The Storm God

Chapter 4324 The Illuminati will be destroyed! (Please subscribe!)

"Where are my children? 1 The Witch Wanda did not immediately attack them, but asked in a deep voice.

Compared to killing these hypocritical garbage, she cares more about her children.

"Modo 1

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Modu immediately.

Because Wanda's two children are being imprisoned by Modu, no one else cares about them. After all, Kama Taj has a strong management ability.

Otherwise, the mages will not be led.

The two children are most suitable for him to look at, and the others are suitable at all. Carter is an agent, and Surprise is a space peacekeeper.

Not to mention mutants.

Their own people fought extremely hotly.

Can you entrust your child to them?

Not to mention the Fantastic Four, they have a deadly feud with Wanda. Although Susan is a mother, there is no guarantee that she will not do anything when she is angry.

All things considered, Mo Du was the most suitable. Everyone believed that Mo Du would do the job well.

In fact, Modu really put his heart into it.


This intention does not refer to treating children, but in case of failure, there are two children as bargaining chips.

Hearing Wanda's words, Modu's eyes lit up immediately, and immediately felt that he was doing well again, and said coldly: "Wanda, your child is in my hands, if you dare to mess around, I guarantee they will not better than 1

"Modo 1

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt bad.


You are dancing on the grave, dancing on the tip of the knife

You fucking want to die, don't drag us, okay, we don't want to be buried with you!

With that in mind.

Captain Carter immediately winked at Mo Du.

Meaning, please don't say any more, lest you drive the Witch into a rage, and then we're all doomed.

They have already deeply realized that none of the people present is Wanda's opponent, even if they join forces.

It's not that they are too weak, but that the opponent is too strong.

Black Bolt, Professor X, which one is not a super powerhouse, but he was instantly killed in an instant, which is outrageous!

Although they still have Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel has no idea

The key Wanda's ability cannot be measured by common sense.

Who is not afraid!


The female black version of Captain Marvel also frantically winked at Modu.

But it's a pity that Modu has gone completely crazy. Seeing the colors of the two, he thought he was right.

Immediately smiled slightly, and returned a look that you can rest assured, I will take care of it. Only the two captains were dumbfounded

Depend on!

Have you misunderstood something?

Just when the two were about to say something, Wanda the Witch was completely enraged: "Threat me with two children?"

"Humph 1

"You Illuminati are really great and upright, no matter, since you are so stubborn, then I will simply fulfill you."

"All to me to die 1

"Scarlet Storm 1

"Boom 1

The witch Wanda broke out completely.

The terrifying scarlet chaotic magic energy swept across the audience in an instant, and the weaker ones seemed to be poisoned and died almost instantly.

The whole person turned into endless red particles, completely vanishing into thin air.

Not just people.

Even the surrounding buildings and facilities and other inorganic objects began to collapse and disintegrate under the influence of the witch's magic.

Of course, the witch's trick is not only for killing and destroying, but also using it to find her own children.

As for the person or thing that blocks it

Feel sorry!

Let me all disappear!

At this moment, Wanda has completely lost her patience. The ignorance and shamelessness of Modu and others have made the witch no longer trust them.

She would rather find the baby herself!


Seeing the behavior of the witch, Mordo was shocked.

You know, the mage group here is the mainstay of Kama Taj, but in the blink of an eye, they were turned into blood-colored particles by the witch and disappeared completely.

Not to mention the loss of human life, the first thing Mo Du thought of was the enchantment of the magic world and the imminent threat.

Without the presence of these mages, the Holy of Holies must be hollow.

Thus giving countless demons opportunities.

So he was furious.


Wanda the Witch ignored him at all.

Seeing that Modu's death was imminent and he didn't know how to repent, he snorted coldly, and a larger ball of magical energy smashed over immediately.

Modu didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly fought the magic resistance.

As for Captain Carter and Captain Marvel, there is also suffering. This pig teammate, everything is messed up now.

It was useless for them to say anything at the moment.

So he could only bite the bullet and choose to deal with it, but in his heart, he had already retreated.

It's not that they are cowardly, but that they know that there is no hope of winning.

To stay is to die!

As for Mordo?

Feel sorry!

The two captains have completely given up on this pig teammate.

Such a deceitful thing, who the hell still has the mind to take care of him, what about love, I can't live anymore

After evading a wave of attacks from Wanda, the two captains turned around and chose to escape without any hesitation.

Captain Marvel flew straight into the sky and left Earth completely.

Captain Carter, on the other hand, used the jetpack on his body to use as many pieces as he could to quickly evacuate from the base of the Illuminati.

As for the future?


Let's just escape and talk, otherwise it's just nonsense to think about it!

The rest of the people are not stupid either.

They ran and scattered, and soon there were only a few mages headed by Mo Du, who stayed where they were.

As for mutants and inhumans and all that?

Withdrew early!

Didn’t you see that both Black Bolt and Professor X have been killed? If they stay here, they will die in vain. If you keep the green hills, you won’t be afraid of running out of firewood

Survive first!


Can you please take Cyclops Scott, who is lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, while you are running?

No matter what people say, he is also your future leader.

This is the result?

A wave of panic-stricken escape drama.

Immediately, Wanda the Witch laughed, and said with a sneer, "Is this what Strange got in exchange for his own life? It's really ridiculous and ironic."


Say no more.

The figure flew high and floated in the sky.

The terrifying scarlet chaos magic instantly enveloped a radius of more than ten kilometers, including the underground, and conducted a comprehensive search.

As for the enemies inside?


Don't worry about witches at all.

Those red mist-like magical powers are like the deadliest toxins, but if they are contaminated with a little bit, they will be immediately modified into any other substance, whether it be stones, or water droplets, or dust, or even particles

In short.

Except for Wanda's two children, no one should think about it!

Especially Mordo!

Wanda the Witch hated this sanctimonious bastard very much. The magical energy and degree of distortion exerted on him were dozens or hundreds of times that of other people.

It shows that the other party is to be tortured to death!

that's all.

The Illuminati, which was once incomparably brilliant and flourished for a while, was finally completely destroyed under the ravages of Wanda the Witch.

Only the statue of Doctor Strange standing in front of it was not harmed by the witch's chaos magic.

Because in Wanda's eyes, Strange is the real hero.

He has endured so much.


But he was forced to death by these hypocritical guys with a mouthful of lies!

Simply hateful!

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