The Storm God

Chapter 4212 Hollow perfect fusion! (Please subscribe!)

"The power of the mind can still be used like this?"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, his expression was full of shock, obviously stimulated by the ability of the Son of Worshiping the Lamp.


He just laughed.

There is no other reason, after seeing through the essence of this absolute defense, it means that Bai Xiaofei has learned how to use the barrier of the heart.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei also has a soul gem.

Even, with the blessing of the whole set of infinite stones, the spiritual power that Bai Xiaofei can inspire is far beyond the history of the Son of the Lamp Worship.

If, with a single soul gem, the spiritual power that the Son of Worship Lamp can use is valued at 1000, then Bai Xiaofei is at least ten thousand times that.

That is about 10 million.

Of course.

Possessing 10 million spiritual power does not mean that Bai Xiaofei has an absolute advantage, he can crush and beat the Son of Worshiper.

Because the opponent also has a mysterious crown with unpredictable capabilities.

Under the effect of the crown, Bai Xiaofei could feel that the 1000 spiritual power of the Holy Son of the Lamp had also been amplified to an extremely terrifying level.

Although it is still not as good as Bai Xiaofei's 10 million, the difference is not very big, it is about 8 million.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes sparkled excitedly: "The crown is definitely a treasure, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a heaven-defying amplification effect."

All right.

He was tempted.

I can't wait to rush over immediately and snatch the crown.

Intuition told him that this thing is definitely an artifact, much better than the Infinity Gauntlet made by the dwarf king.


These are just two Infinity Stones.

It can be increased to such a terrifying level. If all six infinite gems are collected, how strong must it be?

I'm afraid this thing is not a super boss in the realm of the venerable, but a cheating artifact specially prepared for the Son of Worshiping the Lantern.


In any case, it must be grabbed!

With the crown, his chances of winning against Infinity Ultron are much greater!

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't sit still any longer.

As soon as his expression moved, countless sword lights reappeared instantly where his mind moved, and this time, what was contained in the billowing sword lights was not the power of ordinary laws.

It's Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power.


He used the method of worshiping the Holy Son of the Lamp to gather the power of his mind into the sword light, replacing the sword intent and the power of law in it.

the difference is.

The spiritual power of the Son of Worship Lamp gathered into a hexagonal defense barrier, while Bai Xiaofei's condensed form was a triangle symbolizing the sharpness of attack.

Countless triangular barriers are superimposed and converged layer by layer, and then constitute the mysterious lines and the source of power in countless sword lights.


Sword lights, like spirit snakes coming out of their holes, once again swarmed towards the Son of the Lamp Worshiper, completely submerging him in just a split second.

And this time.

An unbelievable scene appeared.

Bai Xiaofei's sword light was like cutting tofu, almost without any resistance, it easily broke through the hexagonal void defense barrier of the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lantern, and then advanced layer by layer, deepening inch by inch.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of floors have been broken through, and they are about to attack the protective layer of the space wormhole hive inside.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible"

Seeing this scene, the Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern almost stared out of his eyes: "My absolute defense is invincible, how can you?"


"This special feeling is"

"Damn it, you actually secretly learned the operation and use of my spiritual power, and transformed your own attack skills!"

"You are shameless!"

After realizing the key point, the Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but Bai Xiaofei said with a naive smile: "Master Shengzi, what you said is wrong, I am a student of Guangzheng University, how can I say that I stole it. "


The Holy Son Worshiping the Lamp was immediately speechless.

In the end, he gave Bai Xiaofei a hard look, stopped talking, but used his spiritual power to change his defense mode and strengthen his defense, lest Bai Xiaofei's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong would break through his defense and destroy his savings.

And this time.

The Son of Worshiping the Lamp miraculously combined the defensive barrier of spiritual power and the space wormhole defense into one perfectly.

Bai Xiaofei's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong, although able to cut through the defense of the heart barrier, was unable to parry the effect of the power of space, and was transferred away in an instant.

This sudden change immediately stunned Bai Xiaofei.


"Unexpectedly, the attainment of this Holy Son of Lamp Worship is so terrifying that he can perfectly integrate the power of the mind and the power of space into one."

"Even I can't do that."


Bai Xiaofei's face darkened.

Not being able to break through the defense of the Son of Worship of the Lantern means that Bai Xiaofei can only watch helplessly as the opponent accumulates big moves and trump cards and is helpless.

This is not good.

Bai Xiaofei was unwilling to give up.

Immediately, Wan Jian returned to the sect again, pouring a lot of law power, trying to interfere with the space power of the Holy Son of Worship Lamp's defense.

However, it is a pity that these sword lights infused with the power of law cannot break through its defense at all, and are completely rejected by the barrier of spiritual power.

And Jian Guang, who possesses the power of the mind, cannot defend against the transfer of the power of space.

The two can only be one, but not both at the same time.

This is more troublesome.


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was powerless, the Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern couldn't help laughing: "Haotian, what's the matter? Can't do it? This time you're stealing some more lessons, did you find that your talent is not enough?"

His words were full of arrogance and complacency.

You know, this method of perfect fusion of the power of the mind and the power of space was barely completed by the Son of Worship of the Lantern after he had two infinite gems and had been in deep retreat for a long time, and with the help of the Divine Crown of Light.

Even if Bai Xiaofei has the Primordial Eye, no matter how talented he is, he cannot easily copy and learn this ability.

It's not that he is not capable enough, but that this method far exceeds his current limit, just like elementary school students, it is almost impossible to solve college students' calculus problems.

There is an essential difference in this.

Bai Xiaofei: ""

Depend on!

You are so proud of yourself.

Do you really think I was made of mud? Ma De, please wait for me to worship the Holy Son of the Lantern. Today, the young master has a fight with you, so I don't believe you.

"Hongmeng system, give me a full power analysis!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's order, in the dark world, Bai Cass immediately started to move at high speed, fully operating the Hongmeng system, and helping Bai Xiaofei decipher and analyze the method of perfecting the power of the mind and the power of space.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei himself was not idle either.

If you can't break it, you can't break it, but if you have to fight, at the worst, you can waste some of the power of the Holy Son of Worship, right?

Is it possible to watch helplessly, in a daze?

How can it be!

Bai Xiaofei comforted himself like this.

And the other side.

The Dragon King was completely immersed in the perception of Tao in the jade slips, and his whole body was completely wrapped in the shape of an egg by the strong power of Tao.

Rolling road rhyme, from which continue to permeate.

Along with it, the entire alien space began to undergo some mutations. After all, this alien space was originally the small world of the Dragon King.

At this moment, with the promotion of the Dragon King as a whole, he walked further and further on the road of Tao. As his small world, he naturally ascended to heaven with chickens and dogs and was promoted.

This scene.

Immediately, the arrogance of the Son of Worshiping the Lamp was dispelled.

"Damn it!"

"I almost forgot about this guy. Looking at him like this, I'm afraid it won't take long before he can re-integrate with the Dao, break through the bottleneck, and be promoted successfully."

"You can't let him get what he wants!"


The Son of Worshiping the Lantern gritted his teeth and secretly said.

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