The Storm God

Chapter 4323 Second Black Bat King, destroy Professor X! (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 4323 Second Black Bat King, Professor X! (Please subscribe!)

"what happened?"

Everyone was shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

While being horrified, he couldn't help but look at Mo Du, meaning, didn't you say it was safe? What the hell now?


Modu was also shocked and broke out in cold sweat.

He also couldn't figure out why.

Logically speaking.

Once the Scarlet Witch's soul consciousness is isolated, coupled with the power of the dark book to fight, it is impossible for the other party to fight back?

why is that!


All right

You are a magician, now you actually know science?

I'm afraid it's not a joke!


It is pointless to investigate the reason now.

Most importantly, how can we stop Wanda the Witch, otherwise none of them will have a good time

"Let's do it 1

"Don't keep any strength anymore, she must be eradicated now, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous 1

"For Peace and Justice 1


It's about time.

They still didn't forget to shout slogans, really convinced.

"Witch, stop 1

The first to strike was Black Bolt King, the most aggressive and powerful attacking member of the Illuminati, and when he uttered a sound, he sprayed out endless waves of destruction.

but unfortunately

Witches at this time are not normal.

It's an enhanced version, and its strength is even better than before. It's just an onomatopoeia, and it's not taken seriously at all!

"You say it again?"

The witch smiled coldly, and waved a piece of scarlet magic.

Black Bolt King's terrifying attack disappeared in an instant, as if he had never appeared before.


Everyone was puzzled, what's going on?

What just happened?

"Black Bolt"

Suddenly, Captain Carter realized something was wrong with Black Bolt.

Everyone looked suspiciously, and saw that the Black Bolt King was using his hands to keep touching his face.

Guyin, his mouth is gone!



On the whole face, the facial features were completely gone!

You know, almost all of Black Bat King's abilities are in his mouth. Now that he has no mouth, the situation can be imagined.

It's even worse than a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out!


"poof 1

Black Bolt was completely stunned.

He had never encountered such a situation before, and in a hurry, he thought that the witch used some kind of magic to seal his mouth.

Subconsciously, he wanted to make sound waves to break through Feng Ying on his lips.

He thought that as long as he broke the seal on his mouth, he would be able to recover, but he didn't know that the witch's magic was not a seal.

Rather, it is a modification at a fundamental level.

That is.

The current Black Bolt King is equivalent to a freak who was born without a mouth.

He stubbornly believed that it was the witch who put a seal on his mouth, trying to destroy it with onomatopoeic waves.

The result can be imagined.

You can't destroy yourself. Since Black Bolt King's skin can withstand the power of the onomatopoeia, it means that its strength is definitely above it.

It is futile to try to attack yourself with onomatopoeic waves.

but because

Too little space in the mouth

The onomatopoeic waves emitted cannot be vented, and can only be continuously compressed in the end, and then continuously impact and vibrate back and forth in the mouth.

follow closely.

The first thing that can't bear it is the brain of Black Bolt King

Just for a moment.

Caught off guard, Black Bolt King's entire head was shattered and collapsed by his own onomatopoeic waves, and it was directly sunken in.

until now.

It failed to break through Black Bat King's skin, but directly shattered his skull and so on, and Black Bat King completely received his lunch.

The body straightened and fell to the ground without making a sound.


Watching the sudden horror scene.

Modu, Captain Marvel, Captain Carter, and the other members of the Illuminati were all stunned and shocked.


What just happened?

Why did Black Bolt suddenly receive a lunch box? What the hell did that damned witch do? Why did he kill himself!

Oli shot!

"Boom 1

Among the mutants, Cyclops reacted the fastest.

After all, this is Professor X's pre-selected successor candidate, and his ability is naturally good. After realizing that the situation is not good, he immediately launched an attack.

His idea is very simple, the witch must not be allowed to do anything again.

Otherwise, God knows how many people will die!

She must be pinned down!

And among the crowd, only Cyclops' laser energy, which is almost endless, can do this.

The others were a little bit worse after all.

Not even Captain Marvel!

"Boom 1

Cyclops' laser was immediately intercepted by the witch's protective shield, but the former's energy was endless, and it kept shooting crazily, making the witch unable to free her hand for a while.

"Everyone, hurry up, I can't hold on for too long 1

Cyclops yelled.


His Cyclops has infinite energy and can attack continuously, but this ability has an extremely obvious shortcoming.

That is not to blink!

It can also be blocked and neutralized by the special red quartzite. If the witch reacts, he may have to receive the lunch box in an instant.

So I didn't dare to be careless, and quickly reminded everyone to deal with the witch together.

"Hold on, we'll be fine soon 1

Professor X naturally knew his students best. Hearing this, he acted immediately, and the powerful and incomparable spiritual power invaded the consciousness of the witch in an instant.

at the same time.

Captain Marvel, Captain Carter, Mordo, and other members of the Illuminati took advantage of this opportunity without hesitation, and immediately set fire to attack the witch.

And in the spiritual world of witches.

After Professor X invaded, he was planning to find the weakness in the witch's mind and use it to disrupt the witch's arrival.

But after entering, Professor X was surprised to find that there was not only one Wanda, but three of them!


That's right, three!

There is the consciousness of Wanda in the 838 universe, the witch consciousness in the 616 universe, and the consciousness of another Wanda who does not know which world it is at all

The consciousness of the three Wandas formed an encircling circle, which directly surrounded Professor X, like making dumplings.

Professor X: ""

Depend on!


What am I? Take the initiative to jump into the enemy's trap?

This is the end of the precipice!


Professor X opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

It's a pity that the three Wandas share the same hatred, and they didn't give Professor X any chance at all.


There's no after that.

As the most powerful psychic on Earth, under the siege of the three Wandas, Professor X has no power to fight back, and directly hates the Northwest!

With the demise of spiritual consciousness, in reality, Professor X is completely silent, brain dead, neck broken, and heart shattered

No matter which one is an unrecoverable injury, the result is still a three-in-one, which is really a complete death, and there is no cure at all.

All of this is a long story, but in fact, it is almost an instant. Converted to real time, it is only about one second at most.

The direct manifestation is dead, the concentrated fire attack of the Illuminati has just been sent out, and the protective shield of the witch Wanda has not yet been broken

Professor X, the main force to restrain the witch's mind, is completely gg.

follow closely

A red light flashed in the eyes of Wanda the Witch.

Cyclops, the other main member who was pinned down, closed his eyes in an instant, and then fell to the ground, losing his combat effectiveness.

The witch didn't do anything to him, just a little sleep magic, which made Cyclops Scott completely withdraw from the battle.

Modu: ""

Captain Carter: ""

Captain Marvel: ""

Everyone: ""

Depend on!

In an instant, two more generals were downsized. This battle is impossible to fight!

Is it too late to run now?

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