The Storm God

Chapter 909: The Death Beast Appears! (Please subscribe!)

After the episode.

The group boarded the Samson transport plane and flew out of the Gate of Hell base.

Fly for a moment.

Suddenly a thick fog appeared ahead.

Chu Di reminded everyone: "Pay attention! The road ahead is not easy to walk, if you don't pay attention and fall, I will not be responsible!"

This is no joke.

Pandora's magnetic field is very special, especially near the foggy suspended mountains.

If one fails, the various circuits and systems on the plane will malfunction. The foggy area that the Samson transport plane is about to enter now is such a danger. The new Jack and Dr. Norman may not know it, but as old people Dr. Trudy and Dr. Grace are very clear.

In the past, human beings didn't know about these situations, but there were many crashes here!

this moment.

The aircraft went fully into manual flight mode.

Radar failed.

Everything can only be discerned with the naked eye.

For a plane flying in the fog, this is undoubtedly very dangerous. Fortunately, Chu Di is an experienced old driver, and her driving skills are superb. The Samson transport plane only experienced a little turbulence, and quickly passed through the fog. , entered the most famous floating mountain area in the Pandora planet.

The fog cleared.

It suddenly became clear to the eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there are countless giant mountains suspended in mid-air, and waterfalls all over the sky are flying down from the mountains, just like the Milky Way flowing backwards, splashing countless water splashes, reflecting the bright and bright sunshine into extremely beautiful one after another. Rainbows, flocks of flying birds fly past, magical small animals, towering plants, all over the floating giant mountains, leisurely.

Such a scene is not an exaggeration to call it a fairyland!


It is the famous "Hallelujah Mountain".

"Whoa whoa!"

Seeing such a beautiful scene for the first time, Jack and Norman immediately couldn't help but yelled loudly to vent the incomparably high passion in their hearts.

In fact, they were not the only ones who were excited, even Bai Xiaofei was no exception.

This beauty.

It's much more spectacular than in 3D movies.

Although Bai Xiaofei had already seen and heard about it last night, it was at night and now it is daytime, the two scenes are completely different!

not to mention……

In these suspended giant mountains.

But it contains a lot of superconducting ore.

Looking at the countless, at least thousands of floating mountains, Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself: "Hey! These are all superconducting ores! Not to mention that all of them have been mined, even if it is just one The content of the mountain, that's a huge profit! I really can't figure out that the group of humans in the movie feel sorry for Mao having to grab the mines of the Home Tree, they are so stupid!"

Trudy has been on Pandora for some years.


For such a situation, she is already familiar with it, and a little numb.

Seeing the appearance of Jack and Norman, I couldn't help but smile knowingly, thinking: Sometimes I get tired of looking at the scenery, and it's also a very good pleasure to look at the people who look at the scenery, such as the two in front of me, watching them make a sound Shouting, I was extremely excited, and my mood couldn't help being exaggerated a lot!


What the hell is Bai Xiaofei's reaction?




This is too abnormal!

Shaking her head with a wry smile, Chu Di stopped thinking about it and concentrated on controlling the plane, flying smoothly all the way.

During this period.

Bai Xiaofei found an opportunity and used illusion to hypnotize everyone.

Then he summoned the space card, released countless intelligent robots, let Cass take the lead, and led them to detect and scan in this floating mountain area, looking for suitable mountains to mine superconducting ore. This is a serious matter. It's the second day after arriving on Pandora, so I have to start taking action anyway.


After about an hour.

The research site chosen by Dr. Grace has finally arrived.

The plane landed.

Jack, Dr. Norman, Dr. Grace.

All three are in the state of Avatar, about three meters tall, which is much taller than ordinary humans. Only Dr. Norman, Dr. Grace, and the extra human form Bai Xiaofei were really engaged in scientific research. As for Jack, he was responsible for protecting everyone's safety, with a heavy machine gun on his back.

As for Trudy...

But stay on the transport plane and be responsible for receiving and protecting the plane, so as not to be destroyed by the beasts that suddenly come over, then it will be hard work.

The four stopped and stopped all the way, collecting various data and samples.

Division of labor and cooperation with each other.

They get along very well, and the progress is very fast.

In the conversation with Dr. Grace and Dr. Norman, Bai Xiaofei also learned a lot, and he was secretly delighted.

At the beginning, Jack would try to listen to the research and conversations of Dr. Grace and others, but...after listening for a while, he couldn't listen to it at all, because he couldn't understand it at all, as if listening to a bible , Hearing that Jack's head was about to grow big. He couldn't help shaking his head secretly, thinking: "Forget it! I'm really not a research material, so I should be a soldier honestly!"



Jack wandering around.

I don't know if it's due to the influence of inertia or Eva's consciousness.

Sure enough, just like in the plot, he met the group of Hammerhead Thors, and then yelled at them. When Jack thought he was bluffing the other party and was extremely frightened, there was the most ferocious beast at the top of the food chain on land— ——The Grim Reaper, but by coincidence, it appeared behind Jack!

The scene was once very embarrassing!

The target of the Reaper Beast was originally Hammerhead Thor, and wanted to hunt one of them and have a good meal.


There are crowds of people.

He also put on an extremely tight defensive formation, how can he hunt like this!

The Death Beast is depressed!

Even if it is it, it doesn't dare to be tough with the other party easily, because the price of doing so is too high, and if you don't do it, you may be injured, or even be hammered to death by the other party!


It noticed Jack.

This guy is all to blame, if it weren't for him, his hunting plan would not have been discovered by Hammerhead Thor!

Since Hammerhead Thor can't be hunted, then...


The Death Beast roared.

Murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and he pounced on Jack's avatar.


Jack is so depressed.

Is my luck too bad? First, I met a group of guys who looked more powerful than elephants, and now a more terrifying guy appeared. Look at its ferocious eyes, strong and streamlined body, and extremely sharp fighting claws and teeth. Just eat meat!


Seeing the death beast rushing towards him, Jack shot without hesitation.


The impact of the gun alone.

It's not enough to break through the rough and thick defensive skin of Death God's animal skin. All the bullets hit it, and it will only scratch a few shallow marks when it is dead!

The strength of the Death God Beast can be seen!


The shooting of bullets made the Death Beast even more angry.

It dodged left and right, avoided Jack's shooting two or three times, and then slapped the machine gun in Jack's hand away, then opened its bloody mouth, and slammed towards Jack. Of course Jack wouldn't sit still, the machine gun was gone, he still had hands and feet, and seeing that the beast was going to eat him, he naturally let go of his feet and ran away!


The Death Beast is in hot pursuit.

He looked as if he didn't understand Jack and only hated him.

On the way of fierce pursuit, sharp fangs and claws, biting and waving mercilessly, almost all the plants and trees blocked along the way were smashed and destroyed by the death beast!


Bai Xiaofei and the others are here.

"Da da da!"

The people who were doing scientific research suddenly heard a gunshot.



"what happened?"

"It's Jack!"


Dr. Grace and Dr. Norman suddenly turned pale with shock.

With an exclamation, he got up and rushed towards the source of the sound to check what was going on and help Jack by the way.

at this time.

However, Bai Xiaofei stopped him and said, "Hurry up and get out of here, I'll go!"

The two were just about to say something.


There was a scarlet flash in Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

Their expressions immediately became sluggish, and then they nodded blankly and said: "Understood, let's leave now!"

Obviously, the two were hypnotized by Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to the two of them anymore, and directly used the stretching technique, rushing towards Jack's place, and at the same time said in his heart: "Eva's bitch has been beaten into a cripple by me, I don't know if this Jack will do it again!" As in the plot, being chosen by Eva? Let’s go and have a look first!”


He rushed to the place where the incident happened just now.


Bai Xiaofei was still a step late.

Whether it is Jack or the Death Beast, the building has long been empty.

"Are you a step late?"

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly.


He unfolded his mental power and began to scan and track Jack on a large scale. No matter how fast Avatar and Death Beast are, it is impossible to break out of Bai Xiaofei's sensing range in this short period of time. As long as he locked the direction and clues of their departure, Bai Xiaofei could quickly chase them with his super speed.


The result of the scan.

But it surprised Bai Xiaofei: "How is it possible, there is no clue!"


"The clues were deliberately destroyed and covered up!"

"This level..."

"It's Eva!"

Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly darkened.

He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this Bichi did not give up, and still chose Jack, but I don't know what kind of moth Eva will make this time. Thinking about it, it is really exciting. It's better to be like Same as the last two times, let me absorb some more energy, so that the golem of the heretics can also have a good meal!"


ps: Thanks for subscribing! 3 more! Thank you [Xuanyuan Dark Blood] for the reward of 100 starting coins, I am very grateful! Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards for support! Worry-free thanks everyone!

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