The Storm God

Chapter 4193 Some regrets! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei felt it the first time the space wormhole appeared, and his intuition told himself that trouble might be coming.

as expected.

In the next moment, two completely unfamiliar men walked out of it.

The person in the lead has an outstanding temperament and an extraordinary appearance. At first glance, he is not a small character. The key point is the power aura on him, which is also extremely terrifying.

Even far above Joan of Arc!

As for the latter...


Don't mention it.

If you are exhausted, you will look like an elite angel.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes slightly, and guessed the identity of the other party almost instantly. If there is no accident, the leader should be the hidden thirteenth member of the Guangming Cult.

Needless to say, the latter one is naturally the fourth elite angel.

Unexpectedly, they all came!

"Could it be..."

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's heart shook, and he suddenly realized that the abnormality on Joan's body was not a bluff, but a distress signal!

At the same time, it is also very likely to be a positioning signal.

after all……

The entire battlefield was almost blocked by Bai Xiaofei.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to find their location. Even if the other party knows the space coordinates, there are still reinforced space barriers to stop them.

Unexpectedly, these two people were killed so easily.

"It seems that this guy is very difficult to deal with!"

After thinking for a while, Bai Xiaofei immediately analyzed the situation on the scene.

Likewise, everyone else is not stupid.

After wandering through my mind a few times a little slower, I was able to quickly figure out the key points, and I couldn't help but change their faces, and they all secretly became vigilant.

As for Yi and Hua, who hadn't been killed yet, they immediately smiled with excitement and joy when they saw Lord Shengzi leave the customs.

"Rope wins..."

Boy, it's too bad to pity them.

Their faces were swollen, their wings were broken, their teeth fell out, their speech was leaking, and their articulation was slurred. As soon as the words came to their mouths, their taste changed immediately.


None of this matters.

Facing the sudden and powerful enemy, Lao Sun and the others didn't have the heart to deal with them, and they all set up their positions, as if they were facing a big enemy, full of vigilance.

As for these defeated generals, the three angels who were seriously injured and dying?

No one took it to heart.


The most dangerous is undoubtedly the guy who just appeared.

They are all the same as Bai Xiaofei, they are all very unfamiliar with Lord Shengzi and this elite angel, and no one has relevant information.

And the unknown is the scariest thing.


The strength breath of one of them also exudes an extremely terrifying texture, which makes people feel like falling into an icehouse just by feeling it a little bit.

Even facing Joan of Arc, they were not so desperate. It can be seen from this that the strength of this strange man is very likely to be far above Joan of Arc!

With that in mind.

Everyone's heart beat immediately!

Depend on!

One Joan of Arc is uncomfortable enough, but there is a more violent one?

Is the Light Cult going to be so perverted!

It's outrageous!


On the side of the Abyss Demon Team, all the demons couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat after realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Especially the devil captain, subconsciously clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "These bastards are hiding so deeply..."

He couldn't help but feel a little rejoiced.

Fortunately, they didn't reject the Titans' alliance cooperation request at the beginning, otherwise, facing these terrifying masters now, they might just be waiting for others.

Thinking of that scene, the devil captain couldn't help but feel a little scared.

followed by...

He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

The questioning in the eyes was beyond words: "Brother Haotian, here comes another fiercer one, can you still hold on?"


Bai Xiaofei remained calm on the surface.

But in reality, I have already started to curse my mother secretly: "Damn! Do you think I can persist? These are two masters in the realm of the venerable!"

If it's just like this, then it's okay, Bai Xiaofei said, in the Marvel Universe, as long as he has the Infinity Stone in his hand, he can still do one-on-one.

After all, he is the landlord here!



Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that the guy called the Holy Son also had the power of the Infinity Gem.

This is so difficult!

Although the opponent had only two infinite gems, far less powerful than Bai Xiaofei's entire set of infinite gems, but they were also infinite gems!

And the other party seems to have used some special means to successfully master the method of controlling the power of the infinite gem.

for example.

Bai Xiaofei, who has a complete set of infinite gem sequences, can use the power of infinite gems assuming it is 10,000, then the power of a single infinite gem that this person can control is far from reaching this level, but it can be around 7000 or 8000. It can still be done.

Coupled with the extremely impressive and terrifying strength of the opponent, this made Bai Xiaofei's situation very dangerous.

It's like at the general meeting of shareholders, someone suddenly bought the shares of some shareholders, almost reaching the level of being able to fight against the largest shareholder.

Bai Xiaofei's status as a Marvel landlord and rich man immediately received serious threats, no matter how bad he was, he could be exempted and ignored some of Bai Xiaofei's gemstone power.

The most important thing is.

Even without the power of gems, he is far stronger than Bai Xiaofei.

It's like Bai Xiaofei is the boss of a group, but in the end his worth is not as good as an employee under his command...

However, this employee also owns most of the stocks that can threaten Bai Xiaofei, and has become the company's largest shareholder besides Bai Xiaofei.

This Nima is extremely terrifying!

No matter how strong Bai Xiaofei's inner quality is, he couldn't help retreating at this moment: "Damn! This bitch can't fight at all!"

One god led three ordinary players, but opposite them were two top masters of the god level.

Are you kidding me?

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei even started to regret it.

Hiding behind the scenes and secretly watching the show, isn't he good? You have to play in person, are you dumbfounded now? It can't be moved at all, and it can't be beaten!

You can't just expose all your hole cards here, can you?


And it doesn't matter how Bai Xiaofei and the others react.

Here, after the Holy Son arrived, he immediately looked at Joan of Arc who was swallowed by the golden dragon and was being strangled by the infinite sword energy.


I saw him frowning slightly.

In the next moment, there was no movement from Lord Shengzi, just a change of eyes, and a space wormhole opened up around him again.

follow closely.

Joan jumped out of it.

Of course, what came out with her was the endless sword intent and sword energy that was relentlessly chasing after her, but with the sudden closure of the space wormhole, most of what was behind her was blocked.

The sword intent and sword energy of the promoted ones who successfully chased through the space wormhole were also easily blocked by Joan of Arc and canceled out.


Bright holy light descended from the sky.

Joan of Arc, who was bathed in the holy light, was recovering almost at a speed visible to the naked eye from the exhaustion, wear and tear on her body, and even some minor injuries.

The person who made the move was none other than Lord Shengzi.

"It's really embarrassing!"

While using his strength to help Joan recover, the Holy Son couldn't help curling his lips and shrugging his shoulders and said, "I've seen you like this for a long time. Thinking about it, I really miss you."


Jeanne glared at him angrily, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, and quickly rescue Yi Hehua and the others, their injuries won't last long..."

"Know it!"

Master Shengzi looked impatient.

However, he still waved his hand and repeated the same trick, directly saving the three of Yi and Hua with the space wormhole.


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