The Storm God

Chapter 4215 Broke the mirror successfully! (Please subscribe!)

"Captain Gus"

Hades reacted the fastest. After recovering from his own trauma, he immediately came to the side of Titans vice-captain Gus, and said with a smile, "What do you think of our Reaper team?"

By implication, is it too late for us to join now?

Not only him.

Members of other teams also looked over, such as the current captain of the alliance team, Zhang Sheng, and Captain Devil.

Needless to say, Zhang Sheng was regarded as the weakest existence by everyone.

It's understandable to want protection.


Captain Demon is a bit of that.

After all, the strength of this guy is quite terrifying, almost the same as the Dragon King of the Titans, and he is only one step away from reaching the realm of the venerable.


People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

This moment, that moment, now, the Titans are powerful, in order to save their lives, the Demon Captain can only choose to endure and submit.

Otherwise, even if they are not beaten to death, they will be obliterated by the reincarnation space.

He doesn't want to die.


The Demon Captain is waiting.

If the Titans accepted the Reaper, then it might not be impossible for me. After all, regardless of strength or potential, I and others are very strong.

Under normal circumstances, the other party has no reason not to choose him.


Gus looked at Hades silently.

And the rest of the team members beside him finally shook their heads helplessly and said, "Sorry, this matter is beyond my decision, let's talk about it after everything is over."

He didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either.

after all.

There are a lot of interests involved in this, and Gus has a lazy personality, he can sit and never stand, and he has never cared much about things like this.

So I am going to throw this pot directly to the Dragon King.

To this.

Hades et al. also expressed their understanding.

You know, if the Titans agreed to their application, it would be equivalent to saving their lives.

This can't be saved in vain, can it?

Everyone came out of the samsara space, the way of nature is cruel, if you want to survive, you must offer a certain reward in exchange.

Otherwise, why would they save you?

"All right."

Seeing that Gus didn't want to answer this question, Hades didn't force it, but said that he was willing to wait, as long as the other party agreed, they could consider any request.

Not just Reapers.

Afterwards, the Alliance team, and even the Abyss Demon team, also sent people over to express their team's attitude to Gus.

no way.

People are swordsmen, I am fish and meat, if you don't want to die, you have to bow your head.

Bai Xiaofei was not at all interested in what happened there. After sealing Joan of Arc, he released the special skill of transforming the three clean with one breath.

after all.

Although this thing is powerful, it consumes a lot of energy and has huge side effects.

If Bai Xiaofei didn't possess all kinds of treasures and could recover himself quickly, he would definitely not use this trick easily.


The main reason was to fight against the Holy Son of the Lamp Worshiper's trump card with the utmost confidence, that terrifying phantom put too much pressure on Bai Xiaofei.

The state of one gas and three cleanses obviously cannot be perfectly parried. Only by adjusting his own state to the best can he have the greatest confidence.

And all of this, except Bai Xiaofei, no one knows.

Captain Demon and the others thought that there was no threat at the scene, and Bai Xiaofei released the clone in order to better fight against the Son of Worshiping the Lantern.

Didn't think much about anything else.

at the same time.

In the alien space, the Dragon King's breakthrough is still going on.

As the fusion of dao power deepened, the laws in the entire space, even the aura, began to become more tenacious and advanced.

Once Bai Xiaofei's unique skill of transforming one qi into three cleanses is released, his aura instantly becomes much stronger.


That was just the appearance. In fact, he was very weak inside. After all, the previous battles had consumed a lot.

Coupled with the side effect of transforming the three cleans into one breath, his whole body was almost hollowed out. If he hadn't become the Venerable Realm now, but changed to the Emperor Realm before, he might have been paralyzed on the spot.


In order to make up for himself, so that he could face the Son of the Lantern Worshiper more confidently, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to neglect, and quickly summoned a large number of magic medicines.

The eternal holy water seemed to be free of money, and it was just a burst of gurgling.

Have no idea.

After being promoted to the Venerable realm.

Bai Xiaofei's life level has once again ushered in a qualitative change. The eternal holy water that was invincible in the past has no such great effect on him now.

Helpless can only win by quantity.


In addition to eternal rising water, Bai Xiaofei also has other panacea. After swallowing it all at once, the consumption in the body will be restored to a minimum in a short time.

Coupled with the smooth promotion of the Dragon King, the tide of dao power caused by it also gave Bai Xiaofei a lot of benefits from it, and he could absorb the power of the dao more calmly, which allowed him to recover at an astonishing speed.

In a blink of an eye.

Bai Xiaofei almost recovered to his peak condition.

And this time.


Suddenly there was a soft sound.

The egg-shaped shell enclosing the Dragon King finally began to crack. At the same time, more intense power, rhyme, and terrifying coercion were released from it, further affecting the entire alien space. level of influence.

"Are you going to break through?"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei smiled immediately, and said in his heart: "It's not in vain for me to pass on the insights and experience of the stone monument to you, this investment has not failed at all."

Bai Xiaofei is happy here.

And the other side.

The face of the Holy Son Worshiping the Lantern became even more gloomy: "Damn it! I didn't expect the Dragon King's breakthrough speed to be so fast."


"I also have to speed up, otherwise I will face the two Venerable realms directly, even if it is my trump card, I am afraid it will be quite stressful!"

"Original essence and blood, come out!"


The Son of Worship Lantern is in a hurry.

In order to speed up the outbreak of the killer's trump card, he did not hesitate to sacrifice all his original blood essence, and a mouthful of rich golden blood directly merged into the illusory and incomplete horror phantom.

And this terrifying phantom, after absorbing the original essence and blood of the Holy Son of Worship, the speed of manifestation has obviously changed qualitatively, and the entire outline has been condensed almost in the blink of an eye.

until then.

It was only then that Bai Xiaofei saw the true face of the terrifying phantom—it was a majestic and awe-inspiring angelic figure.

The shape of this angel seems to be very ordinary, only the size of two wings, but its aura and coercion are by no means comparable to that of the fourteen-winged angel.

What's even more exaggerated is that the phantom's pair of angel wings are not actually composed of his own organization, but Dao feathers gathered by the power of the Dao full of infinite Dao power and Dao rhyme!

Not only that.

Every feather on this feather seems to represent a kind of power of the great way, and the terrifying degree of this pair of wings gathered by countless powers of the great way can be imagined.

When Bai Xiaofei observed the wings, he even had a vague feeling of facing the vast and boundless avenue, and felt that he was like a drop in the ocean, so small and unbearable.

Almost broke his Dao heart, forming a shadow of his heart.

"What a scary guy!"

When he came back to his senses, Bai Xiaofei's face turned extremely pale in an instant, with lingering fears in his heart: "Who is that? It's so terrifying, and it's too abnormal to be able to transform countless powers of the Great Dao into its own wings?"

"Could it be the God Lord of the Light Cult?"


At this time.

Continuous "click" sounds came from the ears one after another, and the egg (cocoon) on the Dragon King's body was breaking faster and faster.

at last

Just heard a loud "boom".

Infinite Dao Power soared into the sky in an instant, and in the bright golden light, a giant dragon with colorful glazed rays radiating from its whole body flashed away.

follow closely.

The familiar figure of the Dragon King appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

He finally succeeded in breaking the mirror.

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