The Storm God

Chapter 4198 A clue! (Please subscribe!)


"We all listen to you. During the recent period, if you don't do anything, you are just a dog. We will never give the Guangming Church any chance!"

"Although we are no match for them, if we talk about running away and hiding, hehe, even the Light Religion can't find us easily!"

"Then let's do this first, and we'll contact you later."

"Wish ya'll good luck!"


Lao Sun's proposal was approved by everyone.

Afterwards, these people were also very straightforward. After explaining some things, they all went offline and were ready to start fighting.

no way.

The Light Cult is too strong.

If it is targeted, it will be miserable, and no one wants to die.

for a while.

Everyone started to act.

Including the Titans.


Their movements were much smaller, because at the beginning, the Dragon King retreated and chose an extremely secret place.

This place of ignorance is now just a decoration.

Lao Sun and the others are not stupid enough to go back here, waiting to be blocked by the Guangming Cult. Besides here, they also have other secret strongholds.

before leaving.

The old grandson sent a message to Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation wristwatch: "I have already left. If there is an emergency, I will contact you. Before the Dragon King leaves the customs, everything will be dominated by dogs."

It's a pity that at this time, Bai Xiaofei is studying the spiritual power of Lord Shengzi in his own small world, and is undergoing self-transformation.

So no information was received.


It doesn't matter if it's confiscated or not, anyway, Bai Xiaofei won't be able to come out in a short period of time, unless he is promoted and made a breakthrough in advance.

And the other side.

Sure enough, the Guangming Cult did not disappoint everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a devastating attack was launched on the strongholds of each team. No matter whether people were stationed or not, it was a super powerful and large-scale killing move directly.

But apart from killing innocent people indiscriminately and bringing the planet to the brink of death and destruction, there is no real benefit at all.

The people in each team had already run away.

No one is stupid enough to wait for them to block themselves!


"This cunning rat has no other skills. It is a thief to escape and hide. It seems that this time it was a waste of time..."

"It's so depressing!"


Yi Hehua frowned, with an ugly expression on his face.

This was the fourth attack he had been ordered to pursue the enemy, but the result was the same as before, still nothing.

Can't help but make him feel very irritable.

no doubt.

If you go back like this, you will definitely be angered by Lord Shengzi, although you can't blame him for this kind of thing...

But who cares?


"Go to the next target location, the Titans' ignorance place!"

"I don't believe you can't find anything!"


A group of people turned and left.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived at the Skull's Ignorance Land.

And this time.

Yi Hehua attacked without coming up.

They restrained their aura and form, disguised themselves as passers-by, and entered the land of ignorance. Obviously, they wanted to use this method to make indirect remarks and see if they could get some useful information from some people.

after all.

The previous behavior has fully proved that recklessness will not work.

Can't get any useful results.

Not to mention...

With this sudden change of mind, Yi and Hua got some clues about the action of the Titans in the ignorance.

Although these clues are very vague and can't even be counted as a rough idea, it's better than nothing, right?

At the very least, with these, Yi Hehua can go back to work.


In the resident of the Illuminati Mission.

The Son of God sat on the throne with a displeased face, next to Joan of Arc, and there was only one Galma serving him.

the rest of the people...

All right.

In fact, there are not many redundant people in the current Guangming Church. Besides them, it was Yi Hehua's three-person team.

Among them, Yi and Hua are the weakest. So the hard work of running errands and finding people naturally fell on them.


Inside the residence, Lord Shengzi looked at the empty hall, and the anger in his heart couldn't help but grow stronger: "Damn it, our Guangming Church has never suffered such a big loss, this is simply a shame!"


Joan was silent.

She couldn't answer this question, because strictly speaking, she, the nominal captain, still had to bear the main responsibility.

Lord Shengzi is in a fit of anger right now, so let him say whatever he wants.

Even if he didn't say it, Joan would still feel extremely guilty, because it was her judgment and leadership mistakes that caused all this to happen.

However, Galmar under his command didn't think so.

he thinks……

This is not Lord Jeanne's fault.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lord Jeanne's decision. The reason why it turned out like this is that the sword fairy Haotian is the culprit!

Without him, the Titans would not have become so strong, which led to other teams, for the sake of the overall situation, had to join forces to deal with the Light Cult.

if not.

Based on the urgency of those team members, it is impossible to cooperate so smoothly.

With that in mind.

Galma immediately said: "Master Shengzi, I think our top priority now is to find that sword fairy Haotian..."

"As long as he is around, our threats will always be there, like members of other teams, there is nothing to be afraid of!"


He could see it.

It's a pity that Bai Xiaofei is better than everyone in the fourth team when it comes to escaping and hiding skills, and he can be regarded as a member of the Guangming Cult who can find him.

"Of course I know that!"

Lord Shengzi frowned, and said depressedly: "But that kid is so good at hiding, even if I use the power of the space gem, I can't find any clues!"

"It's as if the whole person disappeared out of thin air..."

"This is outrageous!"


Speaking of which.

Master Shengzi's face couldn't help but become even uglier.

You know, with his realm and strength, coupled with the power of the space gem, he can almost sweep across most of the space range of the Marvel Universe.

Even so, he still couldn't find any clues or hiding traces of Bai Xiaofei, which made Lord Shengzi wonder whether he was too weak or the other party was too strong.

How did that happen?

It's so unscientific!

At this moment.

The space flickered and the golden light dazzled, and Yi and Hua, who had gone out to carry out the mission, returned to the station.

When Master Shengzi saw Yi and Hua come back, he immediately regained his spirits, and hurriedly asked, "How is it? Have you found any clues?"

"A little."

Yi Hehua didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly told the two adults the news he heard from Wuzhidi:

"Those people are too cunning, but the local aborigines are not built. Even though the Titans have been very careful, some people still noticed something."

"Judging from these contents, I suspect that Dragon King, the captain of Team Titans, may be breaking through to the Emperor Realm, otherwise he would not leave early, and he didn't even participate in the previous battle!"

"As for the place where he retreated, I don't know about it. I only know that it is probably in the western region of the universe."

"Master Shengzi, there is only so much we can find out."

"The rest of the clues..."


He didn't have the nerve to say the latter words.

When Master Shengzi heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that the three angels, Yi and Hua, had only brought back such a few clues after going out for so long.

His face didn't change, and he was about to say something.

At this moment.

Joan of Arc suddenly said: "Okay, we know, the members of those teams are not idiots. They knew that their strength was not as good as ours, so naturally they wouldn't stay where they were and wait to be slaughtered. They probably ran away long ago."

Obviously trying to excuse Yi and Hua.


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