bluff?

Not only him.

Other people watching, such as Captain Demon and Hades, also felt the special energy fluctuations emanating from Joan of Arc.

But it's a pity that they also didn't see any tricks.

All were confused and puzzled.


Everyone didn't care. Those who watched the show continued to watch the show, and those who attacked continued to attack. It seemed that nothing had changed.

As everyone knows.

In the distant resident of the Light Cult.

A rich and handsome man is sitting leisurely on the throne where Joan of Arc sat before, with a smile on his face, listening to the elite angels under his command without any worries, constantly telling what happened outside.


As the elite angel spoke, he couldn't help but spit in his heart: "God of light, what time is this, Mr. Joan of Arc and their lives are unknown, but Mr. Shengzi didn't seem to be worried at all after he left the customs. ..."

"what 's wrong?"


The strange reaction of Lord Son of God made this elite angel wonder if he had any grievances with Lord Joan of Arc?

Otherwise it couldn't be this reaction.

Shouldn't normal people leave immediately to help? Although Lord Joan of Arc is indeed very strong, but that is a combination of four teams!

Moreover, the other party has set up tricks and ambushes in advance, and the situation is extremely passive! Who wouldn't worry about this, but in the end, Master Shengzi...

"No problem!"

"This little scene, Joan can handle it by herself, it's rare for her to do it herself, so let her enjoy it."

"It's really an accident. It's not too late for me to rush there."

"Tell me about something else."


The Holy Son said so at the time.

That look of calmness, as if everything had nothing to do with him, confused this elite angel at that time.

For a time, he suspected that he had met a fake Lord Son.


But it doesn't matter how the Son of God reacts.

Subordinates are subordinates, where their status is, they are doomed to obey. The elite angels had no choice but to suppress the worries in their hearts, and told the Holy Son about some recent events.

As for the Holy Son, he just sat on the throne, with one hand on his ear and the other on his cheek, listening idly.

until a certain moment.


The elite angel suddenly found that the expression of Lord Shengzi became deep and dignified in an instant, making him almost suspect that he was wrong.

"Master Shengzi?"

He tried calling in disbelief.

"Let's go!"

As a result, Lord Son of God squinted his eyes and walked directly down from the throne, saying in a deep voice, "Just now Joan sent me an urgent notice, saying that we have encountered a very special and powerful opponent, and we need to go to support him! "


The elite angel was suddenly dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Lady Joan of Arc sent you an urgent notice?

I do not know how?


What's going on?

Could it be that there is some special secret connection between Lord Son of God and Lord Joan of Arc? I just don't know...

If this is the case, then everything can be explained.

It turned out that it wasn't that the Son of God didn't care about Lord Joan of Arc, but that Lord Joan of Arc could control the situation over there by himself.

But what happened afterwards?

Encountered a very special and powerful opponent? Could it be a certain captain of the fourth team? Is he the captain of the Abyss Demon team?

While the elite angels were shocked, puzzled, and confused, Lord Shengzi had already tore apart the space with his hand, and built a space-time passage leading directly to Joan of Arc's location.

It is worth mentioning that the space-time channel constructed by the Holy Son is completely different from the golden space-time channel of Joan of Arc, but the whole body presents a blue-black smoky appearance, which is almost the same as the space gem in Marvel. Same.

in addition.

When Master Shengzi waved his hands to tear apart the space, for a moment, a phantom image of a gorgeous golden crown appeared on his forehead.

And at a certain position in the phantom of the crown, there is also a blue light shining, reflecting the golden light at the center of the eyebrows.

That's right!

That is the soul gem and the space gem owned by the Guangming Order, but it seems that the Lord Son of God used unknown means to inlay it on his crown.

Looking at its appearance, this crown seems to have the same ability as the Infinity Gauntlet, allowing Lord Son to use the power of the Infinity Gem as he pleases.

Even if he only has two.


next moment.

The two stepped into the space-time tunnel.

at the same time.

This side of the battlefield.

After all, Joan's wall of severance was completely destroyed by the golden dragon composed of countless sword intents and lights, and it bit at Joan fiercely.

"Guardian of the Holy Light!"


At the critical moment, Joan of Arc only had time to apply a single-body protective skill to herself, and then the whole person was swallowed by the golden dragon.

In an instant, endless sword energy, sword intent, like a blender, was ruthlessly strangling Joan of Arc who entered it, with a posture of never giving up until she was smashed into pieces.

Joan of Arc's protection of the Holy Light is very strong. Although countless ripples and cracks were caused by countless sword intents, strangulation and bombardment from the beginning, they were not completely broken after all, and they still stubbornly supported and protected Joan of Arc. Safety.


And just when Bai Xiaofei wanted to increase his strength and let the golden dragon launch a more brutal strangling attack on Joan of Arc, a certain place in the battlefield space was suddenly shattered by an extremely tyrannical force.

Immediately afterwards, a blue-black smoky space impulse appeared, and Lord Shengzi and the elite angel walked out of it proudly.


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