The Storm God

Chapter 4197 Get up! (Please subscribe!)

"It's a bit difficult!"

In the small world, Bai Xiaofei immediately entered his own sea of ​​consciousness. Facing the not-so-large-scale but extremely hard and tough spiritual power of Lord Son of God, Bai Xiaofei immediately felt a headache.

If the spiritual power of his state is like ordinary sea water, then the spiritual power of Lord Shengzi at this moment is the super black ice that has been frozen for countless billions of years.

Wanna melt it all down and always be a part of myself

The difficulty can be imagined.


No matter how difficult it is, Bai Xiaofei will not give up.

After a little research, I found that with my current state and strength, I am afraid that it will not be possible for ten or eight years to melt and absorb the spiritual power of Lord Shengzi.

Bai Xiaofei completely gave up on this plan.

Instead, he started reverse thinking and reasoning: "Since it can't be melted, what if I freeze all my spiritual power into black ice?"

"Is this considered assimilation in disguise?"

"Try it!"

Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Once he had an idea, he immediately started to act, and directly carried out an in-depth and extremely confident research on the "Xuan Bing" of Lord Shengzi.

Whenever he finds a clue, a clue, or something unusual, he will use his own spiritual power as an experimental subject to carry out corresponding transformations.

Although in the process, there were many failures, which caused Bai Xiaofei's mental power to be extremely depleted, and even had a little problem.

But fortunately.

Bai Xiaofei who has a complete set of infinite gem sequences is equivalent to having a super artifact of infinite cheating. If he breaks it, he can use the power of the gems to give himself a shot.

Instant recovery to the original ah there is no wood there!


Keep going!

That's it, I don't know how long it has been.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there is no concept of time, maybe ten thousand years have passed, or it may be a longer time

In short.

some moment.

Bai Xiaofei finally found a crucial clue.

Then, his mental power experiment finally ushered in a complete qualitative change. Visible to the naked eye, a part of Bai Xiaofei's mental power actually turned into "Xuan Bing!"

Although the fineness and sturdiness were far inferior to those of Lord Shengzi, Bai Xiaofei succeeded in the end.


"It's finally a success. The next step is batch copying and advanced improvement experiments. Once it succeeds, hehe"

"Little boy, your days are coming to an end!"


Bai Xiaofei was extremely excited.

Then without stopping, he immediately started further research and experiments, striving to turn all his spiritual power into "Xuanbing" as soon as possible, and further improve it.

Once there are some results, it will be used to try to assimilate and integrate the "Xuanbing" spiritual power of Lord Shengzi.

If you fail, try again, and if you make progress, conduct further research.

Time is a play here.


Bai Xiaofei's mental strength has already exceeded one-third, and all of it has turned into "Xuanbing", and it has also caused some qualitative changes.

It seems that the quantitative change caused some kind of special reaction.

Even if Bai Xiaofei stops experimenting and moving, the rest of his mental power will slowly freeze and condense under the influence of this third of the "Xuanbing".

All this seems to indicate that Bai Xiaofei's mental strength has ushered in a transformation, but unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei didn't realize this.

All his energy and attention are devoted to the research and experiments on the spiritual power of Master Shengzi "Xuan Bing", and he has completely turned into a scientific madman.

And at the same time.

outside world.

The members of the alliance team did not gather again after they escaped, as if they were afraid of being wiped out by the members of the Guangming Cult.

All connections are made with Samsara watches.

And what they are most concerned about at the moment is undoubtedly the life and death of Sword Immortal Haotian, after all, the Infinity Stones of the third team are still in Bai Xiaofei's hands.

That is.

What they really care about is not Bai Xiaofei's life or death, but the ownership of the Infinity Stones.

If it is still in Bai Xiaofei's hands, then naturally everything is easy to talk about.


The problem is bigger.

The Light Cult already possessed two infinite gems, if they snatched the three infinite gems from Bai Xiaofei's hand,


That's five pieces collected!

With only one shot, the task of the second stage of the team battle can be completely completed, and everyone in the rest of the team will be sentenced to death.

Who can stand this.

"don’t worry!"

Team Titans still have confidence in Bai Xiaofei. Seeing that everyone is asking about Bai Xiaofei (Infinity Gems), everyone is very calm: "Brother Haotian is very strong!"

"You have also seen it before. It is as strong as Joan of Arc, and it was almost wiped out by Brother Haotian. Even if the opponent has a lot of people, it will be fine if Brother Haotian loses!"

"Without me waiting as a drag, brother Haotian wants to run, but the other party will not be able to stop him, so you don't have to worry."

"Let's think about what to do in the future!"


With such a tone, you don't need to think about it, you know that the cliff is the old grandson.

And Lao Sun's answer immediately brought everyone back to their senses, yes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, with Haotian's strength, even if he can't beat the opponent, no one can easily stop him if he wants to run of.

On the contrary, I and others are not strong enough, and I don't have infinite gems as a hole card in my hand, as well as strength bonuses.

If the guys from the Guangming Cult came to attack us while Haotian was away, how should we deal with it?

It would be fine if it was an ordinary guy, but if it was Joan of Arc, or some other holy son, none of them could be their opponents.

Is it possible that at that time, they can only be killed?

What a joke!


Everyone fell silent immediately.

Everyone's brains were spinning quickly, but they couldn't think of any good solution at all.

at last

It was the old grandson who stood up.

He made a speech and said: "Everyone, since you don't have any good solutions, you might as well listen to me."


Hearing this, everyone looked at Lao Sun curiously: "Do you have a solution?"

"It can't be regarded as a solution."

Old Sun shrugged helplessly, and explained: "In terms of strength, we are definitely not the opponents of the Guangming Cult. If we are tough, we can only lose!"

"However, it is not that we have no chance of winning, but it will take some time, as long as our captain can successfully break through"

"At that time, we will have two ultimate masters here, almost the same as the Guangming Cult in terms of high-end combat power!"

"Even if it is slightly inferior, it is estimated that the difference will not be too much, and in terms of other combat power, we have the advantage."


After some speeches.

Everyone suddenly realized.


The captain of the Titans, the Dragon King, is making a breakthrough in seclusion. Once he succeeds, he will be a master in the Venerable Realm, just like Joan of Arc and the Son of God.

Even if he has just broken through, his combat power is not as good as that of the opponent, at least he is much stronger than himself and others, plus the power of infinite gems as a bonus

It is always no problem to resist a few waves of attacks without seeking to defeat the opponent.

And Sword Immortal Haotian is not bad either.

The combination of the two, in theory, can definitely resist Joan of Arc and the Holy Son, and besides their two top experts, there are only two elite angels, Yi Hehua and Galmar, and two ordinary angels left in the Guangming Church. Fourteen Winged Angels.

In terms of numbers, I and others still have the upper hand!

Afraid of a ball!


The premise is that in the recent period of time, you must get up first.

After all, the members of the Guangming Cult are not fools or idiots, and they must be able to think of the key point. To be on the safe side, they must preemptively try to defeat them one by one, and completely destroy the alliance!

They must not be allowed to succeed!

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