The Storm God

Chapter 4214 Scary phantom! (Please subscribe!)

In the alien space.

The fierce battle between Bai Xiaofei and the Son of Worshiping the Lantern is still going on.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei had already taken the absolute initiative. When they started fighting, it was relaxed and leisurely, like having fun.

No rush at all.

on the contrary.

He is just stalling for time now, and using the Son of the Lantern as a sparring partner.

It's good if the opponent doesn't come up with novel moves, once they come up with it, Bai Xiaofei will basically copy it immediately and then make changes.

And then return them all back, double let the Son of Worshiping the Lamp taste.


There are exceptions.

For example, the move of the perfect fusion of the power of space and the power of the mind, even at this moment, Bai Xiaofei still has not deciphered and analyzed it.

Even though he has already used the Hongmeng system and wasted the energy of unknown stars to strengthen the calculation at any cost, he still has no clue.


Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry either.

He has a lot of information about himself, and as the attacks continue to increase, the information and experience he has accumulated will also increase.

Coupled with the continuous calculation of the Hongmeng system, the distance from success will only get closer and closer.

For Bai Xiaofei.

Being able to learn this unique skill is better than anything else.

As for the Son of Worshiping the Lantern, it is more difficult now. In order to release the ultimate killer, he can only take the defensive now.

He has been hiding in the ultimate shield where the power of space and the power of the mind are combined, accumulating power, and preparing to give Bai Xiaofei a fatal blow.


With the continuous improvement of the Dragon King and the continuous strengthening of Gun Gun's power, the alien space here has become more and more complicated and special.

Even, his hidden will suppressed the Son of Worship of the Lamp to a certain extent, making all his operations more difficult than usual.

in short.

The fierce dragon crosses the river, on the territory of the Dragon King, even though he is powerful, he still has to be restrained to a certain extent.

If it was changed before, this kind of restraint is naturally not worth mentioning.

But not now.


Dragon King is breaking through quickly.

I don't know what Dao-level treasure Haotian gave the Dragon King, which actually made the Dragon King restore the Dao Foundation, and even became stronger and more terrifying than before.

This has not yet been successfully promoted, and he can actually control the will of the world in a different dimension and interfere with himself to a certain extent.

If it is allowed to successfully break through and advance, is that okay?

With that in mind.

The Holy Son of the Lamp Worshiped couldn't help frowning even deeper, and then immediately took out a elixir filled with strong Dao rhyme from the portable space, and swallowed it into his stomach in one gulp.

next moment.

Visible to the naked eye, the strength and aura of the Son of Worshiping the Lamp have been significantly strengthened and improved, especially the crown of light on the top of the head, which has released a brighter light.

An unidentified and terrifying phantom also began to slowly take shape behind the Son of the Lamp Worshiper, and at the same time, an extremely terrifying coercion began to sweep across the entire alien space.

With the appearance of the terrifying phantom, the alternate dimension of the Dragon King began to tremble violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

The Dragon King's own promotion and breakthrough also received a top image.


Bai Xiaofei immediately used his strength to help him share this part of the pressure, so as to ensure that the Dragon King can make a breakthrough without any worries.

"What a terrifying coercion!"

"Who is that phantom? It's so terrifying! It's worthy of being the trump card of the Son of the Lamp Worshiper. It has been accumulated for so long, and its power is really extraordinary!"

"Could it be the God Lord of the Light Cult?"


Bai Xiaofei secretly guessed in his heart.

At the same time, he kept his hands on all kinds of attacking tricks, bombing in turn, and greeted the Son of Worship of the Lantern, even if he knew it was useless.


"It's useless, Haotian, when my trump card is successfully accumulated, it will be the end of you ants!"

"Cherish this last time well!"


The Son of Worshiping the Lantern was full of complacency.

However, the appearance is very strange. He didn't know what kind of elixir he took just now. Although it brought him an extremely terrifying boost, it also caused certain side effects on his body.

When the Son of Worshiping the Lantern taunted Bai Xiaofei, his mouth kept bleeding.

Not only that.

His face also turned pale in an instant.

Like severe kidney deficiency.

Declining and dying!


His harsh words, in Bai Xiaofei's view, were completely harmless.

On the contrary, behind the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lantern, that silent, only showing half of his body's terrifying phantom, made Bai Xiaofei even more concerned.

Just like this, it has created such a terrible coercion, if it is all condensed, what kind of horror will it be?

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to stop it, it's just that he can't do anything.

If you can't break the tortoise shell of the Holy Son of Worship, everything is futile. At this moment, the only thing Bai Xiaofei can do is to harass the Holy Son of Worship as much as possible.

Delay time and help the Dragon King complete the breakthrough as soon as possible.

At that time.

Once the Dragon King breaks the mirror.

On their side, there are two strong men in the field of the Venerable Realm.

Even if the Dragon King is a novice, he is definitely better than Bai Xiaofei alone.

after all

Everyone's way is different, so after breaking the mirror, the achievements that can be achieved, as well as the power of the way, are also completely different.

Bai Xiaofei analyzed that in terms of the Dragon King's level of power, after breaking the mirror, even if the level of strength is not as good as his own, I'm afraid it will not be much weaker.

That is.

The Dragon King is also a top player.

Just after breaking the mirror, it is very possible to surpass Joan of Arc. I dare not say that I will be equal to the Holy Son of Worship, at least it will be no problem to pass two tricks.

If you add the existence of Bai Xiaofei, who is hanging on the wall, and if you combine the strength of the two, you may not be able to forcefully worship the trump card of the Son of the Lamp.

that's all.

Bai Xiaofei and the Son of Worshiping the Lantern started a contest of endurance and consumption.

The Dragon King, on the other hand, was left alone, and continued to stand aside, absorbing silently, blending with the power of the Dao, and making a breakthrough with great peace of mind.

Time passed slowly.

some moment.


The cocoon-like and egg-like thing that wrapped the Dragon King suddenly heard a sound from inside, and the loud noise resounded throughout the entire alien space.

This sound is like the beating of the heart, and it is also like the roaring sound that erupted after some kind of barrier was forcibly shattered.

In short.

Extraordinary, deafening.

Not only in the alien space, but even the captain of the devil and others outside the alien space felt the existence of this sound.

"what sound?"

The people outside couldn't help being stunned on the spot, their faces blank.

Then they all looked at Bai Xiaofei.

It's not just them.

Even as an enemy, Joan of Arc, who had become a prisoner at this moment, stared at Bai Xiaofei with wide eyes, full of questions.


Bai Xiaofei waved his hands at everyone, and explained with a smile: "It's just the battle that the Dragon King is about to break through successfully."

"I see"

Everyone suddenly realized, followed by great joy.

Is the Dragon King finally breaking through? Be good, it's a good thing, plus Brother Haotian, I have two experts in the Venerable Realm on my side.

No matter how strong the Holy Son is, he can't be their match, right?

It seems that this wave of team battles is completely stable.


Except the Titans.

The rest of the teams, the captain and the team members, couldn't help thinking to themselves, now that the Titans are so strong, there are only two masters in the realm of the Venerable, how can we earn money from others?


Just join in?

You can't sit still and be wiped out by the reincarnation space!

This is not cowardice, but knowing the current affairs!


That's right!

Only fools want to die!

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