The Storm God

Chapter 908 You Want to Pick Me Up! (Please subscribe!)

Omatikaya tribe.

Under the home tree.

Hundreds of Nawei people were gathered together, all of them looked uplifted, their faces were full of anger, and their eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent!

Because the soul tree was attacked and destroyed by humans, the things that destroyed and disappeared.

They all already know.

It's worth it!

Under the urgency of the patriarch, all the people returned to the tribe in an emergency, discussing how to take revenge on the human beings, and expel them all from the planet Pandora.


Discussed for a long time.

They also failed to discuss the reasons and results.

Because the power of human beings is too strong, not to mention that there are more people than them, the weapons, equipment, and means are far beyond what they can match!

The two are not of the same magnitude at all!

Hard words.

That is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg!

Although the Wei people are not lacking in blood and courage, they are not fools. They will not do things like sending death for nothing!


There was a sound of hooves.

Su Tai, who was in charge of patrolling and monitoring near the human base, led more than a dozen tribesmen, and returned to the tribe's home belatedly after receiving the signal to assemble.


Someone told him the news that the soul tree was destroyed.

Then Su Tai was stunned on the spot.

"This is impossible!"

Su Tai said in disbelief: "Last night, we have been closely monitoring and patrolling near the human base, and we have not found any abnormalities, and no aircraft or troops have come out of the base. It is impossible for the human beings there to There must be someone else who attacked and destroyed the soul tree!"

His tone is very positive!


"what happened?"

"Su Tai is the heir of the patriarch, brave and good at fighting, and has outstanding abilities. He must have seen it with his own eyes when he said that!"

"Aren't those humans?"


After hearing what Su Tai said.

The rest of the Nawei people immediately began to whisper among each other.

The communication between the Nawei people is very direct and very trustworthy. Unlike human beings, they are full of cunning, selfishness and calculations. They are all honest and honest with each other, and there are almost no secrets between each other, so... For Su Tai If so, everyone has no doubts.


Patriarch Aitukang was also puzzled.

Asked: "Are you sure? You must know that this matter is no small matter, you have to think about it before talking about it!"

"I am sure!"

"These fighters can all testify!"


A dozen Nawei people who were patrolling with Su Tai also followed suit: "We are all sure that there was nothing abnormal in the human base last night!"


Aitukang was stunned.

The only outsiders on Pandora are the humans there, if not them, then who would they be?

He couldn't help turning his gaze to Muya.

Muya is the spiritual leader of the tribe and can have a direct dialogue with the god Eva.


It can come from "her".

Get some detailed clues and intelligence, as well as important instructions!


Muya is Aitukon's wife.

The two are connected with each other, and they can understand each other's meaning without words, just a look.


Muya didn't say much.

He closed his eyes directly, and began to try to communicate with Eva.


She had a revelation.

Then, under the expectant and curious eyes of everyone, Muya came to her daughter Knightley.



Muya smiled and said to her: "Eva has given me a revelation. She told me that among the humans in the base over there, there is a person she chooses. Only you can pick him out, and then lead us to fight back against humans." , drive humans out of our world, Knightley, the task of finding that person is up to you!"


Knightley was stunned.

Not only her, Su Tai, Aitukang, and all the other Nawei people were also stunned.

Looking for a human?


Isn't Eva our god?

Why is it necessary to find an alien human being as the key to saving us? Is there any hidden secret in it? !

The will of the gods cannot be guessed by ordinary people.


Although everyone is puzzled.

But because it was the will of Eva, their most noble and believed god, they all accepted it.

So did Knightley.


She nodded heavily.

Then he asked his mother Muyadao: "Mother, I understand! Then what should I do?"

"Follow your heart!"

Muya said with a magic stick: "Eva will give you instructions, Knightley, after you find that person, bring him here!"


"Time is running out!"



Knightley was silent for a while, then nodded, picked up her bow and arrow weapon, stared deeply at her clansmen, and finally turned and left the tribal home tree in the eyes of everyone's anticipation and hope. Walk in the direction of the Human Hell Gate Base.


at the same time.

Here at the Gate of Hell base.

business as usual.

People in various departments, what should they do?

Dr. Jack and Norman also came to the biological laboratory, and after a series of preparations, they began to try to connect to Avatar.

Under the leadership of Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Bailei and Bai Hou collected and studied the sample data of some edible plants planted in the base, so they did not come to the biology laboratory. Bai Xiaofei was here alone, continuing to steal Various materials, especially the core content of the spiritual contact system in Dr. Grace's mind.


Dr. Grace also wanted to connect to Avatar today, so Bai Xiaofei still didn't succeed.

The connection process between Jack and Dr. Norman.

Bai Xiaofei also watched it.


No idea at all.

The spiritual link system is different from ordinary black technology.

There are not only elements of black technology, but also the in-depth research and integration of the nervous system of the human brain, the body structure of the Nawei people, and genetic technology... even if Bai Xiaofei's technological strength is not enough. Low, without having all relevant knowledge and content, it is impossible to discover anything through observation!

Simply put.

It is the so-called "interlacing like a mountain!".

The current Bai Xiaofei has not absorbed enough information and knowledge, that is, he has not yet entered the profession, so of course it is difficult to penetrate the mysteries!


He is not in a hurry either.

There are plenty of time and opportunities, and it's not too late.

Just like in the movie plot, after Jack was connected to Avatar, he was finally able to walk on his own feet again. Excited, he ran out directly regardless of the obstruction of everyone in the laboratory, and ran wildly along the way. , Experience the pleasure of stepping on the ground.


On the basketball court of foreign teachers' colleges.

Dr. Grace, who turned into an Avatar, met Jack who ran out, and was extremely surprised that Jack could control the Avatar so 666 when he connected for the first time.

follow closely……

Dr. Grace began to test and guide Jack on the spot.

As a pig's foot, Jack is possessed by a halo, so no matter how Dr. Grace tests him or points him out, Jack can almost master it quickly, pass the test smoothly, and perform extremely well! If Dr. Grace didn't know Jack well, I couldn't believe that this was the first time Jack connected to Avatar. He is simply an experienced driver!

"very good!"

"Jack, I take back what I said earlier that you are trash!"

"You are very nice!"


Dr. Grace looked delighted.

Parker told her that Jack is a genius. After connecting to Avatar, he can act as an Avatar marine to protect them, which will facilitate the research operations of their scientific research department.

At first, Dr. Grace was very skeptical and disbelieving of this statement!

But now.

Look after Jack's excellent performance.

She had to admit that Jack was really a genius, and this avatar's body was almost tailor-made for him! Saying Xu... Letting him join the research department is also a very good choice. Although he can't do scientific research, he can act as a soldier to protect us, and it's not useless!

Think here.

Dr. Grace smiled slightly.

Then he sent an invitation to Jack: "Jack, it happens that we are going to go outside the base this afternoon to collect and study some plant samples, and you should come with us too! Just be responsible for protecting our safety, while there is still some time, how much do you want?" Familiar with the body of Avatar, don't lose the chain when the time comes!"


"Dr. Grace!"


Jack readily agreed.

At this moment, he was also very happy, not only because he could walk with his legs again, but also because Dr. Grace recognized him. He secretly vowed that he must work hard, complete the task, and then heal his legs, and really rely on his own legs to stand up again, not the avatar's body!



The time came in the afternoon.

Dr. Grace brought Dr. Norman, Jack, and Bai Xiaofei to the space launch site, and they were going to take the Samson transport plane to the outside of the base for investigation and research.

it's here.

Bai Xiaofei also saw an acquaintance.

That is the pilot of the Samson transport plane, kind-hearted, and very sympathetic to Chu Di who suffered from the Nawei people. In the movie, because of their different positions, they had to participate in the destruction of Pandora by human beings, but at the last critical moment, they couldn't bear it, and chose to side with the Nawei people, so that they ended up in a tragic death.


The reason why she is an acquaintance.

But not only because of this, but because her role is Michelle Rodriguez!

This woman with a very distinctive appearance and a very large chest has acted in many well-known big movies, and among these space-time worlds derived from movies, Bai Xiaofei alone has experienced two, one is The world of Resident Evil, the other is the world of Fast and Furious.

In Resident Evil, she played the role of Renn, a mercenary from the Umbrella Company. She had an average relationship with Bai Xiaofei, and they didn't have much communication. Later, she was killed by interstellar miner Ling Yun and others. In the world of speed and passion, the relationship between the two parties is much closer. The Letty she plays is the wife of Boss Tang.

Bai Xiaofei was in contact with Boss Tang's family members, but he was shouting at each other.


In this Avatar world.

Seeing another role played by Michelle, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but feel that things are right and wrong, and the world has changed.


Realizing that Bai Xiaofei was staring at her, Chu Di was startled for a moment, then smiled evilly, raised her eyebrows, looked at Bai Xiaofei with a smile, and said teasingly: "Little handsome guy, why are you staring at me so absent-mindedly?'ve taken a fancy to me? Do you want to pick me up? I don't care, far as I know, you have a wife!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei broke into a sweat.

This big American girl is too open-minded, it's really overwhelming!

Immediately waved his hand and explained: "Sorry! You look very similar to a friend of mine. I'm just a little surprised and can't believe it. I love my wife very much, and I don't mean to cheat on you!"

I added in my heart, "And you are not my type!"


Trudy frowned.

Obviously not believing Bai Xiaofei's words, he said with a black smile: "Okay! Then take out your friend's photo, I want to see how similar your friend is to me, if you don't want to , hehe... Then I can be sure that you want to pick me up, and then, don't blame me for telling your wife!"


"Xiao Fei, take out the photo and take a look!"

"Let's open our eyes too!"



Jack and the others looked like they were watching the show.

"All right!"

Seeing such a situation.

If I don't explain clearly, I'm afraid I won't be able to clear up my posture even if I jump into the Yellow River.

Helpless, Bai Xiaofei could only take out his smart device, and took a group photo of himself with Boss Tang and other members, and showed it to everyone. Then he said to everyone: "No, this is my friend. He is my sister-in-law, named Letty, and she is a very good racing driver. The bald man next to him is his husband..."

Trudy: "..."

Everyone: "..."

In fact, everyone didn't listen to the latter words at all.


Including Trudy.

Jack, Dr. Norman, Dr. Grace and a group of people, after seeing the face of Letty who looked exactly like Trudy in the group photo, they were all stunned on the spot with expressions of disbelief. The expression is like seeing a ghost, not to mention how wonderful it is.


Someone laughed very unkindly.

Xin said: "Don't you guys have to watch it, you must be dumbfounded now, hahaha!"


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