Won 80 billion bonus!

Do you think Ye Yi will lead Xiaoyi to win?

It's obvious that he will make a lot of money!

Of course he will lead Xiaoyi to win.

And once he loses, the system will disappear directly.

Ye Yi can't afford this price at all.

So Ye Yi will lead Xiaoyi to win no matter what.

Kill all gods in his way!

In this way, Xiaoyi came to the tenth pk!

Except for Xiaoyi's two consecutive losses at the beginning, Xiaoyi won seven games in a row in the end when Ye Yi came!

In the tenth pk, those who can enter here are all big anchors.

The difficulty is also doubled.

After all, who can enter the finish line is not a big anchor with more than millions of fans?

They are all powerful anchors.

After entering here, it is unlikely to scare the opponent with one million!

Here, the rewards for each anchor are around one million.

If you fight hard, there are millions or tens of millions.

After all, they are all well-known anchors.

Except for Xiaoyi, those who kill here are all real traffic Internet celebrities!

Only Xiaoyi.

Relying on picking up a wild local tyrant. He was directly taken to the key game by the local tyrant.

All the female anchors of this competition were very envious of Xiaoyi.

They were even jealous.

Xiaoyi was also shocked at this moment.

She actually made it to the finish line?

How could she not be shocked? She couldn't even think about it.

At the same time, she was already worshipping him.

She wondered how much money Ye Yi had.

How could he not blink an eye.

Hundreds of billions of assets?

I'm afraid it's more than 10 billion. She couldn't imagine it.

At this time, as she reached the finish line,

Xiaoyi's fans also exploded

"My grandma asked me why I was kneeling down to look at my phone. I said I had rheumatism. My grandma hit me with a pillow and said she didn't have rheumatism at her age."

"My friend asked me why I was shaking when I walked. I said it was cold. He said it was 30 degrees Celsius and asked me if I was crazy."

"I was also frightened."

"I never imagined that Xiaoyi could make it to the finals"

"And just one big guy's support brought her to the finals"

"This happy fat guy is definitely a real boss"

"Be bold and remove the word"absolutely""

"I'm afraid his assets are tens of billions."

"Isn't it too small to have assets of 10 billion?"

At this time, Xiaoyi's fans spoke up.

The barrage of comments emerged like a tide!

They all worshipped Ye Yi.

How could they not worship him?

This is a real super boss. The super boss who led Xiaoyi to the finals alone.

Fans are also speculating.

How rich is this boss?

Assets of 10 billion?

I'm afraid that even 10 billion is not so arrogant!

The finals will start soon.

The tenth game is not that simple.

Xiaoyi's opponent this time is a female anchor named Moti.

Moti is one of the top ten female anchors on Douyin!

No one expected that at the beginning of the finals, they would meet a big anchor in the top ten of the platform.

Now Xiaoyi's fans are also worried.

Worried whether Ye Yi can beat it alone!

After all, the opponent is in the top ten of the platform!

That is a real big anchor.

There are countless local tyrants and fans.

And Moti's number one local tyrant gave her more than 10 million in rewards. 's money!

Tens of millions.

That means he is not short of money!

Rumor has it that Moti's number one fan is a rich young man with a market value of tens of billions, so he is not short of money at all.

This is also known by the entire platform.

So how can they not worry?

The key is that Moti has more than one fan.

There are also twenty big kings!

Those are all rich people.

And Xiaoyi has only one big boss to support him.

One person fights against hundreds of rich young men, do you think there is hope?

Although Ye Yi has money.

But they are also desperate at this moment!

They think Xiaoyi will definitely lose badly this time.

There is no way to face the top ten female anchors.

Anchors with more than ten million fans.

No matter who comes, they will be crushed!

They are deeply desperate. They think Xiaoyi is bound to lose.

It's not that Xiaoyi is not good enough, but facing the top ten of the platform.

No one thinks Xiaoyi can win.

Meng Yi is also very worried.

This time it's the tenth on the platform. A female anchor with over 10 million fans!

Compared to Moti, she is not even a newbie.

How can she beat him?

And it is rumored that Moti’s number one fan is a rich young man with assets of tens of billions. What can she use to fight?

This time, Meng Yi did not have the slightest confidence. She even felt that she was sure to lose.

Yes, she felt that she was sure to lose.

But she was sad for a while.

Meng Yi had nothing to be sad about.

She dared not think about entering the finals. It was not shameful to enter the finals.

This was beyond her expectations. It was an unexpected surprise.

So there was nothing to be sad about.

Moti also saw Xiaoyi and did not take her seriously at all!

Isn’t it just picking up a local tyrant?

So he brought Xiaoyi to the finals.

She admitted that this local tyrant was a bit capable. He was at the level of 2,000!

But she also had a rich young man at the level of 2,000.

It is still unknown who will win!

Then Plus, she has hundreds of rich young men supporting her.

She is one of the top ten anchors on the platform.

It is no problem to fight for 20 million in one live broadcast. What can

Xiaoyi use to fight her?

She has so many rich young fans, but the other party has only one!

So she is extremely disdainful. She doesn't take Meng Yi seriously at all. She thinks Meng Yi will lose miserably this time.

As for how badly, it depends on her mood. She just wants to abuse Meng Yi in any way!

So of course she is extremely disdainful. She even has an expression that she has Meng Yi in her hands! She doesn't even take Meng Yi's boss seriously.

In her opinion, she can trample on him at will!

Disdain later.

Moti privately sent a message to her No. 1 big brother on WeChat.

Moti's No. 1 big brother is called Tiger Young!

Tiger Young's family is in Shanghai.

Shanghai is the most economically developed city in China, and there are rich people everywhere.

And Tiger Young's family has a group with a market value of more than 10 billion.

He is a real big man!

Moti can become one of the top ten anchors because of Tiger Young's support.

At least half of the credit goes to Tiger Young.

That's why he was supported to become one of the top ten anchors.

Hu Shao has rewarded her with tens of millions.

Although Hu Shao's family has some money, it is definitely not something that comes from the wind.

Tens of millions is not a small amount for him.

After all, he has not taken over his father's business yet. He does not have much money.

Tens of millions has already occupied a lot of his pocket money.

He certainly would not reward Moti for no reason.

There are many unclear relationships between him and Moti.

For example, every time Hu Shao gave a reward,

Moti would go to the Magic City to find Hu Shao.

Then they would have some in-depth conversations.

"Are you sure you can win?"

Moti sent a WeChat message to Tiger Shao directly.

Whether this time can succeed depends on Tiger Shao!

Tiger Shao is now in a luxurious villa in Magic City.

Although Ye Yi is a 2,000-level boss, who isn't?

He is also a 2,000-level boss.

So he doesn't take Ye Yi seriously at all.

In his opinion, he is just a nouveau riche. He made an impulsive move just to show off in front of the female anchor. He might have spent all his money to reward a few million. How can he compare with him? His father is the chairman of a listed group with real assets of tens of billions.

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