He only cares about the shares.

In his opinion, it is enough to get the shares.

What does Cao Meng's life or death have to do with him?

"Haha, Brother Fenghai, it's up to you. I just want the shares."

"As long as you hand over the shares, my niece will be at the mercy of Brother Feng Hai."

Jia Ding sneered.

Hearing this, Cao Meng was already desperate.

Of course, she became even more desperate.

Facing such a master, what can the Cao family use to struggle?

The Cao family is finished.

She is finished too.

After despair, she was extremely disappointed with Jia Ding Bingchun.

These two were promoted by her father.

As a result, they showed no mercy at all, and they not only turned a good deed into a vengeance and plotted to seize the chairmanship.

Now they even brought people to kill them.

After killing them, they actually let others harm her, their niece.

How can people be so cruel and ruthless, and be so beastly?

So of course her pretty face was desperate.

It was also extremely desperate.

How could she not be desperate.

After despair.

Cao Meng's pretty face was also extremely pale.

Knowing that the Cao family has no chance, no one can save the Cao family.

The Cao family doesn't even have the possibility to struggle!

After that.

Jia Ding Bingchun and Feng Hai, the three of them walked towards Cao Meng.

Especially Feng Hai.

With a wretched face.

He wished he could make Cao Meng pose in fifty different positions in the hall!

As if he had already succeeded!

As if he had already seen that Cao Meng was his.

At this moment.

Suddenly four figures came quickly.

Blocked directly in front of Cao Meng.

The four figures were all extremely terrifying.

They were full of ancient martial arts aura.

And these four figures were naturally the masters guarding the Cao family.

The Cao family was once a super family after all.

Although it has declined.

But the masters are still The old ones are more than the average aristocratic families.

Among these four masters, three are at the inner middle level.

One of them is at the peak of the half-step inner middle level, and he is only one step away from the powerful inner middle level peak.

You can see how powerful it is.

It is worthy of being the Cao family. These four masters alone can sweep the average aristocratic families.

The quasi-mid-level peak master of the Cao family is called Cao Jing.

Cao Jing is also Cao Meng's uncle.

He has taken special care of Cao Meng since he was a child.

He is especially good to Cao Meng.

Of course he is not happy to see someone trying to hurt Cao Meng! He appeared with the other three masters at the same time.

Of course Cao Jing did not overestimate himself and saw it immediately.

He is far from being a match for Feng Hai in front of him.

Feng Hai is extremely powerful!

However, even in the face of a powerful Feng Hai, he still did not retreat.

Instead, he stood in front of him firmly.

Buying time for Cao Meng.

Seeing the four masters of the Cao family.

Feng Hai was not surprised.

He felt the four masters outside the door, and did not take them seriously.

These four masters.

The strongest is only at the quasi-inner family middle-level peak.

What can he use to fight him?

He is the real inner family middle-level peak, and he is only one step away from stepping into the half-step inner family high-level.

It seems that there is only a small realm.

But in fact, there is a world of difference.

Five Cao Jings may not be his opponents.

Because quality crushes quantity.

So of course he does not take them seriously.

Feng Hai immediately spoke with disdain.

At this moment, he did not take the masters seriously at all

"Oh, you are the four masters of the Cao family, right?"

"In order to avoid wasting time, the four of you can attack together."

Feng Hai said disdainfully.

He pointed at the four masters of the Cao family at the same time.

He was about to kill the four masters of the Cao family by himself. He didn't take them seriously at all.

Hearing this, Cao Jing was naturally furious.

How could he bear it?

Feng Hai was indeed a master.

But he didn't take the four of them seriously at all, and asked them to attack together.

This was originally a humiliation.

So Cao Jing was naturally furious.

After all, he was a master of the Cao family. He was despised like this.

But although he was furious, Cao Jing didn't get cocky.

Instead, he directly joined forces with the other three masters to attack at the same time!

Because Cao Jing also saw that this man was definitely a master.

He was not his opponent alone. If four people attacked at the same time, there might be a chance to kill the opponent!

This was also the only chance for the Cao family.

The four masters attacked Feng Hai at the same time.

Just the inside The force exploded.

If ordinary people get close to the center of the vortex, they will be broken by the aftermath.

This is the terrifying part of the internal masters.

The internal force roared!

The four great masters rushed to Feng Hai at the same time. They all used the strongest means of attack.

Because they all felt that Feng Hai was a super master.

So naturally they used the strongest means.

As the four great masters rushed to him.

Feng Hai glanced at them with disdain.

The four great masters were indeed strong.

But it was a pity that they were too weak in front of him.

As the four great masters rushed to him.

He made a move casually.

But the next moment, as he made a move casually.

A horrible scene happened.

The leading intermediate master was blasted away by him before he could react.

He was seriously injured!

On the verge of death.

He lost the strength to fight again.

With just one punch, the intermediate master... All the masters were beaten to death!

This is the horror of super masters.

At the same time, Feng Hai threw another punch.

Another mid-level flew backwards!

Lost the strength to fight again.

In one breath, the Cao family lost two masters.

Feng Hai threw another punch, this punch directly attacked Cao Jing!

Cao Jing is worthy of being the number one master of the Cao family.

He was shocked and his blood was surging, and he was slightly injured.

But he still didn't fall down.

He tried his best to delay Feng Hai in front of him!

It's a pity that the difference is too big.

Feng Hai threw another punch.

Cao Jing flew backwards directly.

He vomited blood directly.

He was already seriously injured.

No longer able to fight.

Feng Hai threw another punch.

Another master also flew backwards.

The four masters of the Cao family.

All fell down in one and a half breaths!

This is the strength of Feng Hai.

He is worthy of being the Feng Hai who shocked the three provinces.

It's so terrifying.

Seeing this scene.

Cao Meng's pretty face turned pale.

It's over, the Cao family is really over.

The four great masters of the Cao family are so vulnerable.

What can they use to resist Feng Hai in front of them?

Cao Meng's pretty face was of course pale.

She was even more desperate.

It was as if she had seen the scene of the Cao family's ruin.

The thought of this made her even more desperate.

After getting rid of the four masters who were in the way,

Feng Hai walked towards Cao Meng with a grim smile on his face.

His eyes were full of burning flames.

He wished he could put Cao Meng in dozens of postures immediately.

Cao Meng's pretty face became even paler.

At the same time, he made up his mind.

He would rather die than let these people succeed!

After making up his mind.

Cao Meng was completely desperate.

He took out a dagger and prepared to commit suicide.

He would rather die than let these rubbish succeed!

But at this moment.

The Cao family was desperate.

When the three people Jia and Ding were proud!

Feng Hai thought he was going to succeed.

But a voice rang out behind him.

It spread throughout the hall.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous in Cao's house? Have you asked me before?"

A young man and a beautiful girl walked in. They were naturally Ye Yi and Meng Yi.

Ye Yi rushed over with Meng Yi.

Fortunately, they caught up.

Otherwise, he would have killed Jia Ding without a complete body.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi felt relieved.

Fortunately, it was still in time, and Ye Yi felt relieved.

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