As Ye Yi's 80 million yuan Poison supercar came over.

There are many luxury cars in the Starry Sky Mall, but most of them are Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Compared with Poison, they are just like bicycles.

Even if there are a few sports cars here, the best one is only about 10 million yuan, which is incomparable to Poison.

So when Ye Yi's Poison came over, it naturally attracted the attention of the whole audience.

Men envied, and women wanted to throw themselves on Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't like this high-profile feeling.

He ran away quickly.

At the same time, Ye Yi sighed in his heart that Poison was still too high-profile.

When he has time, he will change to a more ordinary Mercedes-Benz or BMW.

Or Rolls-Royce?

At least it won't be so eye-catching.

Ye Yi made up his mind.

Soon he came to the Starry Sky Mall. Ye Yi just drove in with a luxury car worth 80 million yuan.

Many sales clerks saw it.

At this moment, those beautiful sales clerks looked at Ye Yi as if he were the God of Wealth.

Not only did they look at the God of Wealth.

They also wanted to throw themselves on Ye Yi.

After all, who doesn't like being rich and handsome?

Those who can be salesmen in famous brand stores are all handsome men and beautiful women, and there is no shortage of suitors around them.

But there is definitely no one as handsome and rich as Ye Yi.

So of course, they all want to eat Ye Yi!

Ye Yi quickly chose a Gucci store.

Gucci is not a particularly gorgeous brand.

But it is also famous.

The key is that Gucci's clothes are relatively low-key.

It suits Ye Yi's personality.

Ye Yi liked it very much before, but he could never afford it.

But his father gritted his teeth and bought a set.

Ye Yi liked it very much.

Now that he has money, Ye Yi will certainly not miss Gucci.

When he came to the Gucci store, the salesmen were more polite than each other.

Ye Yi's luxury car worth 80 million was right outside the door.

How could he be impolite?

Ye Yi picked clothes very quickly, without even trying them on, and directly picked a few that he liked.

He looked at the size and found that it was suitable.

One set is about 20,000 yuan.

Ye Yi picked five sets, which were exactly about 100,000 yuan.

In the past, 100,000 yuan was definitely all Ye Yi spent in a year, and he couldn't even think about buying clothes.

But since he got the Saint System, he now has 1.467 billion yuan in his card.

He will never lack money to spend.

100,000 yuan is just like a drizzle.

Ye Yi also thoroughly felt the changes brought to him by the Saint System. He quickly paid 100,000 yuan.

Ye Yi was just about to leave with the clothes, but he didn't expect that at this time.

There was some movement next to him.

Ye Yi looked over.

Only then did he realize that it was a beautiful woman who was surrounded in the middle.

This was actually a very beautiful woman.

Her appearance was at least 9 points, more beautiful than the big stars on TV, and the several campus beauties of Shuangya University were inferior to her!

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties.

Even Ye Yi couldn't help but watch.

The 9-point beauty surrounded in the middle was named Wei Xin.

Wei Xin came here to buy things. She could enter such a famous brand place, so naturally her family background was not bad. It can be seen from her extraordinary temperament.

Her father is the chairman of a group with a market value of 6 billion.

Wei Xin is also a standard white, rich and beautiful.

Wei Xin was originally here to buy something, and she was ready to pay for it.

But her cell phone had no signal.

Wei Xin used a famous fruit phone, which was expensive and had the best performance among mobile phones.

But there was a major flaw, which was that it was easy to have no signal in remote places.

Wei Xin had never thought that such a large shopping mall would have no signal.

Who would still carry cash when going out these days?

They all paid with their mobile phones.

So the lack of signal on her cell phone put her in a difficult position.

She had said she was going to pay, but her cell phone wouldn't swipe.

The salespeople around her also changed from being respectful just now to mocking and contemptuous.

This made Wei Xin, who had received a good education since childhood, simply unbearable.

But her cell phone was like a brick. She couldn't swipe it no matter what she did.

Thinking of this, she was of course even more anxious. She explained to the salesperson next to her again and again, but no one was willing to listen to her.

They all thought she was a person who was pretending to be stupid because she couldn't buy anything.

Wei Xin was naturally more desperate.

But no one believed her explanation.

Ye Yi watched what happened and immediately understood that it turned out that the cell phone signal was not good.

She couldn't pay.

Ye Yi had used fruit machines before and had experienced the embarrassment of not being able to pay due to poor signal.

So he trusted this girl very much. He also understood her embarrassment and despised the salesmen next to him. They were really snobbish. Ye Yi didn't like it at all.

"Let me pay for her."

After realizing the embarrassment of the girl,

Ye Yi stepped forward generously to help the girl out.

Anyway, he looked and the girl didn't buy much.

Just tens of thousands of yuan.

Ye Yi just couldn't stand the snobbery of these sales clerks. He couldn't bear that the girl was despised like this even though she did nothing wrong. Wei Xin was in despair. Who would have thought that someone would help her out?

It was like a little light in the dark night!

She looked up and immediately saw Ye Yi's face, which was actually quite handsome.

At this moment, Wei Xin really had some good feelings for Ye Yi, and then she was deeply grateful.

Ye Yi ignored Wei Xin and asked the salesperson directly how much Wei Xin bought.

After asking clearly, Ye Yi directly paid more than 33,000 yuan.

It was not much and quite cheap.

After paying, Ye Yi Just left.

But Wei Xin didn't react until then.

What's the situation? Just left after helping someone?

Shouldn't he ask for her contact information at this time? Shouldn't he continue to develop the relationship?

And it's 30,000 yuan after all, shouldn't he add the contact information and then ask for it back?

Just throw away 30,000 yuan? How much money does this young man have?

Because Wei Xin is beautiful, she has experienced people asking for her prestige since she was a child.

This is the first time she has seen someone who does good deeds without asking for anything in return and just turns around and leaves.

Wei Xin immediately had a good impression of Ye Yi.

Then she quickly caught up with Ye Yi.

Wei Xin has a good family background and has received the best education since she was a child. She will not spend a man's money!

Ye Yi helped her pay 30,000 yuan, so of course she has to pay it back to Ye Yi!

She is not short of money herself.

Naturally she will not default on her debt

"Hello, my name is Wei Xin, thank you for helping me just now"

"Is that so? Can we add each other’s contact information? I’ll transfer more than 30,000 yuan to you later."

It was the first time that Wei Xin took the initiative to add a boy’s contact information.

But in order to pay Ye Yi back, she had to ask with a red face.

It must be said that Wei Xin is really beautiful.

Like a star, she looks even better when her pretty face is red.

Ye Yi’s ex-girlfriend Mina was also considered a class flower with an eight-point appearance, but in front of Wei Xin, she was no different from a scumbag.

Even Ye Yi was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly came to his senses and smiled. Of course, he wouldn’t care about a mere 30,000 yuan.

Still need to add contact information?

"No need, it's just a piece of cake."

Ye Yi said and got into his 80 million supercar.

Then he sped away.

Wei Xin was stunned. She was such a beautiful woman and asked for prestige, but someone ignored her?

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