The Storm God

Chapter 4211 The barrier of the heart! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"



"How can this guy be so strong? Even if he is a sword fairy, he can't be so heaven-defying. I'm a mid-stage of the Venerable Realm, and will soon be a strong man in the late stage!"

"He is just a novice who has just started!"

"how so!"


Master Shengzi is going crazy.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was still like a mad dog, he fell out of all kinds of strange tricks, causing all kinds of troubles for himself, and making himself unable to go to the Dragon King.

But the aura and aura in the Dragon King's body are getting stronger and stronger, and there is a faint tendency to restore the Dao foundation, or even go further

The Son of God suddenly became anxious.


He is not without a trump card.

There are even one or two treasures that are close to him, but for the sake of the overall situation, he really doesn't want to use them so soon. If he doesn't succeed, the consequences will only be worse.


If it is not used, if it continues like this, it is estimated that there will be no good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, Lord Shengzi couldn't help hesitating.

what to do?

To use, or not to use?


After a moment of thought.

Seeing that the dragon king's aura is getting stronger and stronger, he has recovered to his previous peak so quickly, and is still improving towards a higher level.

At this moment, Lord Shengzi's eyes sank instantly.


"No matter what, we must kill it, otherwise, whether it is the sword fairy Haotian or the Dragon King, it will be the most troublesome trouble!"

"If you fail, you will run away"


I have a decision in my heart.

Lord Shengzi stopped hesitating and delaying immediately.

A powerful impact knocked Bai Xiaofei back thousands of kilometers, and immediately activated his own Bright Crown.


In an instant, a resplendent and resplendent crown filled with the aura of an infinite saint appeared out of nowhere and was placed on the head of the Holy Son.

There are six more pre-made holes on the crown, but only one is occupied now, and the space gem is inlaid on it.

The gem shines brightly.

next moment.

The terrifying power was instantly released and poured into Lord Shengzi's body. The strength and aura of the latter, like blowing a balloon, immediately began to soar.

"Good guy!"

"Are you finally going to use your trump card? The crown you saw earlier really has other uses, but it's a pity that you only have one space gem."

"This level doesn't seem to work"


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being amazed.

However, before he finished speaking, Lord Shengzi made another move. After a strange seal, an infinite gem appeared on the crown again.

The golden light is extremely bright, and it is indeed a soul gem.

Bai Xiaofei: ""

Depend on!

Can you still teleport gems?

Master Shengzi, you are cheating and cheating, you can't afford it, can you!

The power of the two precious stones was nothing more than that. Although Bai Xiaofei cared a little, he didn't really take it to heart.

after all.

The power of a single gemstone and the entire set, that is the difference between cloud and mud.

Not to mention the two of the Holy Son, even if you collect all five, it's just a side dish, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to care about it at all.


He has the entire sequence of Infinity Stones.

And I don't know a set yet!


The level is not enough, so the power of the Infinity Gem becomes the decisive key factor, but now that Bai Xiaofei has successfully promoted to the realm of the Exalted, the image of the Infinity Gem is naturally too small.

The key point is that Bai Xiaofei still has an absolute advantage, of course he has the capital to be proud.

Of course, self-confidence belongs to self-confidence, Bai Xiaofei would not be so stupid as to stand aside and do nothing, just waiting for Master Shengzi to accumulate strength and enlarge it.

After all, this is a duel, either you die or I die, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"


Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself that there seemed to be another secret in the crown of the Holy Son of Worship, which was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.


To be on the safe side, he didn't risk thousands.

Instead, he directly adopted a safe long-range attack. At this moment, Wan Jian Guizong is undoubtedly the best attack choice.

The endless billowing sword light, wrapped in a terrifying sword intent, was like a stormy sea, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the continuous crazy attacks, even if they couldn't cause any harm to the Son, at least they could cause some harassment.

Do not seek meritorious service, but seek no faults.

next moment.


But he heard the lamp worshiper snort coldly, his eyes revealed a strong unremitting, he curled his lips and said: "You want to stop me just like this? It's a whimsical idea!"

The voice did not fall.

Around his body, countless miniature wormholes were formed out of thin air, like a honeycomb, completely enveloping the Son of Worshiping the Lamp.

Bai Xiaofei's Ten Thousand Swords returned to the sect, and countless sword lights shot at it, and were directly transferred to other places by the space wormhole of the hive.


Some of the sword lights actually bounced back to Bai Xiaofei's side.


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand to smack the sword light that came back from the missile, looked at the honeycomb shield around the Holy Child of the Lamp with great interest, and said, "Space-type protective measures? They are still a bit smart, it seems that ordinary methods are useless."

The words fell.

But I saw him wave his hand.

Countless sword lights suddenly came together, and the sword intent and power breath above all changed into another kind in an instant——


Not only that.

In addition to annihilation, some of the sword lights even have two or more different power laws, such as shock, collapse, and smash

Etc., etc.

In short.

With the power of many laws added to him, Bai Xiaofei's ten thousand sword move instantly returned to his ancestors, possessing an extremely terrifying ability to break through the air.

next moment.

Countless sword lights shot again.

But this time, Master Shengzi's hive defense is not working well, the wormhole outside, just swallowing Bai Xiaofei's sword light attack, will be blown to pieces by the power of the law of the sword light in an instant.

annihilation, collapse, concussion, shatter

Different powers of laws, after contacting the space wormholes, broke out different destructive effects one after another, and immediately caused serious damage and loopholes to the honeycomb of Lord Son of God.

"Come again!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue.

A large number of sword lights, passing through these even larger and terrifying forces, all rushed to shoot at the defense gaps of the hive, determined to trick Lord Shengzi.


"Do you really think you can succeed like this? Naive!"

"Absolute defense!"


The Son of God is not afraid in the face of danger.

His eyes widened slightly, and countless hexagonal void defense walls immediately appeared outside the hive defense.

These defensive walls are like real honeycombs, the hexagons are connected one by one, even layer by layer, firmly protecting the space wormhole hive inside.

Bai Xiaofei's infinite sword light bombarded these hexagonal void defense walls, like an ordinary weapon bombarding an indestructible barrier, bursting out with an incomparably crisp sound of gold and iron.

The power of law attached to countless sword lights is like a decoration, but it has no effect on this hexagonal void defense barrier.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately opened the Eye of Primordial Mist.

The absolute defense of the Holy Son of the Lamp can actually guard against most of the power of the law. The power is extremely terrifying, and it must not be an ordinary method.

It must be well studied.


If the opponent uses this thing to attack, then I will be passive, and I must seize the time to crack it while there is still a chance.

next moment.

In the special vision of the Primordial Eye.

Bai Xiaofei finally saw clearly the true appearance of these hexagonal void defense barriers, it turned out to be a heart barrier formed by the fusion of countless spiritual powers that seemed to be substantial!

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