Now in Mina's dormitory, the other two girls have ignored Mina.

Only Zhou Meng is still nice to Mina.

Mina only has this one friend left.

When Mina heard what Zhou Meng said, she couldn't hold it in any longer. She broke down and cried.

She lay in Zhou Meng's arms and cried loudly, but couldn't say a word.

It was only after a long time that she was able to speak slowly.

But she kept saying

"I can't go back to Zhou Meng, I can't go back, I betrayed Ye Yi, Ye Yi won't want me anymore"

"Besides, with Ye Yi's status, he will never lack a girlfriend..."

Zhou Meng didn't know whether to pity or not when she heard Mina's words.

But she knew that what Mina said was true.

Maybe there is really no way back...

Ye Yi was also watching what happened in the group at this moment, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How could he not see that Liu Gui was venting his anger for him.

But Ye Yi didn't blame Liu Gui. What should Ye Yi blame for a good brother venting his anger for him?

Besides, Ye Yi didn't think Liu Gui did anything wrong.

Mina hurt him too deeply.

If Ye Yi hadn't got the system this time, he would probably be tortured by Mina. With

Mina's personality, all kinds of sarcasm and ridicule would definitely be inevitable, and Ye Yi would become a laughing stock at that time.

So if it weren't for the system, Ye Yi would be really miserable.

Strictly speaking, Mina doesn't deserve sympathy at all.

Even Ye Yi didn't do anything to Mina, which was already merciful enough.

Ye Yi is not a saintly bitch. If others do something to him, he will pay it back tenfold. If he didn't do anything to Mina, he was already considering their old relationship.

Otherwise, with what Mina did, Ye Yi could just put them To kill her.

Now that Liu Gui has isolated Mina, Ye Yi neither supports nor opposes.

Let it go, as long as you have a clear conscience.

Yangcheng Guoshuyuan.

At this time, in another villa, Zhao Lu was lying on the sofa in the villa.

Zhao Lu's family is naturally not simple to live in a villa.

Her father is the boss of a listed company with a market value of more than one billion.

So Zhao Lu has been from a wealthy family since she was a child, so she can afford a villa here.

Of course, it is only the cheapest one.

It can't be compared with Ye Yi's.

At this time, Zhao Lu of course saw the news from the owner group, and Long Shao personally stood up for Ye Yi.

She felt that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

Of course, Zhao Lu soon realized that Ye Yi was afraid that he was being targeted by the girls in Guoshuyuan.

After all, he is rich and handsome, who doesn't like him?

After understanding, Zhao Lu felt a deep sense of crisis.

She knew Ye Yi first, and Zhao Lu didn't want to be preempted by others.

No, she must get Ye Yi first!

Zhao Lu made up her mind.

After making up her mind, she hesitated for a long time, and decided to take the initiative.

So she sent a WeChat message to Ye Yi.

"Do you have time to have dinner together tomorrow afternoon?"

Zhao Lu picked a paragraph when Ye Yi might have more time.

At this time, Ye Yi was playing Landlord.

This is also the favorite game for otakus like Ye Yi.

He is not very good at playing high-end online games.

But at this time, he received Zhao Lu's message.

Ye Yi was speechless for a moment.

Of course he didn't want to have dinner together.

Isn't playing Landlord good for him?

Between online games and girls, of course he would choose online games!

So Ye Yi decided to refuse Zhao Lu.

But just when he was about to refuse, he didn't expect the system to suddenly ring.

"Ding Dong, trigger a random task"

"Tomorrow, give Zhao Lu a perfect date. If you complete it, you will be rewarded by the system with 100% shares of a group with a market value of 10 billion."

The system voice instantly sounded in Ye Yi's brain.

Ye Yi was stunned.

It actually rewarded 10 billion at a time.

Is the system so generous?

A group with a market value of 10 billion at a time, few people in the whole city of Yangcheng can afford it.

But he was shocked for a while.

Ye Yi was naturally attracted by the 10 billion group.

Of course, he chose to complete the task successfully!

He decided to give Zhao Lu a perfect date.

Ye Yi also noticed that it seemed that not only did he have to complete the task, but the better he completed it, the more special rewards he would get.

So Ye Yi not only had to complete it, but also had to complete it the best.

Of course, there were other reasons for Ye Yi's decision.

That is, the system said that no task could fail. Once failed, the system would disappear immediately.

On one side was the loss of the life winner system, and on the other side was the 10 billion group.

Even a fool would know what to think!

So of course Ye Yi sent a message back to Zhao Lu.

"Okay, let's meet on time tomorrow afternoon."

Zhao Lu was still waiting anxiously in the villa.

She had never had a boyfriend since she was a child. She had many suitors, but she didn't like any of them.

This was the first time she took the initiative to ask a boy out.

So how could she not be nervous? She had no experience in this area.

She was also afraid that she would be too frivolous and be disliked by Ye Yi.

So it was a torment.

She didn't want to miss such a perfect Ye Yi.

When she was tormented, she suddenly received a message from Ye Yi.

Ye Yi agreed!

Zhao Lu was overjoyed.

How could she not be happy? Ye Yi actually agreed, so she was one step closer to pursuing Ye Yi.

After receiving Ye Yi's message, Zhao Lu checked her phone again.

She typed a lot of words back and forth, but in the end she was too conflicted to send it out.

Because big shots are very busy.

She was afraid that she would disturb Ye Yi and make him annoyed.

In the end, she simply didn't send it out and could only wait for tomorrow.

But at this moment, Zhao Lu was so nervous and expectant.

She was looking forward to tomorrow very much.

Of course, Ye Yi didn't know what Zhao Lu was thinking.

After replying the message, he continued to play Landlord.

Dating is all vulgar, not as fun as Landlord.

Ye Yi still likes the Landlord game of wits and courage...

The next morning, Ye Yi got up very early.

Today is a holiday, so Ye Yi will not go out for the time being.

For class.

But Ye Yi remembered that the clothes he was wearing seemed too ordinary.

In fact, the clothes Ye Yi was wearing were not ordinary.

Among ordinary people, they were still acceptable.

But now his identity has changed.

After having the system, Ye Yi went in and out of high-end places.

Wearing this clothes, I am afraid he can't even enter high-end places.

For example, at the sales office yesterday, if he was wearing a famous brand, those salesmen would never dare to laugh at him.

Good clothes can definitely save a lot of trouble.

It's not that Ye Yi likes famous brands.

But many occasions do need better clothes.

Ye Yi quickly decided , I still need to buy some nice clothes first.

After making the decision, Ye Yi drove the Duye and set off.

There are many large shopping malls in Guangzhou.

But the one with the most famous brands is the top-notch Starry Sky Shopping Mall.

Starry Sky Shopping Mall is also the tallest, largest, most gorgeous and luxurious shopping mall in the whole Guangzhou.

It sells not only famous brands.

There are also many low-key and luxurious brands.

It is also a famous brand holy land in Guangzhou.

Ye Yi drove to Starry Sky Shopping Mall, which is actually not far from Guoshuyuan, only 20 minutes.

As the best villa park, Guoshuyuan was originally designed with the needs of the rich in mind.

Therefore, it is located in the core area of Guangzhou and is very close to everything.

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