He admired Ye Yi.

The stronger Ye Yi became, the happier he was.

Moreover, he had long regarded Ye Yi as his half-son-in-law.

Of course, Ye Yi was so powerful and had such a good character.

It was definitely not difficult for him to join the Dragon Team. So of course, he instantly decided to introduce Ye Yi to his old leader.

Let Ye Yi join the Dragon Team!

"Ye Yi, you have this ability, you can definitely join the Dragon Group. I will introduce you to my old leader immediately."

"With your current strength, you can not only join the Dragon Team, but also surpass the average team members and become a guest of the Dragon Team."

"The status of a guest official is very high, higher than that of an ordinary team member."

Su Xiangzhong said.

He immediately expressed his willingness to introduce Ye Yi to the Dragon Team.

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

If he joined the Dragon Team, he wouldn't have to worry about the so-called family background.

But what is a guest official?

Of course, he humbly asked for advice.

"What is a guest official? What is the difference between a guest official and an ordinary team member?"

Ye Yi asked humbly.

Su Xiangzhong was not annoyed, but patiently explained to Ye Yi.

He immediately said to Ye Yi

"The Dragon Group, like other departments, also has job divisions."

"From bottom to top they are ordinary team members, captains, guest officials, chief instructors, and leaders!"

"Keqing is the senior member of the Dragon Group. Not only does he have a very high status, far exceeding the ordinary members, but he also does not need to go on missions often. He only needs to take action when there is something important happening in the Dragon Group. This is very suitable for you."

"The status of a guest official is also very high. For example, if you come to Tianhai Province, even the leaders of Tianhai Province will treat you with courtesy. If there is anything important in the Dragon Group, even the leaders of Tianhai Province will cooperate with you."

"This is the status of a guest official."

"The chief instructor is even more powerful. If you become the chief instructor, you will be at the level of a deputy prime minister, and your status will be even higher."

"However, the requirements are equally terrifying. The guest official must be at least high-level combat power, and must be under 40 years old. There are very few who meet the requirements."

"The chief instructor is even more terrifying. At least you have to be a master to be eligible to compete for the position."

Su Xiangzhong explained to Ye Yi very patiently.

What he said was true.

It is not so easy to be a guest official. Otherwise, with such a high status and no need to do anything, wouldn't everyone want to be one?

Naturally, the requirements are very high, and few can reach them.

The high-level combat power of the inner family alone can eliminate 99.99% of the warriors.

There is no such a young super master like Ye Yi.

It just so happens that Ye Yi can also meet the standards. Only then can he be qualified to compete for the guest official.

Of course, he is only qualified to compete.

He can only recommend Ye Yi to the old leader.

But Su Xiangzhong is not sure whether the Dragon Group wants him.

Ye Yi understood it as soon as he heard it.

After understanding it, he was even more happy. It turns out that the guest official has such a high status! If he really becomes a guest official, the connections and background of the aristocratic family will not be able to touch Ye Yi.

Ye Yi doesn't have to worry anymore.

Of course he was very happy.

After being overjoyed, he also understood why the guest official has such a high status.

It feels like this.

It's no wonder that few can achieve it with such a high difficulty.

Very Su Xiangzhong left soon.

With such a good seedling, he couldn't wait to introduce Ye Yi to his old leader.

So he couldn't wait to say goodbye.

However, Su Xiangzhong told Ye Yi to wait for news.

The information needs to be sent to Beijing for review.

The headquarters of the Dragon Group is in Beijing, which is very far away. It will take at least ten days or half a month to go back and forth, so Ye Yi has to wait for news. Of course

, Ye Yi doesn't care.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry.

So it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's good to join the Dragon Group, it doesn't matter when.

Ye Yi quickly drove back to Villa No. 1.

After returning to Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi received a WeChat message.

It was from Su Qian.

Su Qian's relationship with Ye Yi has made great progress recently.

Although they are still good friends, their relationship has warmed up a lot.

And Ye Yi also felt the affection of Su Qian's sister.

It seems that she still likes him?

Of course, neither of them exposed each other.

Instead, they got along slowly like good friends.

Ye Yi likes this feeling.

"What are you doing?"

Su Qian asked like a gentle sister next door.

"I just met Uncle Su."

Ye Yi replied to Su Qian obediently.

He did not hide anything from Su Qian.

Su Qian knew that Ye Yi had gone to see her father.

Then she immediately replied to Ye Yi with a naughty

The next morning, Ye Yi got up early. He was about to go to Shanghai.

He had to go to school to attend classes before leaving.

Ye Yi had promised his teacher that he would go to school to attend classes if he had time.

What if he went to Shanghai for ten days or half a month?

It would be unreasonable for him not to show up.

So Ye Yi decided to go back to school to attend classes.

Anyway, he had nothing to do today.

He drove his Ferrari to school.

Although Ye Yi is still a celebrity in the school, his popularity has dropped a lot.

Everyone knows that Ye Yi has hundreds of billions of assets at the age of 22, but no one has discussed Ye Yi specifically.

So Ye Yi can also have some free time.

He soon arrived at the class.

Although the girls in the class were paying special attention to Ye Yi.

He is handsome and rich, who wouldn't pay attention to him?

But Ye Yi had long been accustomed to it. He just ignored it.

Ye Yi soon noticed that there was an empty seat, as if Mina didn't come?

What's going on?

Although Ye Yi hates Mina, he doesn't pay much attention to Mina.

But suddenly he didn't come, of course Ye Yi knew something was wrong.

But he didn't bother to care.

At this time, Liu Gui, Yang Feng, Qian San and other close friends came again.

Especially Liu Gui.

His gossipy heart was burning.

Ye Yi was like a different person recently, he was simply a god.

He found that there were too many mysterious things about this roommate!

"Ye Yi, do you know? Mina dropped out of school���"

Yang Feng was the first to speak.

He was almost as gossipy as Liu Gui.

Ye Yi was confused. Why did Mina drop out of school?

It was understandable that Zhang Kun was scared and dropped out of school.

Ye Yi didn't target Mina. Why did Mina drop out of school?

So of course Ye Yi was confused.

Although Mina had long been unable to attract his attention.

But of course he had to ask politely.

"Oh, what happened?"

"You don't know yet."

Liu Gui smiled and continued

"I heard that Mina is mentally ill and chose a scumbag rich second generation, and was abandoned"

"As a result, she missed her boyfriend who is worth 100 billion yuan and was laughed at by the whole school. She must be mentally ill."

"I heard that he regretted it so much that he cried every day, and now he is still talking to himself, like a psychopath."

"My roommate told the teacher, and the teacher told my parents, and now I am taking a leave of absence."

"The parents took her back."

Liu Gui looked at Ye Yi and told him everything.

Although Mina was pitiful, he had no sympathy at all. She asked for her own death.

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