The Storm God

Chapter 4194 The situation is reversed! (Please subscribe!)

"More rope to win!"

After being rescued, the three of Yi and Hua hurriedly thanked Lord Shengzi. Even though they were extremely embarrassed now, the etiquette that angels should have is indispensable.

And judging from their attitudes towards Lord Son of God, the identity of the other party seems to be higher than that of Captain Joan of Arc.

Think about it too.

The Holy Son and the Holy Maiden are relative, they are all existences with extremely special relationship and status in the Illuminati Cult.

One of them is one of the candidates for the saint.

The other is the actual current Son of God.

Naturally, status cannot be regarded as the same.

"Small idea!"

Lord Shengzi waved his hand in boredom, and didn't take Yi and Hua's thanks at all.

to be honest.

If it wasn't for Joan's request, he wouldn't even bother to save people.

Because in his opinion, these three guys are too useless, and they have seriously lost the face of the Guangming Cult, so what are they doing here?

It does nothing but waste energy.

Might as well apologise with death.


For Joan of Arc.

Lord Shengzi endured it, anyway, for him, it was just a matter of waving his hands.

As for treatment?

Feel sorry!

This is out of his control.

The fourth elite angel next to him automatically helped out.

"Yi Hehua, I'll help you heal!"

The elite angel said, and at the same time, he immediately healed the spell and used the power of light to help the three angels, Yi and Hua, recover from their injuries.

Originally, they were unable to use the spell of light, but with the arrival of Lord Shengzi, part of the confinement here has been broken.

Especially by staying with Lord Shengzi, this will allow them to cast light spells freely without too much loss.

Because Lord Son is a huge energy source in itself.

Just like a human-shaped sun.


And with the progress of the light healing spell, the state of Yi and Hua also improved significantly in an instant.

"Galmar, thank you!"

After Yi Hehua's mouth got better, he immediately expressed his thanks.

The fourth elite angel, that is, Galma, smiled when he heard the words, without saying anything, and continued to exert his power to heal the three of them.

And the other side.

The Lord Son's gaze completely ignored Bai Xiaofei and the others, and almost all focused on Joan of Arc.

The healing power in his hands is not stingy.

Visible to the naked eye, the wear and tear on Joan of Arc was quickly replenished.

The Holy Son also asked with concern: "Joan of Arc, do you feel uncomfortable? Who caused these?"

"Is that the guy?"


Speaking of which.

Lord Shengzi's eyes suddenly turned to Bai Xiaofei who was opposite him.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei had already retreated to the side of Captain Devil and the others.

With a solemn expression, he said: "This is a big trouble. That guy's strength is no longer inferior to Joan's Arc, or even surpassed. He is the strongest existence that hides the deepest outside of the twelve members of the Guangming Cult team. Also very high…”

"Do you know his origin?"


The latter sentence was naturally addressed to Captain Demon.

Who made the Abyssal Demon Team the old enemy of the Illuminati Cult? If you want to know the exact identity of the enemy, no one knows better than them.

But alas.

This time, Bai Xiaofei was disappointed, and the captain of the devil shook his head, and said bitterly: "Sorry, I don't know any information about this person, but looking at him like this, he is probably not a candidate for the Holy Son, but a contemporary The Son himself!"

"you sure?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


The demon captain nodded and said: "The system of the Guangming Cult is like this, the hierarchy is extremely strict, and the low-level can never stand with the high-level."

"Joan of Arc is one of the candidates for the saintess. Even if she is not a saintess, her status is definitely not something that ordinary angels can easily approach."

"This person can get close to Joan of Arc so easily, which shows that the status of the other party and her is equal, or even higher than that of Joan of Arc."


Captain Demon explained it in detail.

After Bai Xiaofei heard it, combined with some previous situations, he came to a conclusion almost instantly. I'm afraid that this guy who just appeared on the stage will most likely be the contemporary holy son of the Guangming Cult.

There is no other reason.

On Joan of Arc, Bai Xiaofei didn't feel the power fluctuation of the Infinity Stone, but on this man he did.

If the status of a man is only comparable to that of Joan of Arc, then it is a bit unscientific, why should one have one, right?

Unless the status of a man is higher than Joan of Arc.

only if.

All this is well explained.

Because only those with higher status and more respect will be put at the end, appear at the latest, and enjoy the highest treatment.


None of this matters.

The most critical question now is, should we still fight? And how to fight?

In terms of high-end combat power, Bai Xiaofei is the only one in the alliance, who can use the power of infinite gems to perform supernormally and leapfrog challenges.

The second echelon is the Devil Captain and Death Captain Hades.

But it's a pity.

They still don't look enough to help at all.

There is nothing else to do but to watch.

on the contrary.

Originally at a disadvantage, the Guangming Order, with the appearance of the Holy Son and the addition of the fourth elite angel's new force, has actually greatly increased the opponent's power.

It surpassed the alliance side almost instantly.


Only limited to high-end combat power.

But the problem is that the high-end combat power of the Light Cult is too high-end. Just one player is enough to sweep almost all echelon players in the alliance.

This is so fucked up.

after all.

No matter how powerful Bai Xiaofei is, he can barely handle one.

The one that was vacated would inevitably be incapable, and this was calculated with Joan as the opponent.

If it were Master Shengzi, Bai Xiaofei didn't even dare to say that he would definitely be able to withstand the opponent's offensive.

It's not that he boosts the morale of the enemy and destroys his prestige.

Rather, this Lord Son is obviously much stronger than Joan of Arc, and seems to have perfectly mastered the power of the two infinite gems.

This greatly weakened Bai Xiaofei's cheating power, so that Bai Xiaofei could only use his own more background to be tough with the opponent.

in this regard.

Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, after all, his realm is not as good as others.

The only remaining advantage is the power of four more infinite gems than the opponent, but it can't be too much...

In order to hide his identity, most of Bai Xiaofei's methods cannot be used at all, almost equivalent to self-sealing, which is very tricky.

Even if Bai Xiaofei can have a 50/50 split with Lord Shengzi, what about the other side?

He didn't believe that Captain Devil and others could stop Joan of Arc from making a comeback. Before Bai Xiaofei didn't come, the three captains were no match for him, let alone only two of them now.

all in all.

In terms of comprehensiveness, Bai Xiaofei is relatively weak here.


Not entirely hopeless.

For example, if the Dragon King of the Titans can successfully break through his own limit at the critical moment, break through the level, and arrive at the scene in time.

Then they may not necessarily lose.

But alas.

Lord Dragon King's breakthrough this time is not in the ordinary small realm, but in the large class of the Venerable Realm!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Dragon King not to come for such a big event.

In other words.

Even if everything goes very well.

Without ten days and half a month, it is impossible for him to break through successfully. But if we really have to wait until that time, it is estimated that the day lily will be completely cool.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but feel a sense of retreat.

"Shall we retreat first?"

As a result, as soon as the words came out, the Holy Son over there, with awe-inspiring and murderous eyes, suddenly looked at Bai Xiaofei.


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