The Storm God

Chapter 4195 Hunter becomes prey! (Please subscribe!)


Sensing the extremely unkind gaze of the Holy Son, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being stunned, and wondered in his heart: "Damn, it's okay, why are you staring at me?"


His eyes turned on Joan of Arc.

Bai Xiaofei immediately understood, good guy, this is a typical show of operations in front of beauties, to make a good impression on himself!

Depend on!

Do you really think you are a soft persimmon?

If I didn't care about the overall situation, believe it or not, I can blow you up...

All right!

It's still a bit difficult to blow up.

After all, there is a natural gap between the two sides. Even if Bai Xiaofei has a whole set of infinite gems, there is still a big gap between Bai Xiaofei and the Son.

At most, it is just invincible. It is obviously impossible to beat the opponent, at least under normal circumstances, it is hopeless.


So what if it doesn't blow up?

It would be even more humiliating than killing the Son of God to embarrass him directly at that time. Especially in front of Joan of Arc.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled coldly.

Unceremoniously, he gestured to Lord Shengzi with a big middle finger: "Dude, don't just look at it, if you have the ability, come up and let's do two tricks!"

Having said that.

But right after, Bai Xiaofei secretly winked at Captain Demon and the others: "The situation is going to be bad later, I'll hold them back for a while, you guys run away!"

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood!"

"Don't fall in love with fighting!"


In fact, Bai Xiaofei was worried for nothing.

Even if he didn't say it, these guys basically planned this way, except for Sun and Gus of the Titans.

after all……

They are not stupid either.

Everyone can clearly see how the fighting power is on the scene.

Everyone understands very well that once a fight really starts, it will definitely be their own side that will suffer. It was originally a temporary alliance. Except for the members of the Titans, other people naturally have no obligation to accompany Bai Xiaofei to fight to the end.

It's really dangerous at that time, they will definitely be the first to slip.

And no matter what's going on here.


Lord Shengzi snorted coldly: "Hehe, this guy is not strong, but his temper is quite stinky, Joan of Arc, you were hurt by such a guy?"

His eyes were full of disbelief.


Jeanne nodded.

Explained: "Master Shengzi, don't think that his realm is inferior to ours, but this guy's strength is extremely weird and special, and his strength cannot be measured by common sense."

"If you underestimate him, you may suffer."

"As for the others?"


That's all for now.

I didn't say anything after that, but the meaning was obvious, so I didn't need to pay attention to it at all, it was just rubbish, so don't worry about it.

And all of this, Joan of Arc has no intention of hiding anything.

That is.

Captain Demon clearly sensed what they said and even their expressions, and all of them immediately showed bitterness and depression.

Especially the devil captain, in addition to the above emotions, he is more angry.

In his opinion.

This is clearly a humiliation to himself and others!

It just doesn't make sense!


The situation is stronger than people, so what if you are angry? He could only hold back his anger and gritted his teeth, otherwise with his temper, he might have rushed to kill someone.

Now I can only pretend that I didn't hear it, and sulking alone in place.

However, Captain Demon secretly vowed in his heart that in the future, the Guangming Cult will definitely pay a thousand times the painful price for today's shame!


Master Shengzi nodded in understanding.

Then he pursed his lips and said, "A guy who relies on external force to barely support his face is not justified, Joan of Arc, what do you say now?"

"Do you want to kill all these guys in one go?"


See, this is called high EQ.

If it were an ordinary guy, he would definitely say, do you want me to vent your anger on you or something, so as to win the favor of the beautiful woman. But this will inevitably make the beauty a little ugly, and feel that the strength is not as good as the other party.

As a result, the Holy Son didn't do this at all.

Instead, he directly stood from the perspective of the overall situation and asked for Joan's opinion on whether to kill all these enemies.

Although the main purpose is the same, it sounds much more comfortable.

This is not.

Jeanne laughed immediately when she heard that.

"Do the best of nature!"

"After all, their four teams have already joined forces to deal with us. Now that things are up, there's no need to hide any more."

"Since it happened today, let's decide the result in advance."


Joan's meaning is simple.

If you want to fight, you have to fight. For the Guangming Cult, the sooner you finish the mission, the better.


Her eyes fell on Bai Xiaofei.

However, it only stayed for a moment, and then it was placed on Captain Devil, Hades, Old Sun and Gus.


Joan of Arc also knew that she was no match for Bai Xiaofei.

If it is really going to be carried out in an all-round way, this tricky guy can only be handed over to Lord Shengzi to solve it, and she herself is mainly responsible for dealing with the great leaders of the alliance.

If this is impossible.

after all.

The three of Yi and Hua are still recovering from their wounds, and Galma is in charge of the treatment.

Apart from them, the Guangming Cult has no more younger brothers at all, so they can only take the lead in person.

As for how many people can stay, it doesn't matter.


The so-called four-team alliance was completely ruined today. With the appearance of Lord Shengzi, their plot completely failed.

He even put himself in an extremely dangerous situation.

The situation reversed instantly.

The hunter becomes the hunted!


Feeling Joan's undisguised, cold and stern gaze full of murderous intent, Captain Demon and the others felt their backs suddenly, screaming inwardly.

Then one by one, they all looked at Bai Xiaofei involuntarily.

meaning is……

It's all up to you.

After all, their Infinity Gems are all on Bai Xiaofei.

At this moment, the people in each team can only place their hopes on Bai Xiaofei, as for other things?

Depend on!

How can I care about other things.

Run first and talk!


Captain Demon reacted the fastest.

After taking a deep look at Bai Xiaofei, he immediately turned around and ran away without saying a word. The younger players around him were also unwilling to lag behind.

They used their means one after another and fled quickly.

Others are no exception.


The old grandson of the Titans, as well as Gus, did not abandon his teammates. No matter how difficult the situation was, they didn't have any thought of escaping.

Standing unswervingly by Bai Xiaofei's side.

"Depend on!"

"A bunch of disloyal guys, even if they run for a while, can they still escape the punishment of the reincarnation space? Are you smart!"

"Haotian, don't be afraid, we are with you!"


Bai Xiaofei was moved by Lao Sun's words.

The so-called adversity sees the truth, at this time, if you can stand up and stay, then you will definitely treat Bai Xiaofei as your own person and friend.


They did this, but it made it difficult for Bai Xiaofei to operate.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but wryly smiled, and quickly winked and said: "I appreciate your kindness, but in this case, if you stay, it will only increase casualties, and may even drag me down, so you should leave quickly!"

"If I'm the only one left, there's no danger. After all, I'm very strong. It's not so easy for them to keep me!"


Lao Sun and Gerston were stunned.

Depend on!

To say that we are a burden?

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

At the very least, they don't think they are Joan of Arc, or the opponent of the Holy Son. If they are caught by the other party, they will use them to threaten Haotian...


That would really be a burden.

With that in mind.

The two stopped hesitating immediately, and gave Bai Xiaofei a "be careful yourself, we'll wait for you to come back!" look in the eyes, and left the scene quickly.

It's not that the Guangming Cult doesn't want to chase.

But at the very first moment, Bai Xiaofei used the power of the infinite gems to completely seal the space they were in.

When they break the seal, Bai Xiaofei can only be blamed here.


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