The Storm God

Chapter 4199 Continue to evolve! (Please subscribe!)


Upon hearing the words, Lord Shengzi snorted displeasedly, and said, "Forget it this time, with Joan speaking for you, I will not hold you accountable."

"If it happens again next time, you all know the consequences!"

"Thank you, Lord Son, for your forgiveness!" The three of Yi and Hua immediately saluted as if they had been pardoned, and said, "Thank you, Lord Joan!"

"You have worked hard, go down and rest first."

Joan waved her hand, and ordered Yi and Hua to leave first. The three did not dare to stay, and immediately took orders to leave.

in the hall.

It returned to the way it was before.

However, this time, the atmosphere was slightly different.

Lord Shengzi frowned even tighter than before: "The Dragon King of the Titans? I have heard of this guy. It is rumored that he has a special dragon bloodline, and his potential cannot be ignored. with such achievements”

"Unexpectedly, this team battle mission allowed him to find an opportunity to break through the Emperor Realm. If he succeeds in breaking through and becoming a strong expert in the Venerable Realm like you and me, then it will be troublesome!"

Speaking of which.

The Holy Son couldn't help looking at Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc nodded, and responded: "That's right, if there is only one Sword Immortal Haotian, we can still have a great advantage. If the Dragon King succeeds in breaking through, then our advantage will be greatly reduced."

"Even if there is nothing left, it is not yet known. After all, in terms of numbers, we are very inferior. The key is that the opponent still has infinite gems that are multiples of ours."

"To be on the safe side, it's best to destroy the Dragon King's breakthrough!"


Joan finally spoke her mind.

Master Shengzi spread his hands and said: "Of course I know this, but the key is, where can I find the Dragon King? His hiding ability is not inferior to that boy Haotian. Anyway, I can't find any clues."

before that.

He did not do much searching in the universe.

But it's a pity that no matter how hard Master Shengzi tried, and the power to activate the space gem, there was no trace of any opponent.

no way.

Although the infinite gems are awesome, they are not complete after all.

As a result, the current Lord Son of God can only borrow part of the power, and cannot conduct a comprehensive and thorough search.


Not to mention the six infinite gems, even if there is one more soul gem in his hand, Lord Shengzi is absolutely confident that he can find out where the enemy is.

After all, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they can't hide their own soul breath. Coupled with the power of the mind and the power of space, no matter how powerful you are, there will be nothing to hide.

But unfortunately, there is no if in reality.

Only one soul gem is missing, and the search ability of Lord Shengzi has been greatly reduced. The gap is the same as a single infinite gem and a whole set of infinite gem sequences.

There is a world of difference between the two, and they cannot be compared in the same day.

Even with the little clue provided by Yi and Hua, the whole universe is too huge after all.

Especially here is the world of the Marvel Universe.

Wanting to find someone's hidden trace from a cosmic direction is simply looking for a needle in a haystack. Not to mention impossible, but at least it is impossible to do it in a short period of time.

When you find it, it is estimated that the day lily is completely cool.

"Don't worry!"

Joan of Arc laughed.

There was a trace of confidence on her beautiful face, and she said leisurely: "The Dragon King's hidden ability is indeed very strong, but there is one thing he doesn't know, that is, when he is about to break through the realm of the venerable From time to time, there will be a terrifying energy fluctuation that cannot be suppressed, erupting from the body."

"That power is used to interact with the way of heaven and the great way of the outside world, so as to prove the way of the great way. It is unstoppable and cannot be hidden. Any means will be in vain at that time!"

"You just need to sense its exact approximate location at that time, and then we will carry out a carpet-like sweep of that area, and we won't have to worry about finding the hiding place of the Dragon King!"

"And at that time, the strength of the Dragon King will also be due to a special period, and he will not be able to use his own strength."

"This is our perfect time!"


Speaking of which.

Master Shengzi's eyes lit up immediately, and he said pleasantly: "Yes! How could I have forgotten this, hahaha In this way, we will be able to secure the victory and completely crush all other opponents!"

The previous haze and unhappiness were instantly forgotten by him.

Joan of Arc shook her head when she heard the words, and said, "No! Before that, we have to make sure that Sword Immortal Haotian and other members of the team will not cause us any trouble."

"The Dragon King's flaw is only at that special moment. Once we are disturbed, we miss the opportunity, and we may be the ones who will be liquidated."


Said here.

Joan of Arc turned to look at Galma, and ordered: "Galma, you don't have to follow us for a short time, and act with Yihehua and the others."


Galmar responded.

Then he turned and left, disappearing into the hall.

Joan of Arc looked at Lord Son again, and said a little embarrassedly: "Master Son, my strength is still a little weaker after all, so I want to use the power of infinite gems to improve my realm as much as possible."


Master Shengzi is also refreshing.

Hearing this, he immediately took off the soul gem from the crown on his head very simply, and handed it to Joan of Arc: "Just take it and use it. If you don't understand or have doubts, you can come to me at any time."


Joan took the Mind Stone, turned and left.

Like Lord Shengzi, she also came to the previous retreat, ready to improve herself.

She secretly swore that when she met Sword Immortal Haotian again, she would definitely avenge her shame and defeat him fiercely!

that's all.

Time passed slowly.

With the seclusion and retreat of several major foreign forces, the Marvel Universe finally ushered in a short period of peace after experiencing a series of catastrophes.

And in the small world.

At a certain moment on a certain day, Bai Xiaofei was concentrating on researching, but suddenly discovered that his spiritual power, at some point, had all turned into "Xuan Bing!"

"When did this happen?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed.


"That's good, it saves me a lot of fuss. Now that they have all turned into 'Xuanbing', I can proceed to the next step."

"Master Shengzi, I don't believe you can hold on!"


This moment.

Compared with the previous time, the spiritual power of Master Shengzi has undergone some obvious changes. The "Xuanbing" that was originally perfect is now like cheese, with holes that have been eaten all over the body. Incomparably miserable.

And all of these are naturally due to Bai Xiaofei.

As long as there is some progress in the experiment, he will use Master Shengzi to practice, and over time, the accumulation will make more, and he will make Master Shengzi's "Xuanbing" look like this.

during this process.

Bai Xiaofei's harvest is also quite huge.

Otherwise, his spiritual power would not have all turned into "ice cubes" so quickly, and he was continuing to evolve towards the realm of "mysterious ice".

This means that Bai Xiaofei has discovered the mystery of his spiritual power, and is undergoing a special transformation that is almost qualitative.

When all his spiritual power is completely melted into black ice, it means that Bai Xiaofei has succeeded completely, and there will be no place for the Holy Son, and he will be completely assimilated and absorbed by Bai Xiaofei, making it a part of his own power .

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