The Storm God

Chapter 4204 One Qi Transforms Three Cleans! (Please subscribe!)

the other side.

Lord Shengzi also started a confrontation with Bai Xiaofei.

To be honest, if possible, Shengzi would not want to do it himself, but who would let these subordinates around him not have enough strength.

I went to deliver food.

no way.

He can only go up by himself.


The four subordinates, Yi Hehua and Galma, naturally wouldn't be idle, watching the show foolishly.

Although they can't deal with this extremely ferocious Sword Immortal Haotian, they can bully those semi-disabled members of the four-team alliance.

If one can be reduced, the resistance of the Order of Light will be reduced.

As for taking advantage of Bai Xiaofei being held back by the two adults, rushing into the alien space by himself to destroy the Dragon King's breakthrough


They dare not even think about such a thing.

After all, no matter how bad the Dragon King is, it's not something they can compete with, and if it affects the whole body, it will definitely arouse Bai Xiaofei's killing intent at that time.

Yi and Hua are not stupid.


I can only obediently put my mind on the members of the four-team alliance.

And if you want to say, among these people, who Yi and Hua hate the most, there is no doubt that it must be the abyss demon, the old enemy of the Guangming Cult.

at the same time

In a four-team league.

The Abyssal Demon is also the one with the most complete strength preservation and the most threatening, because most of the power of the previous supernova has been carried down by others.

Now that it's hard to find a leak, it is conceivable that Yi and Hua naturally want to find the abyss demon to avenge their old and new grudges together.

However, the abyssal demon is not easy to provoke.

Especially at this time.

Seeing that the four angels, Yi and Hua, set their minds on him, they all went all out, and they all took out their special skills to fight against the enemy.

for a while.

The two sides became a big group, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Regardless of the situation there.


Lord Shengzi squinted his eyes, while observing the depth of Bai Xiaofei's clone, while constantly releasing holy light, making probing attacks.

While dodging, Bai Xiaofei's avatar smiled and mocked: "Master Shengzi, this is not like your style."

"When I first saw you, didn't you attack very fiercely? Why are you becoming so sissy now? Could it be because you were afraid?"

"Are you afraid of me? Or are you afraid of the Lord Dragon King behind me?"

"Or are you afraid of both?"


The idea of ​​doubles is simple.

You dare not attack by force? That's just what I want, and I wish I could delay it a little longer.


Naturally, he wouldn't let the other party see it.

Therefore, he has been making provocative words, provoking Lord Shengzi, intending to arouse the other party's anger, not to make him do anything.

The main reason is to create a situation, I am not afraid of you at all, I have a hole card in my hand, I wish you could rush through

Such an illusion.

This is to confuse the Son of God, so as to delay more time.

at first.

Master Shengzi was indeed misled.

But with the passage of time, the Holy Son also quickly reacted. After realizing that he had been tricked, the Holy Son was furious:


"You actually dare to bully me? Very good! Haotian, right? You have successfully provoked me. Since you want to fight me so much, then the Holy Son will fulfill you today!"

"Xuanwu, come out!"


Master Shengzi was angry.

Seeing the time being wasted little by little, he immediately didn't care to keep it, and threw out a dozen special light spells with a raised hand.

The light talisman exploded out of thin air, instantly transforming into a white tiger with wings on its head and back, and launched a frenzied attack on Bai Xiaofei.

Although these white tigers look ordinary, their strength is extraordinary. They are the divine pets raised by God Lord Guangming himself, and each of them has the combat power no less than the early stage of the Venerable Realm.

The most important thing is that they also know how to attack together.

At least two, combined together, can form a special suppressive force with each other, causing extremely strong restrictions and restraints on the surrounding creatures within a certain range.

Even gravity and light cannot escape its influence.


There are more than a dozen Master Shengzi when he makes a move.

More than a dozen white tigers, with angel-like wings flashing, ran back and forth in the starry sky, forming a series of terrifying suppressive forces with each other, instantly putting huge pressure on Bai Xiaofei's clone.

"Sure enough, there is a hole card!"

Although Bai Xiaofei was relaxed on the surface, he was slightly shocked in his heart: "Good guy, these white tigers are all of the same level. Although they are not real creatures, they are just some illusory spirit bodies, but they cannot be tolerated." Look down!"

"I'm afraid that the real body of this white tiger must be some extremely powerful masters in the field of venerables. If not, I'm afraid I can't handle it either."

"But even so, the suppression of these spirit bodies alone is enough for me to drink a pot. It seems that Lord Shengzi is really in a hurry."

"So, is the Dragon King about to succeed?"


Bai Xiaofei hurriedly coped with the repeated siege of more than a dozen white tigers and the suppression of the suppressing force formed by the escaped formation.

At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the sneak attack of Lord Shengzi, but you may as well think about the current situation in your heart, and carry out analysis and judgment.


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei seemed to be in a bitter fight, Master Shengzi immediately sneered and said, "Haotian, my basaltic spirits are immortal, and the strength of each realm is similar to yours. If a dozen of them are united, even if they are Even those who are strong in the Venerable Realm in the mid-term can be trapped for a while."

"Just stay here and stay here. I still have important things to do, so I won't waste time with you here."

"The final victory must belong to our Bright Cult!"


After finishing speaking, he wanted to abandon Bai Xiaofei, turn around and leave.

Bai Xiaofei dodged to stop him, but more than a dozen spirits of the white tiger surrounded him heavily, and the wings flickered on his back, releasing a terrifying power of light.

A mysterious array of angels was formed in an instant.




The big formation is like a cage, and it is suppressed head-on.

at the same time.

Countless chains were formed out of thin air, and shot at Bai Xiaofei's body in unison, binding him within them. During this period, endless power of holy light, thunder, flames and other forces bombarded and suppressed Bai Xiaofei along the chains.

The power of these attacks is not low.

Even Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to resist easily, he could only quickly use his strength to block it with all his strength, lest his body be destroyed and completely fall into passivity.

at the same time

He also doesn't like to use the power of the Infinity Stone.

Modify reality!


The dozen or so white tigers are like indestructible rocks, no matter how violent the power of modification is, no matter how they are slapped and destroyed, they cannot be destroyed instantly.

Bai Xiaofei could only grit his teeth and continue to increase his strength.

And this time.

Master Shengzi has left the battlefield.

It directly crossed the starry sky that was unstopped and guarded, and invaded into the alien space where the Dragon King retreated and broke through.

The moment he entered.

Bai Xiaofei's avatar was able to use the strongest power to completely shatter the suppressing formation of more than a dozen white tigers.


Although the array is broken.

But the dozen or so white tigers did not die because of this.

Just like what the Holy Son said, these white tiger spirits are immortal, unless their will is wiped out, or the Holy Son withdraws his order. Otherwise, they will follow the orders and continue to besiege the target endlessly.

After Bai Xiaofei broke free from the shackles of the suppressing force, he didn't have the heart to take care of these white tigers at all, and immediately wanted to chase them to prevent the Son from disturbing the Dragon King's breakthrough.

Unfortunately, he was still one step too late after all.


after entering.

The Holy Son still set up a lot of holy light seals at the entrance of the alien space. Even Bai Xiaofei would have to spend some effort to break the seals and enter it.

However, there are more than a dozen undead white tiger spirits outside, chasing and harassing Bai Xiaofei relentlessly, it's really annoying to death.


"Is it still unstoppable? At this point, I can only manifest another avatar to help fight. I don't know if I can bear it now."

"I can't shut down so much anymore, one gas will transform the three into clean, Ning!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's angry shout.

At the scene, the terrifying power of the Great Dao suddenly erupted, sweeping the audience, and before everyone realized what was going on, another Bai Xiaofei appeared in front of everyone.

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