Beating up such a person, isn't that just a joke?

Tiger Shao didn't take the fat guy Shui seriously at all.

A cruel smile flashed across his face.

In his opinion, he could do whatever he wanted to do to the other party?

Comparing money?

He had never lost before!

"No problem, I can give you at least 10 million in rewards. Besides, you have other fans, they can also give you 10 million, right?"

"That's at least 20 million. I guess the person on the other side is just a poor guy pretending to be stupid. He might have spent all his money to get a few million."

"Compared with our 20 million, they are sure to lose!"

Tiger Master spoke immediately.

After receiving Tiger Master's prestige,

Moti was relieved.

Tiger Master actually prepared 10 million!

Adding other fans' rewards, she has at least 20 million in tips this round! 20 million in tips.

She can smash the opponent to death! She will definitely win this time!

She doesn't believe that the opponent can have more than her!

The opponent is just a small anchor.

Only a local tyrant is struggling to support him.

The local tyrant has already rewarded 9 million.

Where did so much money come from?

Thinking of this, of course she felt that she would win. She was completely disdainful.

She didn't take Meng Yi seriously at all.

Haha, she's just a small anchor, how can she fight with her?

She even disdained Ye Yi!

It was as if she had seen the scene of victory.

The game officially began.

When it was time for the female anchors on both sides to perform their talents,

Moti was good at singing.

So she sang a cappella.

Not to mention that her voice was quite nice.

And Meng Yi still didn't perform anything.

In fact, Meng Yi felt like she was dreaming.

She was simply carried in by Ye Yi.

She didn't know what happened.

She hasn't come back to her senses yet!

After Moti finished singing, rewards began!

Hu Shao wanted to decide the winner in one round!

And to give Moti face, he directly rewarded 10 million!

With Hu Shao's 10 million thrown in!

That was countless rockets!

In addition, Moti had the support of other big guys.

The reward reached 20 million in an instant.

It's worthy of being the tenth live broadcast on the platform.

20 million for singing a song.

It's so scary.

Seeing that the reward amount reached 20 million, Hu Shao's face was full of cruel smiles.

He did this on purpose.

Just to embarrass and despair the host on the other side!

In his opinion, the reward amount reached 20 million.

The other side would definitely be desperate.

Thinking of this, his face was hideous, as if he saw Xiao Ye Yi was humiliated miserably!

Xiao Yi was also watching at this time. She was completely desperate!

She was just wondering if there would be a miracle.

When she saw the other party's reward of 20 million, she knew she was doomed to lose!

To win, she had to reward at least 30 million.

But she only had Ye Yi on her side.

Where could she get 30 million?

She was extremely desperate.

There was no hope of challenging at all.

Xiao Yi's fans were even more desperate than her!

They witnessed the miracle with their own eyes.

They thought Xiao Yi had a chance to win. But the other party came up with 20 million!

Where was the hope of a comeback?

Although the fat otaku Shui boss was rich.

But he was only at level 2,000, and had only recharged 20 million in total.

He had already spent 9 million.

At most, there were 11 million left.

How could he fight the other party?

They were all desperate! They all thought they were doomed to lose!

Moti's face was full of smug disdain.

Haha, fight with me?

Do I need to say more?

Her face I couldn't hide it.

Eighty million were recharged above!

He became a 10,000 -level big brother!

Ten 10,000 -level gangsters have different special effects.

Since the establishment of Douying, no big shot has recharged 80 million at one time!

Not to mention the big shot at the level of 10,000.


So the entire Douying has a heavy pop-up window!

The prompt"Xiaoyi's live broadcast room happy fat house water recharged 80 million!

" The entire Douying is in a heavy pop-up window!

So the entire Douying, whether it is the anchor or the audience, was shocked!

Countless people flocked to Xiaoyi's live broadcast room to watch.

Xiaoyi's fans soared instantly!

He broke through a million fans!

Ye Yi directly brought him to a million fans.

As the barrage appeared.

Ten dragons appeared.

Meng Yi was completely stunned!

Ye Yi actually recharged 80 million directly in her live broadcast room!

This is 80 million.

Of course she was completely shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

Xiaoyi was completely shocked!

After being shocked.

She couldn't imagine it at all.

How rich must this big guy be to be able to take out 100 million at will?

I'm afraid it must be more than 10 billion!

A 10 billion guy would definitely not be willing to take out 100 million to reward the anchor.

Of course she was shocked!

I couldn't imagine it.

Could it be that the big guy who rewarded her has a net worth of 100 billion?

She gasped!

It's very likely.

After being shocked, Xiaoyi was deeply moved.

She originally asked Ye Yi to help her pass the three levels, and it would only cost a few hundred thousand. Just let her not be so embarrassed.

As a result, Ye Yi directly recharged 80 million! He would spend 100 million to help her win the championship.

How could Xiaoyi not be moved?

Of course she was very moved!

Xiaoyi liked Ye Yi in the first place.

At this moment, she completely fell in love with Ye Yi.

Deeply in love with Ye Yi!

At this moment, all her body and mind belonged to this happy fat otaku.

Xiaoyi's fans were even more shocked.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't describe it!

They thought they were going to lose.

After all, the other side had more than a hundred rich young men and a reinforced company!

In the end, the reinforced company on the other side only managed to collect 20 million.

Xiaoyi alone topped up 80 million!

It was more than shocking! They all worshiped! They were all shocked!

"My grandma asked me if my rheumatism had not been cured yet, why did I kneel down again?"

"I asked my dad to pinch me to see if I was dreaming. My dad slapped me so hard that all my teeth fell out!"

"The person above is so miserable. I just broke my phone and I was shaking so much that I couldn't hold it steady!"

"Just give a reward of 100 million yuan, how rich is this fat guy?"

"I don't know, but it must be tens of billions."

"The pattern is small, the national husband is not so generous to give 100 million, I guess I have more money than the national husband"

"The national husband above is outdated, okay?"

Fan comments from Xiaoyi's live broadcast room flowed like water.

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