Seeing this scene at this time.

Cao Meng had hope in her heart.

She thought she was going to be rescued.

But when she saw Ye Yi came alone, she was very disappointed.

Ye Yi might indeed be the eldest son of a super family.

But no matter how powerful the eldest son is, what's the point of you coming alone?

Not only can you not save the Cao family, but you will also lose your life.

So she was even more desperate.

Not only could Ye Yi not save the Cao family, but he came here in vain to die.

She was not only desperate. She also regretted it.

She shouldn't have not notified Ye Yi.

Isn't this asking Ye Yi to come and die?

Cao Jing was half dead.

At this moment, she was speechless.

Why are you here, my friend?

I am very grateful that you helped our Cao family.

But you are not even a warrior.

Why are you here?

Because Ye Yi's realm was hidden, there was no ancient martial arts fluctuation.

He looked like an ordinary person.

Cao Jing was of course worried.

Isn't this coming to die?

He felt that the young man was very reckless.

Cao Jing was particularly disappointed.

When Jia Ding Bing Chun saw Ye Yi, they felt something was wrong.

They thought Ye Yi had brought some experts to support him.

If so, it would be bad.

It seemed that it was about to succeed.

But soon they found out that Ye Yi did not bring any experts, but came alone. They were immediately disdainful.

They looked at Ye Yi as if he was a fool.

He was still so arrogant in the face of Feng Hai.

Don't say that Ye Yi is not a warrior.

Even if he is an ordinary warrior, he will die in the face of Feng Hai.


This young man must die too.

Who made this young man ruin their plan before.

The two men's faces were full of hideousness.

How could they not be hideous?

It was as if they had seen the tragic death of Ye Yi.

Feng Hai was extremely eager to get Cao Meng.

It seemed that he was about to succeed.

He was just happy in his heart.

Who knew that he was suddenly interrupted by a young man. He was immediately filled with murderous intent.


This young man must die.

Ye Yi looked like an ordinary person.

He had ignored it directly.

It was as if he had seen the tragic death of Ye Yi.

But soon he saw Meng Yi next to Ye Yi.

His eyes were suddenly full of flames. She was actually on par with Cao Meng!

He wanted this woman too.

He wanted to possess her too.

It would be best to kill two birds with one stone. He could pose in thirty different positions together.

Thinking of this, his eyes were even more full of flames.

It was as if he had seen the scene of success. He was even more determined. He had to succeed directly and possess these two beauties at the same time.

Thinking of this moment, of course, his heart became even more ferocious. He was even more determined. After making up his mind, he spoke with a sinister smile on his face.

"Wow, another beauty came to my door. Now both of them are mine."

"Tonight I'm going to kill two birds with one stone. If you guys want to come, you can be the second person."

"But I have to be the first one."

Feng Hai said this with a lewd face. He ignored Ye Yi directly.

In his opinion, how could this country bumpkin be his opponent?

Jia Ding Bing Chun of course waved his hands again and again.

They are not as bad as Feng Hai.

They only want money, not that.

They have heard of Feng Hai's bad reputation.

Ye Yi was listening at the moment.

He was completely furious.

How could he not be furious?

Meng Yi and Cao Meng are both his good friends.

But this Feng Hai, his mouth is full of dirty words.

He doesn't take Ye Yi seriously at all.

It seems that these two women are already his.

Ye Yi was furious.

Ye Yi has never been so angry.

Even when facing the people of the Feng family, he has never been so angry.


Feng Hai must die!

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

It's good that he made up his mind instantly.

He has never killed anyone.

But this Feng Hai has completely angered him.

He must die.

After making up his mind,

Ye Yi of course spoke in a cold and domineering voice

"If you can walk out of here tonight, I will write the word"Ye" upside down."

"I'm going to twist your head off."

Ye Yi said domineeringly.

Pointing directly at Feng Hai, he said!

But when Cao Jing heard this, he secretly thought it was not good. He was extremely shocked.

He instantly felt that Ye Yi was dead.

Young man, why are you so arrogant?

You are just an ordinary person, but you dare to offend Feng Hai.

Now you will not only die miserably, but also implicate our Cao family.

He felt that Ye Yi was immature.

This was too impulsive.

Cao Meng was even more desperate.

He felt that the Cao family was finished.

Feng Hai was listening at this moment, and he was instantly furious. His name was well-known, and he was feared by the three provinces!

No one in the three provinces dared to be presumptuous.

As a result, he met a young man.

He dared to speak so arrogantly and wanted to twist off his head.

He was still a young man who didn't even have martial arts skills!

So Feng Hai was completely furious.

Shocked After getting angry, of course he was not polite. He went straight to kill Ye Yi.

What a master of Feng Hai!

There was a crackling sound of internal force in his hands!

He rushed towards Ye Yi like lightning.

He was worthy of being a person who was about to step into the high level of half-step internal family!

As he rushed towards Ye Yi,

Feng Hai had a grim smile on his face.

How could he not grimly smile?

It was as if he had seen the tragic death of Ye Yi.

In his opinion, this attack by him.

This young man would definitely die tragically!

Thinking of this, he grinned even more.

Feng Hai, with a monstrous wave, killed directly in front of Ye Yi.

As Feng Hai killed in front of him.

At this moment, Ye Yi was interested in looking at Feng Hai.

Feng Hai did have some means.

No wonder he could defeat the four masters of the Cao family.

It was a pity that the biggest mistake was that he should not have offended Ye Yi.

Xiao Small Feng Hai.

In Ye Yi's hands, that's trash.

Worse than trash.

The gap between Feng Hai and Ye Yi is twenty times greater than the gap between Cao Jing and Feng Hai!

Not to mention there is only one Feng Hai.

Even if there are thirty Feng Hai, they will all be hunted down by Ye Yi one by one!

This is the horror of a super master like Ye Yi!

Ye Yi just threw a punch casually.

But this punch turned everything upside down.

Ye Yi casually punched Feng Hai's fist.

But the next moment.

A scene that shocked everyone happened.

Feng Hai's arm began to twist.

All the bones in his body were broken.

The next moment Feng Hai was directly hit hard.

He flew backwards.

With a bang.

He fell directly to the ground.

He had lost the battle. Strength, only half of his life left.

Feng Hai, who was dominating the Cao family just now. He was solved by Ye Yi with just one punch.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was shocked and silent!

Cao Jing was shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

Just now he thought Ye Yi was going to die miserably.

To be killed.

Because Ye Yi didn't have any ancient martial arts fluctuations.

Who knew that Feng Hai was seriously injured with just one punch.

With such combat power.

At least he must be a high-level inner family!

A high-level inner family at the age of 22.

He gasped instantly.

How could he not gasp?

Of course he gasped completely and was shocked to the point of extreme fear.

A high-level inner family at the age of 22.

Who is this young man?

Cao Meng was also shocked.

She was desperate and thought she was going to die.

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