The Storm God

Chapter 4207 Bad luck! (Please subscribe!)


"Do you want me, the Dragon King, to join your Guangming Cult and become your lackey slave? Dream! Even if my Dragon King dies, I will never let you succeed!"

"Take out everything you have!"


The Dragon King glared.

While yelling, he did not sit still, but actively disconnected from the Dao, trying to fight back.

The consequence of doing so was that he was immediately backlashed by Dao.


Seeing that the Dragon King opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, his whole complexion instantly became extremely pale and full of death.

And his cultivation strength immediately dropped to the level of the middle stage of the God Emperor Realm, and with the continuous decline of Dao Power, it was still passing away.

At this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long before he will completely fall into the emperor's realm.

This is the result of breaking the integration.

"tsk tut"

Seeing that the Dragon King would rather die than submit, Shengzi couldn't help but sneer and said: "It's a pity, it's a pity, a great strength is wasted like this!"

"Dragon King, why are you bothering?"

"My Guangming Cult is also a well-known and powerful force in the Hongmeng Realm. I dare not say that it is second to none. No matter how it can be ranked in the top five, many people want to join in their dreams."

"My Son invites you to join and protect your future. Instead of being grateful, you are willing to degenerate and ruin your future. Why bother!"


While speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Speaking of back.

His complexion also gradually became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it! Since you are so ignorant of flattery and want to die, then the Holy Son can only fulfill you."

"after all"

"Now that your Dao foundation has been destroyed, you have no potential and almost no value. Even if you repent at this moment, this Holy Son will not want you anymore."

"Describe it like rubbish, the end can only be dealt with ruthlessly!"

"You asked for all of this."


at the same time.

The power of light surged from his body, killing intent flashed.

However, the Dragon King was not afraid in the face of danger, with a resolute face, he said coldly: "It's ridiculous! How can I, the Dragon King, not know who you worship the Lantern Son?"

"What did you say to invite me to join the Illuminati Cult? It's just a trick to fool people's hearts. I'm afraid that if I agree, you will put on a face that you have been fooled and start endless ridicule and humiliation at me, right? "

"After all, this is not the first time you have done this."

"Am i right?"


The words are full of jokes.


Hearing the words, the Lantern Worshiper couldn't help being slightly taken aback, the corner of his mouth twitched in a generational arc, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know a lot."

"This is really unexpected."

"Tell me."

"Besides, what else have you heard?"


The Dragon King smiled coldly.

Looking at the Holy Son of Light who was even more murderous, his eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, this is the end of the matter, either you die or I die, worship Son of Light, let me see you today means!"


The whole person suddenly exploded.

Like a ferocious beast, he angrily killed the Son of Worshiping the Lamp.

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei came here.

Seeing the scene, the Dragon King was seriously injured to the end, and the Holy Son of the Lantern stepped on the Dragon King's chest, condescending, speaking satirically and humiliatingly.

"tsk tut"

"Dragon King, Dragon King, I thought you had some great tricks, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. It seems that I overestimated you."

"Now, you can die!"


Between words.

The fingertip of the right index finger had condensed a ball of energy light the size of a ping-pong ball, and he wanted to activate it to shoot and kill the Dragon King.

At this time.


The gaze of the Son of Worshiping the Lantern suddenly turned around and looked directly at a certain place.

"It's you!"

He discovered Bai Xiaofei's arrival.

Immediately, his eyes sank, and his whole body instantly became vigilant and tense. At the same time, with a movement of his feet, he directly stood the seriously injured Dragon King in front of him.

Obviously took it as a hostage.

"Yes, it's me!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes, looked at Shengzi who had taken the Dragon King hostage, and said with a sneer, "You actually succeeded, but with me here, you can never leave safely!"


His eyes turned slightly.

Looking at the captured Dragon King, his eyes were full of apology: "Sorry, I'm a step late, I made you suffer!"


The Dragon King understood Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

With a wry smile, he curled his lips and said, "Brother Haotian, don't worry about me, killing this guy, even if I die, it's worth it!"

The words fell.

The Dragon King unexpectedly started to blew himself up.

Terrifying energy quickly gathered in his body, like a nuclear fusion reaction, and the face of the Holy Son of the Lamp Worshiped immediately changed in shock, and he threw the Dragon King out in an instant.


The Son of Worship the Lamp gritted his teeth.

The whole person hid towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

You know, this is the self-destruction of the emperor's realm, especially in this space, which is full of infinite power that fits the way.

If the Dragon King successfully blew himself up, the power would be incredible!

Even if it is him, he dare not say that he will be safe and sound. Before the key, there is a Haotian who is not weaker than himself at all.

This is even more inevitable.


His first reaction was to throw the Dragon King at Bai Xiaofei.

Then run away quickly.

at the same time

While running, the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lantern hastily mobilized his power, wanting to tear apart the space, leave here, and completely stay away from the influence of the Dragon King's self-destruction.

As long as you go outside, you are completely safe.

But alas.

This alien space is too strong.

After all, it was chosen by the Dragon King as a breakthrough in the realm of the Venerable Realm. It is no small matter. Even the Son of Worshiping the Lamp cannot destroy its barrier for a while.


The most important thing is that this place is full of the Dao power of the Dragon King and various great powers descended from the Great Dao. To a certain extent, they have also strengthened the toughness of this alien space, and at the same time, they have also caused great harm to the power of the Holy Son of Worship. interfered to a certain extent.

Otherwise, at other times, with the power of the Holy Son of the Lamp, he can destroy a space barrier of this level in an instant.

After all, he is best at the power of mind and space, and at this moment, he is equipped with space gems.

It can only be said that bad luck!

the other side.

The reactions of Bai Xiaofei and Son Worshiping the Lantern were completely opposite.

Of course, he also saw the intention of the Dragon King to blew himself up, but he didn't have any fear or fear, and he immediately went up to meet him.


The Dragon King looked anxious, and tried to dissuade Bai Xiaofei: "Run while I can still control my body, or else"

"No otherwise!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't listen at all.

He rushed up and hit the Dragon King with the "Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms". With the intrusion of terrifying power, he instantly suppressed the power of running around in his body and completely eliminated the danger of self-explosion.

Dragon King: "???"

what's the situation?

What happened just now?

Why is the power in my body suppressed and become a bottleneck?


I blew myself up!


How could Haotian's power be so terrifying?

Has he already?

this moment.

The Dragon King was completely stunned.

The eyes looking at Bai Xiaofei were full of shock, doubt, puzzlement, as well as deep bewilderment and disbelief.

But Bai Xiaofei smiled at him, and said: "Lord Dragon King, things haven't reached that point yet, why are you in such a hurry to die?"

"Save a good life and kill the enemy with me, isn't he fragrant?"


The Dragon King was stunned.

Then he came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "I failed in promotion, the foundation of the Dao has been destroyed, and I have been backlashed by the Dao. Even if I don't die, I will be completely abolished."

"Instead of that, I might as well help you consume some of the power of that hateful Son of the Lamp Worshiper while I still have some power."

"Saving me is completely dragging you down."


Speaking of which.

The Dragon King immediately felt guilty and blamed himself.

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