The Storm God

Chapter 4216 The three realms of the venerable! (Please subscribe!)


With the breakthrough of the Dragon King, the entire alien space was shocked, and then expanded dozens of times at an astonishing speed.

Not only that.

The incomparably rich and infinite Dao power gathered in the opposite direction, and all flew towards the Dragon King, swarming towards him, and submerged in it instantly.

at the same time

The level of Dragon King's strength also soared rapidly.

If it is said that the Dragon King who has just broken through has a power of 100, then now, he is breaking through the limit.





It's just like riding a rocket, and the speed is amazing.

Almost instantly.

The level of the Dragon King is close to the level of Joan of Arc before, and it is still improving rapidly. Although the speed is not as abnormal as before, it is still very impressive.

According to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, after this power is completely absorbed by the Dragon King, it is estimated that its level of power will definitely surpass that of Joan of Arc today.

"The avenue stele is really awesome!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sighed in his heart: "It's just a second-hand pirated experience passed down from me, and it can make the Dragon King break through to such a degree. If it is a complete road stele, I'm afraid the Dragon King's breakthrough is no less than mine! "

To know.

Before that, the Dragon King's Dao foundation was damaged.

If this is not the case, it is estimated that his achievements will have to go up a bit, which shows how amazing the potential of the Dao cultivated by the Dragon King is.


Among them, there is no lack of credit for the avenue stele.

If it was an ordinary way of promotion and breakthrough, perhaps the achievements of the Dragon King would not be so amazing and terrifying.

It can only be said that the two have achieved each other.


Soon, the Dragon King absorbed all the power in the entire alien space like a human-shaped black hole.

The level of strength is also as Bai Xiaofei expected, it is firmly above the level of Joan of Arc, and it is slightly inferior to the Son of Worshiping the Lamp.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stepped forward with a smile and sent his blessing.


After successfully breaking the mirror and gaining a new life, the Dragon King immediately smiled, and then patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder heavily in front of the mountain, and said seriously:

"Brother Haotian, everything I have now is thanks to you. From now on, you will be the life and death brother of my Dragon King!"

returning a Favour many times more.

The Dragon King is obviously not an ungrateful person, saying these words means that he has truly accepted Bai Xiaofei and regards him as his benefactor.

As for the various secrets that Bai Xiaofei hides


Does that matter?

Who doesn't have a secret yet?

He, the Dragon King, handed over Bai Xiaofei, not the other person's secret!

"Adults are serious"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile, with a humble look on his face: "It's all due to Lord Dragon King's profound background and good luck. I just happened to meet him at the right time."

The Dragon King didn't think so.

Hearing this, he immediately changed his face, and said displeasedly: "Brother Haotian, what kind of adult do you call me? This is unfamiliar. How about it? I am a little older than Chi. If you don't mind, you can call me Long Brother."


Bai Xiaofei scratched his head, embarrassedly said: "Not too good?"

"Nothing bad!"

But the Dragon King made a decision directly: "That's the decision!"

The voice just fell.

Just listen: "Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The Son of Worshiping the Lantern in the distance, who had been brewing for a long time, finally completed the killer's trump card, and the terrifying phantom turned into a substantial existence.

at the same time.

The terrifying coercion swept across the audience in an instant.

Bai Xiaofei and the Dragon King immediately felt that the gravity of the entire alien space seemed to be strengthened by more than ten thousand times.

Not to mention fighting, just maintaining normal combat power will put a huge burden on the body, and the blood pressure will rise, which is very uncomfortable.

This is not only the suppression of power, but more importantly, the power of law and the high pressure of moral power.

Just like when a person is in the sky, it becomes extremely cold and it is extremely difficult to breathe. Bai Xiaofei and the Dragon King are like ordinary people who were suddenly thrown into the sky.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it was.


The two looked at each other, and immediately saw a trace of solemnity and vigilance in each other's eyes.

The Dragon King frowned and said, "Such a terrifying coercion, as well as a sense of pressure from the Dao Force, if you guessed correctly, the real realm strength of the terrifying phantom is definitely above us!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he asked in confusion: "Brother Long, you and I are both in the Venerable Realm who have just broken the mirror. If we join forces, how sure are we that we can defeat it?"


The Dragon King didn't answer.

Instead, he squinted his eyes, constantly sizing up and analyzing the terrifying phantom on the opposite side.

The same goes for Bai Xiaofei.


In comparison, Bai Xiaofei's understanding of the realm of the Venerable Realm is definitely not as good as that of the Dragon King, a senior reincarnation.

After all, he's a lone ranger.

But the Dragon King doesn't hurt, he is also a powerful force with an organization and a backer. Even if you have never eaten pork before, you have seen pigs running, right?

And it is true.

next moment.

I heard the Dragon King say: "Brother Haotian, although the true strength of this terrifying phantom is far superior to ours, it may be the existence of the Holy Lord."

"Holy One?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help interrupting when he heard the unfamiliar vocabulary.

The Dragon King looked at Bai Xiaofei in surprise, apparently not understanding that Bai Xiaofei didn't even know about this, but he didn't think about anything else.

Immediately afterwards, he explained: "Just as the divine realm is divided into different levels according to the level of cultivation, the realm of the venerable realm is also divided into three realms."

"From low to high, they are the god level, the holy level, and the strongest supreme. Each level is divided into five realm levels, namely: elementary level, intermediate level, high level, top level, and consummation level. realm."

"Although you and I are the first-level god-level powerhouses who have just broken through the realm, because of the particularity of our own avenues, our real combat power is far stronger than ordinary players of the same level, almost comparable to mid-level god-level powerhouses "

"As for that terrifying phantom, even though it is only a remnant of the will of the Holy One and the incarnation of power, its strength is extremely terrifying."

"Conservative estimates, at least there are high-level gods and gods. If you and I join forces, even if we have the power to fight, I'm afraid it will be bad luck."


Speaking of which.

The Dragon King paused for a moment, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This Guangming Cult is really shady, a team battle, sent so many people, not to mention the two powerful masters in the field of the Venerable Realm, they actually gave it back to you!" Such a terrible killer weapon”

"This damn is clearly not giving others a chance to survive!"


Bai Xiaofei deeply agrees.

If it wasn't for his innocence, he would naturally have a huge advantage. If it were other members of the reincarnation team, they would die as many as they came.

The Guangming Cult is indeed a superpower that is second to none in the reincarnation space, and even in the entire Hongmeng Realm. Such means and courage are indeed far beyond the reach of others.

If he wanted to win this time, he would have to reveal more strength and methods.


Aggrieved and depressed is small.

If one fails, it may completely overturn.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to do this.


Regardless of their thoughts and reactions.

On the opposite side, after the Holy Son of Worshiping the Lamp condensed the killer figure of a terrifying figure, he immediately changed his previous hard-working appearance and became arrogant and domineering again.

As if he was driving a Mecha Gundam, he was inlaid in the middle of the head of the terrifying phantom, condescending, looking down at Bai Xiaofei and the Dragon King arrogantly, and said loudly: "Haotian, and the Dragon King, let's see you this time." How to die!"

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