The Storm God

Chapter 4205 Extremely arrogant! (Please subscribe!)

"What's going on here?"

Seeing the appearance of the third Bai Xiaofei, almost everyone was dumbfounded. Not only the Light Cult, but also the four-team alliance.

after all

Everyone is not mediocre.

It can be seen at a glance that Bai Xiaofei, who suddenly appeared, is very terrifying, with extremely strong combat power, even far above himself.

If the one just now can be explained by avatars, then the one in front of them, everyone can't find a reason at all.


It's almost all fake.

At this moment, even Joan of Arc, who was fighting Bai Xiaofei, couldn't tell which one was the main body and which one was the avatar.

at the same time

The fear of Bai Xiaofei also deepened.

"Break it!"

However, Bai Xiaofei has no time to care what other people think. At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind——

Hurry up to break the barrier seal set by the Son of God, rush into the alien space where the Dragon King retreats and break through, and stop the Son of God!

Otherwise, once the Holy Son succeeds and destroys the promotion of the Dragon King, then things will be troublesome

The family knows their own affairs.

Don't look at Bai Xiaofei who sounds awesome now, but he is actually trying to hold on.

With his current level and strength, even if he can display a magical skill like Hei He, and possess the terrifying power of one against three, it will not last long.


The side effects afterwards are also quite large.

That is.

In this wave, if the promotion of the Dragon King cannot be guaranteed, then Bai Xiaofei will face the siege of the two masters, Sheng Zi and Joan of Arc, alone.

Although it is not to say that there is no chance of winning at all.

But it is very troublesome anyway.


In order to avoid the troublesome Bai Xiaofei, he had to hurry up.


Bai Xiaofei, who just appeared on the stage, was not polite, and his attack was a unique move. The terrifying power of the law of annihilation was transformed into a peerless sword by him, and he slashed through it suddenly.


This blow, Bai Xiaofei almost used all his strength.

With the blessing of a whole set of infinite gem sequences, the destructive power is extremely terrifying. Even the barrier seal laid by the Holy Son cannot resist it in front of it, and it is instantly torn like a piece of paper.


Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to neglect.

Seeing the right time, it immediately turned into a sword light, and rushed in from the opening just opened.

As soon as he entered, the cleaved barrier of the seal regained its roughness again, and its vitality was extremely tenacious.


After all, it still failed to stop Bai Xiaofei's invasion.


With Bai Xiaofei's entry.

The other two Bai Xiaofei in the scene suddenly showed cold and proud smiles: "Now we can spare time and thought to treat you well."


"Are you ready for my counterattack?"


The two Bai Xiaofei said in unison.

And the first to attack was Bai Xiaofei, who was besieged by a dozen white tiger spirits. He was anxious to stop the Son just now, so he didn't care about these things at all.

As a result, these guys didn't know what to do, and pushed their noses and faces. Now that they finally freed up their time, Bai Xiaofei naturally wanted to teach these bastards a lesson.

"Sword Domain!"

With a thought.

Countless sword lights suddenly exploded from Bai Xiaofei's body, and then turned into countless swords of different shapes, each condensing different sword intent and sword energy power, which were separated from the star universe in different directions, and formed into Formed a super formation.

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, staring coldly at the dozen or so white tiger spirits in front of him, and said with a murderous intent: "Don't think you are the only ones who will form formations, I am not inferior to you in the way of formations!"

The voice did not fall.

The sword domain has been completed.

The formation formed by the white tiger was completely surrounded by countless swords.

The next moment, the sword light surged, and countless sword intents and sword qi raged in an instant, turning into a crazy rainstorm all over the sky, launching a devastating bombardment at the spirits of the white tiger in the formation.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's voice also reverberated in the Sword Domain space: "Immortal, right? Very good, I want to see whether you are more forbidden to beat, or my Sword Domain is sharper!"

The sword field is like a super meat grinder, countless sword intents and sword qi swarmed in, trapped more than a dozen white tiger spirits in it, and kept strangling them!

The spirit of the white tiger is immortal. As soon as it is strangled, it will recover instantly, but before it fully recovers, it will be instantly killed by the sword field again, blasting the sky into stars

in this way.

Go round and round, go round and round.

The spirit of the white tiger has completely become meat on the cutting board, allowing Bai Xiaofei to slaughter it at will.

The offensive and defensive momentum was reversed instantly.

the other side.

Things were not going well for Joan of Arc either.

Because, Bai Xiaofei here also chose to explode, no longer like before, in order to delay time, let Joan of Arc.

And as Bai Xiaofei's true strength was displayed, Joan of Arc felt a lot of pressure in an instant.

that feeling

It was as if an opponent who looked like an infant suddenly possessed the strength of a world boxing champion, he was kicked to the iron plate!

Joan of Arc's spear skills and even her spiritual power, which she was faintly proud of, were like a child's juggling in front of Bai Xiaofei, easily cracked by the other party, and then completely shattered.

Joan of Arc, who couldn't believe it, received a huge impact from the power of the mind at that time, and couldn't help but stepped back several steps.

at the same time.

A mouthful of golden blood spewed out from his mouth.

"So strong!"

"Such terrifying power, and the power of the mind is just like a monster. How did he do it?"

"It's obvious that you have just been promoted, why are you so perverted?"

"Could it be"

Between shock and doubt.

Joan of Arc suddenly thought of a possibility - that is, the Dao that Bai Xiaofei cultivated is the Dao of Heaven, the most in line with the fundamental Dao of Dao!


Absolutely impossible, just promoted, has such power!

You know, she is Joan of Arc, but she is hailed by the Lord of Light as one of the talents with the greatest potential in the history of the Hongmeng Realm.

Although it is not a top sequence, it can still be sent within a thousand.

Future achievements are limitless.


The guy in front of him is more terrifying than himself!

In front of him, he is as ridiculous as a clown. From this, it is enough to predict how terrifying the other party's avenue and potential are!

This moment.

In Joan's mind, a word immediately popped up: "Extremely arrogant! It may even be the kind that ranks among the best!"

To defeat such an existence, with Joan's level, it is almost impossible!

With that in mind.

Joan of Arc, who had always been proud and confident, couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in her heart, followed by deep despair.

this moment.

Her faith almost collapsed!

In fact.

Not only her, but Yi and Hua, who wanted to pick up the loopholes and earn some credit, also immediately realized that something was wrong after feeling Bai Xiaofei's terrifying changes, and immediately backed away.

All surrounded Jeanne.

"grown ups"

"What should we do now? Without the suppression of the Holy Son, we don't seem to be this Haotian's opponent. Why don't we retreat temporarily?"

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood!"


Yi Hehua suggested.


Joan immediately shook her head and objected: "Absolutely not! If we withdraw, this guy will definitely rush into the alien space where the Dragon King broke through, and besiege Lord Shengzi together. We must not let this happen!"

Good guy.

Joan of Arc, who was on the verge of despair, was stunned by Yi Hehua's words which aroused her inner fighting spirit and hope.

"Our task is to hold him back!"

"Disdains all costs!"


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