Hearing this,

Lan Fang was of course furious.

The Feng family had long since torn their relationship with the Lan family.

But he had never thought that they would be so arrogant. They didn't give the Lan family any face in public.

So how could he not be angry?

Of course he was extremely angry!

If they were just competing with the Lan family before, then the Feng family's move was undoubtedly to completely challenge the Lan family's status.

It would be a miracle if his face looked good.

Of course it was very ugly.

Of course it was embarrassing.

The Lan family had long known the Feng family's face.

Lan Fang quickly suppressed his anger.

Now that he came for the competition, he still had to resolve the issue of the competition!

Moreover, he alone was no match for the two people on the opposite side.

It was not the time to settle the score.

"Feng Fan and Yin Wei, our Long family has been promoted to an aristocratic family. You promised that as long as we pass two tests, you two families will no longer stop us."

"Today is the first test, do you keep your word?"

Long Fei didn't bother with Feng Fan and Yin Wei. They came here for the test.

It's better to solve the test as soon as possible.

Win the game as soon as possible.

So of course he spoke.

Hearing this,

Feng Fan smiled grimly again, and his smile was particularly ugly.

It gave people a very creepy feeling.

"Tsk tsk, of course the Feng family keeps their word, but you will definitely fail this test today."

"I am afraid that the Long family will belong to our two families today."

Feng Fan smiled cruelly.

His face was full of arrogance and sinisterness.

He did not take the Long family seriously at all.

It was as if the Long family was already theirs at this moment.

It was as if it had been divided by their two families.

Hearing this,

Long Fei's face was ugly!

The people from the three major families were also full of anger. Too arrogant.

This is treating them as fish!

Who can not be angry?

Of course, extremely angry.

At this moment, Long You behind Long Fei also heard Feng Fan's words.

Long You could no longer bear it. He stood up instantly!

As a master of the Long family and Long Fei's uncle, he naturally could not watch other families humiliate the Long family.

As the number one master of the Long family, he also has his own pride!

He is also a master at the peak of the half-step initial stage.

He is not much worse than the other party.

He has the strength to fight.

"What’s the point of bragging? You can only know whether you can pass the test after trying it out!"

"I, Long You, am here and would like to learn from the masters of your two families!"

Long You stood up directly!

Seeing Long You standing up, Lan Fang also stood up without any hesitation.

Stand with the Long family!

He was originally sent by the Lan family to help the Long family

"I, Lan Fang, am here to learn from the masters of both of you two families."

Lan Fang also spoke immediately.

As he spoke, the scene became tense.

The competition was about to begin.

Feng Fan at this time.

Seeing what the two of them said, he sneered.

Feng Wu also stood up directly.

But there were two masters on the opposite side.

Feng Wu stood up alone.

His face was full of arrogance.

He did not take the two people on the opposite side seriously at all.

"Don’t say that I didn’t give you two a chance, just come at me together!"

"I can kill you all by myself."

Feng Wu had a cruel smile on his face.

He didn't take the two people in front of him seriously at all.

But after hearing this, the whole audience exploded!

The faces of the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families changed!

They all knew Feng Wu. He was also at the peak of the initial stage of the inner family.

He was at most on par with Lan Fang.

Now he is so arrogant?

He wants to fight two alone! You know, it is impossible for one person to fight two people of the same level.

Of course, they were completely shocked. They couldn't figure out what the other side was doing.

When Long Fei heard this, he felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't detect what was wrong.

Only Ye Yi noticed something was wrong.

Sure enough.

The next moment, Lan Fang and Long You listened, and they both exploded.

How could they not explode?

They were at the same level as Feng Wu.

Even the weakest Long You would not be much different from the other party.

But the other party actually beat two of them at the same level.

Isn't this humiliating them?

Not taking them seriously!

Of course they exploded, and of course they were furious.

After being furious.

How could the two of them bear it anymore. They both rushed towards Feng Wu at the same time.

They wanted to learn what kind of confidence was so arrogant!


""Looking for death!"

Lan Fang and Long You rushed towards Feng Wu at the same time.

As expected of the masters at the peak of the initial stage of the inner family.

There was a faint flash of internal force in their hands.

Rich young men like Long Fei felt a strong pressure from a long distance.

His face changed.

They felt a strong pressure from a long distance.

What if they were right in front of them?

Even if they had guns, they would only be hunted down by the other party one by one!

This is the strength of the peak of the initial stage of the inner family.

It is really terrifying.

As the two masters attacked at the same time, they soon killed in front of Feng Wu.

But when the two masters killed in front of him.

Feng Wu just responded lightly.

He threw two punches casually!

But these two light punches Lan Fang and Long You only felt that they had hit an iron plate.

Both of them took several steps back.

Feng Wu did not move at all.

In fact, the winner had already been decided at this moment.

Feng Wu, with his own strength, had the upper hand without any effort.

Any expert would be able to see it at a glance.

Long You's realm was relatively low, and he could not see anything yet.

But Lan Fang had already sensed that something was wrong.

But he could not see anything.

As a member of the Lan family, Lan Fang had fought with Feng Wu dozens of times, if not a hundred times. There were too many competitions.

He and Feng Wu had always been on par with each other.

In fact, he had even surpassed Feng Wu before.

How could he be defeated by Feng Wu? Knocked back by a punch?

Of course he noticed something was wrong.

But he still had to keep attacking.

So the two continued to attack!

At this moment, Feng Wu had a grim smile on his face, looking at the two men as if they were prey.

There was only a cruel grin on his face. He looked at the two men as if they were dead! He was extremely ferocious.

He watched the two masters rushing in front of him again.

After teasing them enough,

Feng Wu no longer hid.

His terrifying cultivation level burst out directly.

A tyrannical momentum directly suppressed everyone and made them breathless!

And Feng Wu's aura rose steadily. At this moment, he directly broke through the peak of the initial stage of the inner family.

It is close to the middle level of the inner family.

This is Feng Wu's true strength.

It is also the confidence of the Feng family.

Feng Wu broke through some time ago.

Although it is not the real middle level of the inner family.

But it is not comparable to the peak of the initial level.

There are two completely different realms between the middle level and the initial level.

It seems to be a difference of one word.

But in fact, it is a crushing of quantity.

After the breakthrough, the Feng family did not publicize it.

Instead, it was secretly hidden.

The purpose was to directly crush the Long family in the challenge. Directly take down the Long family.

Directly annex the Long family.

The Feng family is insidious, vicious and greedy. It has risen rapidly in recent years by relying on conspiracy and trickery. This is also the plan of the Feng family, and the purpose is just like this.

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