It is precisely because of the management of the Dragon Group that all warriors dare not do evil and dare not attack ordinary people.

Ye Yi became interested as soon as he heard it.

He wanted to join the Dragon Group!

"Although the Dragon Group is not an open organization, it represents many"

"There are all kinds of connections with the public. If you join, you don't have to worry about the so-called family."

"As long as you join, the background of the aristocratic family will be child's play for you. No one can use their connections, background or power to suppress you. As long as someone dares to use those to suppress you, the Dragon Group will solve it for you."

"Of course, even if you join the Dragon Group, you cannot use your background to bully others. If the Dragon Group finds out, there will be severe punishment, and even the possibility of expulsion."

"So I want you to join the Dragon Group. After joining, no matter which family you face, you will no longer be bullied."

"Do you have enough confidence?"

Su Xiangzhong looked at Ye Yi and spoke.

He did invite Ye Yi to join the Dragon Group out of good intentions.

And after joining the Dragon Group, he will no longer be bullied by the aristocratic family background.

Of course, the Dragon Group will not let you use your background to do whatever you want.

But it will never let you be bullied.

This is the Dragon Group. It is also the reason why Su Xiangzhong invited Ye Yi to join.

It allows Ye Yi to protect himself.

When Ye Yi heard this, he understood it instantly.

He immediately understood the status of the Dragon Group!

Who does it represent?

That is the real strength of Tongtian!

Do you still need to be afraid of the aristocratic family background when joining the Dragon Group?

Of course not!

Ye Yi was completely shocked!

After being shocked, he was very excited.

Of course, the Dragon Group will not let you bully others at will.

Ye Yi will not bully people.

So of course there is no need to worry.

All Ye Yi wants is a background that can save his life when it makes sense.

Obviously, the Dragon Group meets all the requirements.

After being satisfied, Ye Yi certainly understood Su Xiangzhong's good intentions.

Agree to join!

How could he not join such a good organization?

With such a good opportunity, Ye Yi would seize it no matter what.

So of course Ye Yi agreed to join

"Can I really join the Dragon Team?"

Ye Yi was overjoyed and expressed his willingness to join the Dragon Team.

Su Xiangzhong shook his head.

"Of course there is a chance to join the Dragon Group, but you need to know how many people want to join the Dragon Group"

"Not everyone can join, so the Dragon Group has very strict requirements for selecting members."

"The first is the character of the members. Only those with kind and upright hearts are eligible to join!"

"The second is strength. Only those with outstanding strength can join!"

"You must have strength at least at the peak of the initial stage of inner martial arts to have a chance to join. It is only a chance, and you are required to reach the peak of the initial stage of inner martial arts before the age of 45 to be eligible for their review!"

"Older people don't want"

"If you are at the inner level, you are eligible to join, but it is not certain yet, it still depends on the review"

"Therefore, it is extremely rare to meet this requirement."

Su Xiangzhong looked at Ye Yi and said.

What he said was indeed the truth.

After all, if it is so easy to join, is it still the Dragon Group?

Not only does it require extraordinary strength and excellent talent. It also requires an upright character.

When Ye Yi heard this, he smiled happily.

This is true.

If anyone can join the Dragon Group, it is not the Dragon Group.

He didn't think there was anything wrong. He met all these requirements.

He could strive to join the Dragon Group and see if he could join.

Ye Yi is now a high-level ancient martial arts fighter, at the peak of the middle level! He is definitely qualified to join.

More importantly, he is only 22 years old. He may even become a grandmaster in the future.

"I told you a lot that I can indeed recommend you to join the Dragon Group. Although I am not a member of the Dragon Group,"

"But I have an old leader who is in the Dragon Group after retirement, and I can recommend you to the group."

"But I need to know your exact combat capability before I can recommend you to the Dragon Team."

"What level are you at now?"

"Why can't I see through it? Did you hide your strength before?"

Su Xiangzhong said frankly.

This is indeed the truth.

He must know Ye Yi's realm.

Otherwise, how can he introduce him?

Ye Yi was shocked.

Su Xiangzhong is already a major general.

His leader is in the Dragon Group after retirement?

He must be a high-level figure.

A big shot!

Ye Yi was of course shocked.

After being shocked.

Ye Yi smiled at Su Xiangzhong and did not hide his combat power anymore.

"I am now a high-level inner family fighter!"

Ye Yi spoke frankly.

Hearing this, Su Xiangzhong was completely shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

Ye Yi was only 22 years old, but he was actually a high-level inner family fighter?

It was simply unheard of and unseen.

Su Xiangzhong himself was considered a super genius.

He was only in his forties and at the peak of the middle level.

Suddenly someone told him that there was a person who had practiced for three years and was already a high-level inner family fighter at the age of 22.

Of course he didn't believe it. He would only think that the other person was crazy.

Isn't this nonsense?

Su Xiangzhong didn't believe it.

Of course he had to test Ye Yi's realm.

When they met a few days ago, Ye Yi was only at the peak of the initial level, with a mid-level combat power.

Now he suddenly said that he was a high-level inner family fighter.

Of course he didn't believe it. He definitely had to test Ye Yi's combat power.

"Then Uncle Su is going to test your strength!"

Su Xiangzhong spoke.

Ye Yi didn't care and made a gesture of invitation.

He also knew that no one would believe him if he said that.

Su Xiangzhong quickly punched Ye Yi.

He was indeed a super master.

The punch was terrifying.

Ye Yi threw a punch casually, but controlled the strength.

If he didn't control the strength, Su Xiangzhong would be seriously injured by his punch.

After all, it was just a sparring match, and he was his own Uncle Su.

The two punches collided with each other.

Although Ye Yi showed mercy on purpose , Su Xiangzhong still retreated more than ten steps, and the blood surging stopped.

Ye Yi did not move at all.

Su Xiangzhong was completely shocked.

How could he not be shocked? A few days ago, he competed with Ye Yi, and Ye Yi was not his opponent at all.

As a result, Ye Yi can crush him with just one punch!

Su Xiangzhong is not stupid, of course he can see that Ye Yi showed mercy.

Su Xiangzhong was suddenly and completely shocked.!

Su Xiangzhong has fought with many high-level masters of the inner family.

But none of them gave him the feeling of terror that Ye Yi gave him!

In other words, Ye Yi is not only high-level.

But also an extraordinary high-level inner family.

He was completely shocked.

How could Su Xiangzhong not be shocked? Ye Yi is actually a real high-level inner family fighter.

He didn't believe it before, but now he completely believes it.

This is a high-level inner family fighter at the age of 22.

What does it mean? Even in the Dragon Group with many masters, he is a super master!

What's more, Ye Yi is only 22 years old.

It will be very easy for him to become a master in the future.

So he was completely shocked.

Su Xiangzhong was sure that Ye Yi had a master master before, and now he is even more sure.

He is definitely a master.

And he is a super master among masters, so he can cultivate such a heaven-defying apprentice.

After being shocked, Su Xiangzhong was completely overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

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