The Storm God

Chapter 4208 Time flies! (Please subscribe!)


When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he immediately smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't exist!"

Dragon King: "???"


What's the meaning?

Could it be that you can easily kill the Son of Worshiper?

It shouldn't be!

Even if you use a method I don't know to successfully break through the realm of the Venerable Realm, it's only the initial stage at best.

But the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lamp is in the mid-stage realm. If you add some means and the blessing of treasures, the combat power can even be comparable to the late stage.

How could you possibly be his opponent?

If you don't have yourself, you may be able to protect yourself with your sword fairy characteristics, but with me as a burden, you will be completely passive.

You can still laugh?


the other side.

The Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern soon realized something was wrong.

what happened?

The damn dragon king hasn't exploded yet?

It shouldn't be!

Turning around, I saw Bai Xiaofei and Dragon King, the two were chatting vigorously, the Dragon King who seemed to have activated the super nuclear bomb before, there is no madness just now, it has long since died down.


Seeing this, the Son of Worshiping the Lantern was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, his face became extremely ugly: "Asshole! My Son was actually deceived by that nasty guy..."

All right.

He obviously misunderstood.

He thought that the Dragon King had deceived himself with the false means of self-explosion, which led to his own hostage, so he took the initiative to return it to Bai Xiaofei.

As everyone knows...

The Dragon King's self-explosion was indeed true, but it was stopped by Bai Xiaofei with special means, otherwise the Dragon King would have exploded by now.


None of this matters.

What's important is that the Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern was angry, he felt humiliated, and in an instant, he was furious and murderous.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei and the Dragon King, his eyes were filled with endless killing intent.

"You two..."

"very good!"

Lord Shengzi immediately turned back again, and with a faster speed and power than before, he killed the two of them with infinite killing intent.

"Dare to deceive and fool the Holy Son, court death!"



The Holy Son was angry, it was no small matter.

Before the person arrives, the unique supernova has already arrived first.

The horrific super energy group, like the scorching sun, was used by the Holy Son as a weapon, and smashed towards Bai Xiaofei and the Dragon King.

Seeing this, the Dragon King was horrified: "No, brother Haotian, run, this move is too powerful, we can't follow..."

The words are not finished.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand lightly.

next moment.

call out!

The sword lights up.

The sun is gone.

What kind of supernova does not exist at all. What is there is just a "ball" that has been completely split by the holy sword.

Seeing this scene, the Dragon King was completely stunned.

Not only him.

Even Master Shengzi, who is extremely confident in his own strength, couldn't help but freeze on the spot at this moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face when he saw that Bai Xiaofei had cracked his supernova so easily.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."


The words are not finished yet.

Bai Xiaofei sneered mercilessly: "The facts are all in front of you, but you still say it's impossible, are you blind, or haven't woken up?"

"Why don't you try again!"


The words are full of infinite confidence.

Regardless of how Lord Shengzi reacted, Lord Dragon King came back to his senses, and immediately looked at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes lit up and said: "Brother Haotian, you..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said: "That's right, I made a breakthrough, otherwise I wouldn't have come here just now, but luckily it's not too late..."


The Dragon King nodded blankly.

Then he continued to ask: "Then what is your current level of cultivation? Why can you kill the supernova who worshiped the lamp so easily?"

"You know, he is..."


Before the Dragon King could finish speaking.

Bai Xiaofei laughed, and interrupted: "What is it? Isn't it just entering the time earlier than us, in my opinion, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."


"I forgot to tell you. Before I broke through, I had devoured some of the spiritual power of the Holy Son."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have made such a smooth breakthrough and promotion. Speaking of which, I still have to thank the Holy Son."

"Thank you for the great gift from this old man!"


The latter sentence was completely directed at Master Shengzi whose face was so dark that the bottom of the pot, and after hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, the latter's face immediately became even darker.


Look, the back molars are almost crushed.

The Dragon King stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes full of disbelief: "What? Before you broke through, you devoured the spiritual power of the Son of Worshiper?"

"How can this be?"

That expression, as if seeing an ant, impregnated the mammoth noise, it was a hell.

To know.

Holy Son Worshiping the Lamp is no ordinary novice in the realm of the Venerable Realm.

Even among the many geniuses, he can definitely be regarded as the number one character, and his combat power is even more extraordinary among the same level, with few opponents.


Bai Xiaofei devoured the spiritual power of the Holy Son Worshiping the Lamp even after breaking through to be promoted?

Even with this power, as a stepping stone, he broke through and promoted in one fell swoop, and successfully stepped into the realm of the venerable...

Did you make a mistake!

At this moment, Lord Dragon King felt that he was dreaming, and everything was so unreal, giving him an extremely unreal feeling.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said to Lord Dragon King: "Normally speaking, no one can stop your self-destruction?"

"But I did."

"Same reason..."

"Others can't beat this Lord Son, so it doesn't mean I can't. It's not that the other party is trash, but that I'm too strong!"

"It's that simple!"


Someone is taking it for granted.

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon King was completely speechless, dumbfounded, speechless.

And opposite.

Master Shengzi was so angry that he almost exploded.


"Damn bastard, don't think that you are invincible if you cracked one of my moves. The power of the realm of the venerable is far more terrifying than you think!"

"Today, my Holy Son will let you see what real terror is. If you have the ability, you can take this move head-on—"

"Time flies like an arrow!"


Bai Deng was completely angry.

Being underestimated and ignored by others, he immediately felt like giving Bai Xiaofei a painful lesson, so that the other party would know what ignorance is.

With a wave of hands, the terrifying force gathers.

A mass of light took shape.


It seems to be almost the same as the power of light used by other angels and others, but in fact, there is an essential difference.

Because, this light ball is completely condensed by the Dao power of the Holy Son of Worship Lamp, and its power is completely different from it.

It's as if they are all nuclear bombs, but they are also divided into strong and weak, and good and bad. Compared with them, the supernova just now is just an ordinary bullet.

And the one in front of him, like a basketball, is small in size, and it can even be said to be a mini [Time Like an Arrow], which is the real nuclear bomb.

The moment it took shape and appeared, Bai Xiaofei felt its terror, and his face and eyes immediately became serious.


"Is it a special method developed by fusing one's own way and the power of light in different proportions?"

"Tao-like tail beast jade?"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

Putting Lord Dragon King behind him, with a pair of eyes looking through autumn water, he stared at [Time Like an Arrow] in the hands of the Holy Son of the Lamp Worshiper, and murmured: "It seems that it is not only that, but there is also a little bit of power of time in it..."


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