The Storm God

Chapter 4201 I'm all going on! (Please subscribe!)

With the advancement of Bai Xiaofei's strength, his small world also undergoes indescribable and special changes at the same time.

The most obvious feature is that its scale is increasing at an astonishing rate. Compared with the past, it is almost dozens of times larger.

Not only that.

In terms of world rules, it has also become more stable and tough.

For example.


Players of the same level as Morpheus, the God of Dreams, are one or two smaller realms stronger than Bai Xiaofei in terms of strength. As long as they can find a loophole in the small world, they can force their way into it.

This is because Bai Xiaofei's small world, the barriers of the world's rules, are not strong enough, just like eggs, when encountering stronger existences, they can only be broken.

But now it's different.

Bai Xiaofei's small world, the barriers of world rules, have undergone serious qualitative changes and metamorphosis with his promotion.

Directly from the original egg, it became a dragon egg!

The gap between the two can be imagined.


Let alone a player of the same level as Bai Xiaofei, but a player of a different realm, even if a player stronger than this came, he would never want to invade Bai Xiaofei's small world.

Because, Bai Xiaofei's breakthrough is different from other monks, it combines many elements, and the most important one is the incomplete avenue stele.

This means that Bai Xiaofei's path to breakthrough and promotion is the most pure and correct path, which is completely different from other people's path that they groped and walked out by themselves.

There is an essential difference between the two sides.

Naturally speaking, Bai Xiaofei's small world and the barriers of world rules have an absolute advantage over ordinary high-level players of the same level.

for example.

Let's just say Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing".

Since ancient times, Bodhidharma has been the only one who can really practice it. Are the people of later generations not qualified enough?


It's because most of the "Yi Jin Jing" that was circulated later was incomplete, and it was even a version that was changed by the previous people after a misunderstanding.

As the saying goes: "Truly pass on a word, falsely pass on thousands of books!"

This is the truth.

The same piece of article, viewed by different people, will have different understanding and cognitive angles, resulting in completely different consequences.

If the people of later generations are exposed to this kind of thing, it will naturally be impossible to reach, or even approach the level of Bodhidharma.

Guy because from the very beginning, they were on the wrong track.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

The stone stele of the Great Dao he obtained is actually the real version of "Yi Jin Jing". Although it is incomplete, it is not comparable to the translated version annotated by others.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's accumulation, it is extremely rich.

as well as……

It is also the spiritual power of Master Shengzi who is also in the realm of the Venerable Realm as the guide, and everything combined has caused Bai Xiaofei to easily and smoothly break through the mirror now.

in comparison.

Bai Xiaofei's canal is like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River that go straight to the vast ocean, it is a serious main river, and it is definitely not comparable to other people's small tributaries.

The difference between the two sides is.

Others are veterans who have been in the sea for a long time and have opened up their own waterway; while Bai Xiaofei is a newcomer who has just entered the sea.

Compared with those senior sea birds who have already made great achievements and great influence, Bai Xiaofei may not have any advantages.

But if he is facing a player who has just entered the sea like him and is still in the entrepreneurial stage, then Bai Xiaofei's advantage will be great.

It's like ordinary people carrying three to five hundred yuan to go wandering in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but Bai Xiaofei is directly possessed by Principal Wang.

The starting point of the two sides is definitely a world of difference.

And all this.

The root cause lies in the avenue stele!

After figuring out the key points, Bai Xiaofei immediately became full of confidence in his own strength: "Hehe, although I started a bit late, my buddy, you have a solid capital, and you will have a king's welfare when you get started!"

"Jeanne, Lord Son, everyone is now at the same level, and I still have several sets of infinite stone sequences in my hand..."

"Next, I want to see, how do you still fight with me?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Afterwards, he quit the rapidly changing small world and returned to the world of the Marvel universe, and the reincarnation watch immediately reminded him that he had 9999+ unread messages.


"Unexpectedly, so much time has passed, and there are less than three days left, and it should be the settlement date for the second phase of the reincarnation space team battle mission."

"It is estimated that all the teams are impatient, right?"

"The Dragon King is about to break through!"


Bai Xiaofei flipped through the information while thinking about the changes in the current situation.


He understood everything.

Whether it is the "Gou Project" of the four teams, or the huge fluctuations and dangers caused by the Dragon King's imminent breakthrough.

Bai Xiaofei knew everything.


His expression changed.

Without further ado, he immediately rushed towards the location coordinates given by Lao Sun.


at the same time.

Near the star field where the Dragon King retreated and broke through.

The members of the Order of Light are fighting against the four-team alliance. No, it's not so much a confrontation as a one-sided crushing.

As for the crusher, there is no doubt that it is naturally the Guangming Cult, which is clearly superior in high-end combat power. After all, there is not a single one in the four-team alliance that can fight.

That is to say, there are more people.

Change to normal.

With the pissing nature of the Illumination Order, maybe they will play a game of cat and mouse with the four-team alliance, but it is different now.

It has already reached the end of the settlement of the second stage of the team battle mission, and the Dragon King is about to successfully break through the realm of the Venerable Realm, so they will naturally not ink with each other.

Angels like Yi Hehua had no chance to make a move at all.

Stand by and watch the show the whole time.


None of them did anything.

Lord Shengzi said that he would clean up the rubbish himself!


Master Shengzi began to pretend.

He alone directly crushed all the players in the four-team alliance, and he still crushed with absolute superiority and violence!

In less than a moment, the four-team alliance hadn't touched Lord Shengzi's clothes, and some of them were completely dying, even dying, and they were about to die.

no way.

The strength gap between the two sides is too terrifying!

Just like a group of chicks, facing a king eagle, no matter how many they have, they can't do anything, it's basically just delivering food!

"I'll say it again, get the hell out of here!"

Lord Shengzi frowned slightly, looking at the members of the four-team alliance who stood in front of him even if he was seriously injured, his eyes soared with murderous intent, and he shouted angrily: "Otherwise, I don't mind sending you away now!" die!"

The voice did not fall.

The terrifying momentum, accompanied by an extremely violent impact, rushed straight to the crowd.

Lao Sun and the others were so shocked that they vomited blood in an instant, retreated thousands of kilometers, and some of the weaker ones even passed out on the spot, completely losing their combat power.

But even so, they still didn't flinch in the slightest.

All stood in front of the Son again.

"Want to go?"

"It's not that easy, even if it's death, we will be your stumbling block!"

"If you have any skills, use them all!"

"I'll follow along!"



At this moment, for the sake of their own future, everyone in the four-team alliance has risked everything, and there is no distinction between teams and factions.

at this time.

They have only one belief - to block the Order of Light!


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