It means that the victory is certain.

Lan Ling saw the news.

She was also quite satisfied.

Indeed, if there is more than 100 million.

It is equivalent to a sure win.

The opponent recharged 100 million, and only more than 40 million is left. It is difficult to come up with another 100 million to compete with her for the championship.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling certainly felt that she might win.

After all, it is difficult for the opponent to compete with her again.

After thinking about it, Lan Ling agreed to the plan of her subordinates.

Directly reward 80 million.

Let the other party retreat.

This is good.

If the other party still doesn't give up.

Then she still has the remaining funds to snipe!

After Lan Ling agreed, her subordinates began to prepare!

The competition officially began.

Lan Ling is good at singing, so the anchor must of course perform a talent first.

Lan Ling came to be an anchor because she likes singing.

She became an anchor purely out of interest.

Unlike others, who are purely for money!

Lan Ling sang a song quickly.

I have to say that it is really quite nice. Even Ye Yi is interested in this anchor.

What a talented anchor.

If it weren't for the task in���, even Ye Yi wanted to reward Lan Ling.

After Lan Ling sang a song, the whole audience kept barrage.

It was full of cheers from fans!

But Meng Yi was still in a daze. She couldn't do anything.

She was confused throughout the whole scene. She was purely carried into the finals by Ye Yi.

Soon the reward time began.

The final result began!

The talent is fake.

It's just a matter of who gets more rewards!

Lan Ling's subordinates were ready.

Instantly reward her 80 million!

80 million was thrown in.

Countless rockets resounded across the screen!

The entire Douying was reminded by barrage.

Gorgeous to the extreme!

Seeing 80 million rewards at this time, Meng Yi was stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, she was instantly desperate.

She is worthy of being the second sister.

The reward amount is so fierce, it's 80 million at the beginning.

Even the number one sister on the platform doesn't have so many rewards.

How could she not be stunned?

After being stunned, she was completely desperate and thought she was doomed to lose.

After all, Ye Yi had recharged 100 million before and after.

Where can I win more money!

And there are only more than 40 million left out of 100 million. What can she use to fight the other party?

Of course, she thinks she is doomed to lose.

There is no chance of a comeback.

Of course, she is doomed to lose.

But in fact, she dare not think about winning the third place.

The benefits of winning the third place are also quite huge.

And it is not unfair to lose to the second sister of the platform.

Meng Yi's fans are also completely desperate!

In fact, they still had a little hope just now, thinking that there might be a chance?

But the second sister is the second sister.

It's 80 million right up!

What can you use to fight others?

Even if it is the happy fat house water boss, can he take out another 100 million to fight others?

So it's doomed to lose.

Thinking of this, of course they are more desperate.

Ye Yi is also watching.

Seeing that the other party only has 80 million.

I was relieved immediately.

But at this time, Ye Yi only has more than 40 million on his account, and he will definitely not win.

Must continue to recharge.

Ye Yi is of course not polite.

Continue to recharge directly. This time Ye Yi directly recharges 200 million!

He wants to make the other party despair.

Win the championship in one fell swoop!

To avoid trouble!

Otherwise, it would be so troublesome to fight back and forth!

Just let the other party despair, how much easier is that?

Ye Yi directly recharged 200 million!

After recharging 200 million, Ye Yi's level reached 30,000!

10,000 is already the highest level in Douying, no one has ever reached it.

30,000, then no one will be able to break it in the next ten years!

The special effects of 30,000 are different, the whole screen is full of dragons!

Then all Douying are reminding in the barrage

"Congratulations to the happy fat man Shui Da Lao for recharging 200 million in the live broadcast room of anchor Xiaoyi!"

After all, it was a recharge of 200 million, such a large number.

All Douying reminded!

So Xiaoyi became popular again. Xiaoyi's fans soared to 3 million fans!

In one day, Ye Yi brought her to 3 million fans.

This is the magic of money!

Seeing this scene at this time.

Meng Yi was shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

She thought she was going to lose.

But Ye Yi recharged another 200 million!

How rich must Ye Yi be to take out 300 million casually?

She can be sure that he has at least 100 billion assets to be so arrogant!

After being shocked, she was deeply moved.

How could she not be moved?

She didn't even dare to think about winning the championship!

As a result The big guy directly recharged 300 million to help her win the championship!

Meng Yi already loved Ye Yi deeply.

At this moment, Ye Yi became her only one in the world!

Completely the only one!

She knew that she could only belong to Ye Yi for the rest of her life!

She could never fall in love with anyone else!

Xiaoyi's fans were also shocked.

They all thought Xiaoyi was doomed to lose.

But the happy fat guy Shui big guy directly recharged another 200 million?

Recharged 300 million in total, just to help a host win the championship?

They were completely shocked.

How could they not be shocked.

At the same time, they couldn't imagine how rich one had to be to give 300 million without blinking an eye!

At least he must have 100 billion in assets, right?

"How rich does one have to be to be able to give so much in tips?"

"I'm afraid it would take at least 100 billion to not take 300 million seriously."

"Only 100 billion? The scale is too small"

"My mother asked me why I knelt again"

"My grandma beat me up again and asked me why I was so weak"

"I was also despised by my grandma, who asked me why I knelt for a whole day!"

Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

The screen was full of barrages.

They were all shocked! They were all stunned by Ye Yi's move.

Lan Ling was also stunned!

She thought she had won.

But suddenly she was shocked by Ye Yi.

Recharge 200 million?

Lan Ling knew at this moment that she had lost.

In fact, Lan Ling could also fight.

As a daughter of a noble family, she still had 200 to 300 million pocket money. She could take it out to fight.

This is also the horror of a daughter of a noble family!

The Lan family is the real supreme family in Yangcheng!

And among the Yangcheng families, they are the top of the world. They are quite powerful.

Three billion is just pocket money for her.

But there is no need.

There is really no need to spend so much money on such a game.

She is already the second sister of the platform.

She doesn't need such a champion to promote herself.

No Although she lost, she did not hate Xiaoyi.

Instead, she accepted the fact that she lost generously.

This is also her quality and cultivation.

If you make a fuss and feel resentment after losing, it can only show that you have no quality.

Of course, after accepting the fact that she lost, she became curious about this happy fat house Shui!

And it was real curiosity! It was the first time she felt curious about a man!

To be able to take out 300 million at will, he must be a wealthy family.

The wealthy families are unwilling to take out so much money to reward strangers.

After all, money doesn't come from the wind.

To be able to reward 300 million at will.

How powerful is this big man?

How much does he not care about money?

Of course, she was completely interested in Happy Fat House Shui!

She became curious.

She even secretly guessed who the other party was!

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