Everyone was shocked!

They were completely stunned by Ye Yi's recharge of 80 million.

Moti was dumbfounded.

Hu Shao was also dumbfounded.

The more than one hundred rich young men behind Moti were dumbfounded.

All of them worked hard to get together 20 million.

The other party just recharged 80 million.

What the hell?

If you really want to fight, you can actually fight.

But who is willing to spend so much money on an internet celebrity?

Moti is not a beauty.

Isn't she attractive as a young model who costs 5,000?

Why spend so much money!

So no one is willing to spend money on Moti.

It is certain that they will lose.

And the other party just recharged 80 million, which only means that they are really rich.

They have met a tough guy.

After Moti was dumbfounded, of course she was unwilling!

She is aggressive by nature.

How could she tolerate losing to a small anchor?

She went to find Hu Shao immediately.

Unfortunately, Hu Shao didn't reply to her directly.

Moti is not stupid, she knows what this means.

It will not be good for everyone if they fall out.

She will have to rely on Hu Shao for her livelihood in the future.

Besides, she also got more than 10 million yuan from this live broadcast, which was actually a profit.

Although she had to slowly pay back more than a hundred rich young men with this 10 million yuan, it was enough for her to buy a villa in a first-tier city.

So even though she was unwilling, she had to stop!

After Ye Yi recharged, there was 91 million yuan in his account!

So Ye Yi directly rewarded 31 million yuan in Xiaoyi's live broadcast room!

The other side only had a little more than 20 million yuan.

Ye Yi rewarded 31 million yuan alone!

31 million yuan came out.

Xiaoyi was completely stunned.

She was not good at math.

She couldn't calculate how much money she made tonight.

Anyway, it seemed to be a lot of money! It would be enough for her not to have to work in her next life...

Xiaoyi's fans were also shocked.

The screen was full of 66666!

In the pk with Moti, Xiaoyi won easily!

In the next two live broadcasts, she also encountered two big anchors.

But the two big anchors didn't dare to compete with Xiaoyi!

Now everyone knows that Happy Fat House Shui is a super boss.

Who dares to go against him?

Going against him is a dead end!

The other party recharged 80 million!

There are still 50 million on the books!

How to compete?

Didn’t you see that the tenth anchor was defeated?

And the other party can easily take out 80 million to recharge, it may not be impossible to get tens of millions more!

So they all admitted defeat very sensibly.

And took the initiative to tell their local tyrant fans that they can’t beat the other party, so don’t waste money.

So Ye Yi only rewarded one million for both live broadcasts and won!

He spent two million to win two live broadcasts.

It’s quite cost-effective!

In this way, it’s finally the finals!

It’s also the last game!

If Xiaoyi wins, he will be the champion.

If he loses, he will be the third place!

In such a big game, Xiaoyi is very satisfied even if he is the third place.

Even the third place can get the platform traffic tilt, and it’s not a problem to become a big anchor!

So Xiaoyi doesn’t dare to think about it anymore, and he is already very satisfied.

But Ye Yi is different!

He only needs to do one thing, that is, let Xiaoyi win the championship!

Not bad, just let Xiaoyi win the championship!

In the last pk, Xiaoyi faced the most powerful anchor in history!

The second sister of the platform!

The second-ranked anchor.

The second sister is much stronger than Moti.

Moti only has one fan at level 2,000!

But the second sister has five big brothers above level 2,000.

In addition, there are dozens of people who have rewarded her with over one million.

You can imagine how terrible the gap is!

Her strength is at least five times that of Moti.

Seeing the final battle with the second sister.

Meng Yi dared not even think about it!

It was even clear that she would definitely be defeated.

This is the second sister!

The second sister's fan club can easily spend 80 million.

Even the fat otaku and the big boss have no chance of winning against her!

So she was completely desperate.

Don't talk about her.

Xiaoyi's fans are even more desperate!

Unexpectedly, the last battle was with the second sister of the platform!

What the hell?

They have already seen the scene of defeat.

So they are more desperate than Xiaoyi!

The second sister of the platform is called Ling'er, a gentle and beautiful beauty! Her pure plain face is above nine points.

A rare beauty.

Her pure plain face is only slightly worse than Xiaoyi.

No wonder she can become the second sister!

Ling'er's real name is Lan Ling!

Unlike other female anchors who broadcast live for money.

Lan Ling did live streaming purely out of interest.

But she became the second sister of the platform just for her interest, which shows how extraordinary she is.

In fact, Lan Ling is indeed extraordinary.

Her real identity is a daughter of a noble family in Yangcheng!

That's right, she is a daughter of a noble family.

A real daughter of a noble family!

A daughter of a noble family that can cause an earthquake in the whole city of Yangcheng if she stamps her feet. It is precisely because of her background that Lan Ling never lacks money.

She was able to make a good living in just a few years and directly reach the status of the second sister of the platform.

The reason why she can reach this position is because of Lan Ling's background and the fact that she is not short of money.

Although Lan Ling has become the second sister of the platform, she never does anything wrong. She has never had any bad rumors with men.

She is completely different from other female anchors.

She is a rare female anchor who keeps herself clean.

In fact, with Lan Ling's identity, she doesn't need to be the same as those female anchors.

At this time, facing Xiaoyi, although Lan Ling is sure of winning, she did not look down on Xiaoyi.

In her daily life, Lan Ling is a gentle, kind and well-educated girl.

Naturally, she will not despise others without quality.

Although she thinks she has a high probability of winning, she still maintains enough respect for Xiaoyi.

This is also her cultivation.

She maintains enough respect for anyone, even a beggar.

She will never be superior because of her identity.

Not only does she respect Xiaoyi, but she also does not despise the happy fat house boss.

But at this moment, Lan Ling's mobile phone rang.

She saw the message sent by others.

The person who sent the message was the person arranged by the Lan family.

Lan Ling can become the second sister, naturally because of the Lan family's operation.

The Lan family often gives her rewards.

She was pushed to the position of the second sister.

The Lan family is indeed not short of money.

Because the young lady likes it, they specially set up an Internet celebrity company.

Now this is the person arranged by the Lan family.

Arranged to help Lan Ling win the championship.

Naturally, they have to discuss with the eldest lady how to win the championship

"Miss, I think the opponent is also very strong, but tonight we have prepared 80 million to help you win the championship."

"In addition, with the tips from your other fans, it should be over 120 million."

"The other party has given so much as a reward, and only 48 million is left."

"I guess the people on the other side don't have much money and will give up."

"Why don't I just give you 80 million in reward, so that you can calm the other party down and scare him away"

"We can also save some energy, what do you think, miss?"

"But if the other party still refuses to admit defeat after 80 million, we have other plans. Anyway, we can at least reward more than 100 million today!"

Lan Ling's subordinates sent the message.

It means that the highest reward can be more than 100 million.

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