The Storm God

Chapter 4202 Try me instead! (Please subscribe!)


"Okay, very good! Since you are all so anxious to die, then the Holy Son will fulfill you first today..."

"Before killing the Dragon King, kill you bastards first!"

"Supernova explosion!"


Master Shengzi was angry.

Seeing that Captain Devil and others are so stubborn and unrepentant, still blocking his way, he shouted angrily, and his shot was a super kill.


The starry sky was suddenly illuminated.

A terrifying light ball energy with a diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers was condensed by the Holy Son, like the sun, and smashed towards the captain of the devil.

The sun contains infinite power of light.

Not to mention the effect of such a large-scale energy group hitting the body, just being illuminated by this terrifying light is an extremely terrifying attack.

And among them...

The most obvious restraint by the power of light is undoubtedly the demons of the abyss.

There is no way, who let their power just restrain each other with the power of light. At this moment, the strong will win and the weak will be restrained.

Visible to the naked eye, the devil captain's demonized state began to fade in an instant, and the level of strength also dropped from the top peak to the original normal state.

Not only that.

The terrifying power of light even suppressed him extremely strongly. If he can exert two or three out of ten of his own strength, it is already very good.

And at this level, it is absolutely impossible to protect themselves in front of the supernova. Suddenly, the demons of the abyss couldn't help showing a look of despair.

"Damn it!"

"Is this the end?"

"I'm not reconciled!"


The demon captain shouted frantically in his heart.

And this time.

Lao Sun and the others from the Titans, and even Hades from the Reaper, stood in front of the Abyss Demon and the others.

"Stand back!"

"Let us resist this wave of attacks, take the opportunity to recover quickly!"

"Don't give up hope!"


Of course they don't mean well.

It's for myself, after all, we're all on the same boat now, and everyone with a healthy mind understands the truth.

Naturally, it is impossible to watch the abyssal demons being killed.

at the same time.

To cope with Son's supernova.

Everyone also used their unique moves and powers, because they all knew that if they didn't explode at this time, only death awaited them.

The old grandson turned into a terrifying titan giant ape, with a dharma-like body, a huge Wupeng, comparable to a star, and swung the stick in his hand to the supernova with all his strength.

Gus turned into an interstellar Godzilla, roared to the sky, and exhaled particles from his mouth, terrifying and powerful, as if he didn't need money, became the vanguard and mainstay of resisting the supernova, and was the first to meet the supernova.


His strength is too bad.

Gus's particle exhalation sprayed on the supernova, as if a small stream of water had been poured on the moon, and it had almost no effect.

On the other hand, he himself suffered a terrifying backlash in an instant.

Just for a moment.

On Guspi's rough and thick animal body, countless bruises were cracked, blood was overflowing, and scales were flying, but even so, he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating or giving up, and he still stubbornly sprayed particles. .


Hades, the captain of the Death God, re-morphed into the appearance of the Skeleton Emperor, with a long skeleton sword in his hand, which grows against the wind, like a galaxy, wrapped in endless power of death, aging, and decay, symbolizing darkness, blatantly Slashed towards the supernova.

During the chopping process, the power on the skeleton sword seemed to be evaporated and purified by the ultra-high temperature light power, and endless smoke and dust quickly filled the air, as well as billowing howls and screams.

Even the skeleton sword itself showed dense fragmentation marks.

But even so, Hades didn't hesitate at all, and still exhausted all his strength, and slashed up with his sword.


When the skeleton sword finally managed to slash on the supernova, the body of the sword was no longer satisfied with the glory of the past, and it looked like a tattered piece.

The many powers contained above were almost purified and evaporated by 70% to 80%.

However, there were still some tenacious ones who survived, and when the big sword hit the supernova, they erupted collectively in an instant.

It was as if drops of ink had suddenly poured into the water tank.


In some areas of the surface of the entire gigantic supernova, some blackness visible to the naked eye immediately appeared.

The darkness is like a virus, spreading rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a large area was eroded, and parts of the supernova were completely blackened, decayed, and finally turned into nothingness.

From a distance, it seems as if a piece of the dark void has been bitten off with its bloody mouth open, the effect is extremely shocking and astonishing.

And this time.

Lao Sun's giant stick was also drawn immediately after.

The giant stick hit Hades's skeleton long sword heavily, and the latter couldn't bear the internal and external pincers of the two forces immediately, and finally exploded completely.


Countless fragments of the long sword turned into countless sharp blades in an instant, and were carried by terrifying power, frantically pouring into the inner field of the supernova.

Visible to the naked eye, the incomparably radiant supernova became darker and darker, and even some areas inside began to appear slightly darker.


Those are the credits of the skeleton long sword.

At the cost of his own life, in exchange for the supernova's injury, Hades and others ushered in a respite.

Sensing the weakening of the power of the supernova, Gerston seized the opportunity and burst out suddenly. The particle exhalation from his mouth suddenly enlarged and thickened, like a shocking torrent, and suddenly bombarded away.

next moment.

The supernova, which was attacked by a chain of internal and external forces, finally couldn't bear the brilliance of so many forces. It was like a ping pong ball pierced by a laser gun, and it was directly blasted to the core.

follow closely……


The supernova completely exploded.

The incomparably terrifying explosion formed an energy shock that swept across the audience in an instant.

Poor Hades and the others, who were almost exhausted, had no chance to react at all, and were directly submerged by the huge wave.

On the other hand, on the side of the Guangming Cult, Master Shengzi just waved his hand with a sneer, and a huge and incomparable holy light shield appeared in front of him, blocking and offsetting the terrifying shock wave caused by the supernova explosion in an instant.

next moment.

The energy aftermath dissipated.

The people on the side of the Guangming Cult have nothing to do with it.

However, everyone in the four-team alliance felt as if they had been ravaged by a natural disaster and a flood at this moment. Their personnel were torn apart, and some of them could not even be found.

The people standing in front of the Light Cult almost completely disappeared.

There are only space wormholes torn apart by terrorist explosions, and terrifying space-time storm turbulence escaping.

But under the restoration of the barriers of the world rules, these are being repaired rapidly, and the visible to the naked eye is rapidly shrinking until it disappears completely.

And until now.

Everyone in the four-team alliance still hasn't recovered.

Even the strongest captain-level players, such as Captain Devil and Hades, have only barely regained their sanity.

But each of them was seriously injured, unable to fight any more.

At this time, they could only watch the Holy Son and others of the Guangming Cult, smiling proudly and arrogantly, and flying towards the alien space where the Dragon King retreated in front of them.

While walking, Master Shengzi issued a speech declaration of the winner: "Here, don't say I don't give you a chance, are you here to stop me now? I'm waiting!"

"If you don't come, then we will rush in!"

"Are you really not going to try again?"


That way, it's too much to be beaten to the extreme.

It's a pity that on the side of the four-team alliance, although everyone was gnashing their teeth in anger, wishing to tear him into pieces, everyone was hurt too deeply.

Almost everyone is so angry that they can't get up again.

Apart from exuding endless anger and murderous intent with his eyes, as well as deep unwillingness, he couldn't do anything else.

And at this critical moment of life and death.

"Master Shengzi..." A familiar voice suddenly came from the void: "Why don't you try me instead?"


The space is open.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar figure jumped out of it.

The person who came was Bai Xiaofei!


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