But Long Fei was still worried.

After all, the two great families had been planning for a long time, and they would definitely not let the Long family go easily.

Long Fei could only pin his hopes on the Ye Yi brothers!

Looking forward to whether this super young master would bring anyone over?

At this time, the nine people in their room were all waiting for Ye Yi.

Soon Ye Yi finally arrived late.

But soon.

Long Fei was disappointed.

Because Ye Yi did not bring any masters with him.

Instead, he came alone!

This... Long Fei was instantly disappointed.

How could he not be disappointed?

What help could he provide if he came alone?

He originally thought that Ye Yi would bring super masters with him, after all, Ye Yi was a super young master. There must be a lot of masters around him, right?

If he was willing to help, he could easily help the Long family.

As a result, Ye Yi came alone.

He had heard from Fulin that Ye Yi was an inner family master!

But what kind of master?

He just thought that Fulin was ignorant and made a mistake.

Ye Yi was so young, and he could barely step into the initial stage of the inner family, which was already a genius.

The initial stage of the inner family was useless at this point.

So what's the point of Ye Yi coming alone? Long

Fei was soon disappointed.

But he was already very touched that his good friend was willing to help.

After all, the affairs of the Long family can only be handled by the Long family!

He sighed.

Qi Xin, Wu Kun, Du Wei and others were also disappointed. They thought that Ye Yi, the super young master, would bring some masters, but he came alone?

So how could they not be disappointed?

Especially Qi Xin, in her eyes, Ye Yi is an omnipotent existence.

In the end, he came alone?

But they were already very touched that Ye Yi could come at this juncture.

What else can you ask for?

Lan Fang was instantly disdainful!

He also heard from Long Fei that there was a super young master coming to help.

Now he saw that Ye Yi came alone.

What a bullshit super young master.

Long Fei must have been deceived, right?

In the end, he can only rely on their Lan family?

Lan Fang was even more disdainful.

He didn't take Ye Yi seriously.

He directly regarded Ye Yi as a liar who had no ability but still wanted to brag.

Now it seems that he is a liar, isn't he?

So of course he was even more disdainful.

Ye Yi didn't realize what everyone was thinking.

Greeted them one by one.

Although Long Fei felt a lot of pressure, he was still very grateful to this good brother.

Ye Yi also saw that everyone was under great pressure.

He didn't say much nonsense.

He waited quietly with everyone.

Waiting for the arrival of the other two families.

Soon it was the time agreed with the two families.

But the two families didn't come.

In the end, an hour after the agreed time, they still didn't come.

Lan Fang was the first one who couldn't help it.

Without the demeanor of a master, he directly cursed!

"Ah, when will the Feng family and the Yin family come? They dare to make our Lan family wait for them. What are they doing?"

After all, Lan Fang is from the Lan family, the first of the three major families.

Letting the Lan family wait for the other two families.

Doesn't it mean that the Lan family is not as good as the other two families?

No wonder he was so angry! He exploded instantly.

The Feng family and the Yin family are the other two families!

The Feng family ranks second.

The Yin family ranks third in Yangcheng!

Especially the second Feng family, whose assets are very close to 200 billion, and its foundation in all aspects is comparable to that of the Lan family!

So they are competing with the Lan family in all aspects. In all aspects, they are in a life-and-death situation with the Lan family.

In addition, with the alliance of the Yin family, they will overwhelm the Lan family in all aspects.

The Lan family has been losing ground in many aspects.

It is not as good as the Feng family and the Yin family in all aspects.

It can be said that the Lan family and the other two families are already in a situation of fire and water.

It's just a matter of time before you die and I die. The kind of life.

Hearing Lan Fang's words, Long Fei was also unhappy.

Indeed, the actions of the Feng family and the Yin family were clearly intended to intimidate them.

It would be strange if Long Fei was happy.

Of course he was unhappy.

But he couldn't say anything.

Soon another hour passed. It was almost time for lunch. The

Feng family and the Yin family finally arrived. Although there were only two aristocratic families, the Feng family and the Yin family, there were about ten people.

Of course, most of them were ordinary people.

Only two of them were masters of the inner family!

Ye Yi saw it at the first glance. The two leaders were not only masters, but also super masters.

At the first glance, Ye Yi found the problem!

The Long family is not doing well today.

No wonder the other party only sent two masters.

They are completely sure of the Long family!

The Feng family and the Yin family The family is indeed a noble family, and it is indeed quite extraordinary.

The ones who came were the young masters of the Feng family and the Yin family.

The Feng family is called Feng Fan, and the Yin family is called Yin Wei.

Feng Fan and Yin Wei are both very arrogant, worthy of being from noble families, and their aura alone is extraordinary.

They crushed the wealthy and powerful, and it can be seen that they have been in power for a long time.

However, although the aura is high and mighty.

But there is a sinister and vicious look between their brows.

Ye Yi didn't like them at first sight.

Ye Yi was not wrong.

Feng Fan has a sinister, vicious and violent personality, and Yin Wei also has a sinister and vicious personality, otherwise the two of them would not have mixed together.

Compared with Rambo, it is really too much.

Although Rambo is not a very upright gentleman, he is still a relatively decent person.

At least Rambo looks , it will definitely not make people so disgusted.

Feng Fan and Yin Wei each brought a master.

Feng Fan brought Feng Wu from the Feng family, and Yin Wei brought Yin Kang from the Yin family.

Seeing Feng Wu and Yin Kang at this time.

Long You and Lan Fang felt much more relieved.

They often clashed with the Feng and Yin families, and have fought against Feng Wu and Yin Kang many times.

Feng Wu and Yin Kang are both at the peak of the initial stage of the inner family.

If Long You and Lan Fang are added together, they will not lose too much.

In addition, there are so many masters present. It is obviously a sure win today.

So they are naturally relieved.

Long Fei was also relieved immediately, and the people from the other three giants were also relieved.

But Long Fei always felt that something was wrong.

Will the Feng family let them pass this challenge so easily?

But Long Fei couldn't tell what was wrong.

"The Feng family is such a big shot that they made us, the Lan family, wait for so long!"

Lan Fang was extremely dissatisfied.

He spoke directly.

He was a member of the Lan family, the first of the three great families.

But he was stood up by the Feng family for so long.

He would be angry if he wasn't.

In addition, the Feng family clearly wanted to leave him alone.

Of course he spoke in anger.

Feng Fan heard what Lan Fang said.

He was extremely disdainful.

A sinister and vicious look flashed across his face.

The Feng family has become increasingly powerful in recent years, and is no less powerful than the Lan family in many aspects. It is even stronger than the Lan family.

It has firmly suppressed the Lan family.

With the support of the Yin family, it is much stronger than the Lan family in all aspects.

How could he take the Lan family seriously?

What's more, Lan Fang is just an elder of the Lan family, just a dog of the Lan family.

He is even more disdainful

"What dog is barking here? Your Lan family has no right to speak in front of my Feng family."

"That is, it is still unclear who will be the head of the three great families next year."

Feng Fan immediately spoke with disdain.

He looked arrogant.

Behind him, Yin Wei spoke with great flattery.

He flattered Feng Fan.

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