After doing these things, Ye Yi took Meng Yi back to the villa...

The Magic City was completely shocked at this time.

The entire Magic City's aristocratic families, and even the three nearby provinces were shocked.

Because a terrifying news came.

Feng Hai was killed.

Although Feng Hai was notorious, he was not considered a master in the Magic City.

But at least he was a half-step inner family high-level master. Although he is not yet, he will be soon!

In the end, he was killed.

So of course it spread throughout the three provinces and one city.

Shocked the entire Magic City.

And what's more terrifying is that it is rumored that the one who killed Feng Hai is a young man who is only 22 years old.

When the news came.

The whole Magic City was boiling.

Countless aristocratic families were shocked!

How could they not be shocked?

Feng Hai was killed at the age of 22. At least he is a high-level inner family master. A high-level inner family at the age of 22.

He must be the heir of a super aristocratic family, or he has a master master.

So the whole Magic City was boiling.

Everyone was shocked.

Countless aristocratic families investigated like crazy.

They all wanted to know where the young man was so amazing.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

All we know is that it seems to be a young man named Ye. He is related to the Cao family.

So overnight, countless people all looked in the direction of the Cao family.

Tonight, the Magic City is destined to be uneasy!

Ye Yi didn't know either.

He just killed Feng Hai casually.

It actually led to such a big thing.

Ye Yi didn't know all this at the moment.

Magic City, the residence of the Lei family, one of the four super families.

The housekeeper Guan Zhong came in a hurry.

To meet the young master.

Lei Kai was still resting with his eyes closed.

Originally, when encountering something, he would not interrupt the young master's thinking.

But this time it was a big deal.

Guan Zhong couldn't care so much.

He rudely interrupted the young master.

""Something bad has happened to the young master!"

Guan Zhong reported.

Lei Kai was not unhappy.

Because he knew that if there was nothing serious, the butler would never interrupt him.

Once the butler interrupted him, it meant that something serious had happened.

So Lei Kai opened his eyes.

"Oh, what's going on?"

Lei Kai asked with interest.

Guan Zhong of course continued to speak

"Do you remember Ye Yi that I mentioned last time?"

"I know, the one who bought our villa."

Lei Kai said.

Although Ye Yi had 500 billion assets at the age of 22, it was still not worth his attention.

But the housekeeper would not come for no reason.

Something big must have happened.

So he immediately looked at the housekeeper with interest.

"That young man, at the age of 22, was very likely to be at the high level of the inner family. He also killed Feng Hai"

"Now it has shocked countless noble families."

Guan Zhong continued to report.

But this time.

Lei Kai was completely shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

It was more shocking than when he heard that Ye Yi had 500 billion assets!

500 billion assets is just money, not worthy of Lei Kai's attention.

But a 22-year-old high-level inner family.

Even Lei Kai does not have this realm.

It definitely shows that Ye Yi is the heir of a super noble family.

So this time is completely different!

Before, he was just interested.

Now he is completely determined to make friends with Ye Yi.

Because this Ye Yi has shown enough strength to attract him.

After making up his mind, he naturally spoke.

"Please help me to ask Ye Yi out tomorrow night."

Lei Kai said.

His words were still as concise as always.

Hearing Lei Kai's words,

Guan Zhong smiled.

He guessed why the young master arranged it this way.

The young master wanted to make friends with this person named Ye Yi?

After he smiled, of course he asked

"The young master wants to make friends with Ye Yi?"


Lei Kai nodded, without hiding anything.

After knowing Lei Kai's plan,

Guan Zhong left immediately.

He hurried to prepare...

He dared not neglect the young master's order.

Late at night.


Beijing is also one of the four first-tier cities in China.

Although its economy is not as good as that of Magic City, its status is higher than that of Magic City.

Because Beijing is the top power in China.

Its status firmly surpasses that of Magic City.

Beijing is also the most unfathomable city in China.

There are countless aristocratic families in it.

There are even hidden dragons and crouching tigers. If there is a little movement inside, the whole of China will tremble. In the suburbs of Beijing.

In a dilapidated courtyard.

This is a dilapidated courtyard.

How dilapidated is it?

From the outside, this courtyard seems to have been abandoned for hundreds of years.

Even the big wooden door at the door.

It looks like it will fall down at any time.

No one lives here.

No one wants to come in.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a dilapidated house in the capital.

It is full of history!

But at this moment in the courtyard, there are four old men who are busy late at night.

These are four white-haired old men, the cheapest of whom is over 60 years old.

But despite their old age.

They have the aura of being in a superior position. It is obvious that all four of them are big shots who know everything.

Before they retired, I am afraid that every one of them would be a real big shot.

At this time, one of the old men.

He picked up a letter.

The sender of the letter was written as Su Xiangzhong!

This old man was Su Xiangzhong’s old leader in the Dragon Group.

The old leader was called Zhong Gu.

Zhong Gu had just retired not long ago. Before his retirement, he was a lieutenant general and almost reached the level of a general.

You can imagine Zhong Gu’s level, it is hard to imagine... No wonder he could be Su Xiangzhong's old leader.

And this dilapidated courtyard is the headquarters of the Dragon Group.

The Dragon Group that is feared by the world.

The Dragon Group that intimidates all Chinese warriors, the Dragon Group that makes all warriors dare not mess around.

Even the Dragon Group that has made the Kingdom of God swear blood many times.

The headquarters is actually such a dilapidated courtyard.

If outsiders knew about it,

I wonder what they would think.

After Zhong Gu retired, he went to the Dragon Group and became a director.

Directors do not have any rank in the Dragon Group.

They just assist the leader in handling cases.

It is a clerical job.

Zhong Gu's position in the Dragon Group is just a director.

It can be seen how amazing the status of the Dragon Group is.

At this time, Zhong Gu picked up Su Xiangzhong's letter and read it.

Su Xiangzhong is equivalent to half of his student.

He is very satisfied with that student.

Not only is he a good person, but also a He is a decent person.

His ability and martial arts talent are also very strong.

As he picked up Su Xiangzhong's letter and read it, he was completely shocked!

Su Xiangzhong just wanted to recommend someone to be a guest official of the Dragon Group.

It's nothing.

But the important thing is that the young man written on it is too amazing.

He has only practiced martial arts for three years, and at the age of 22, he has a high-level combat power.

A high-level inner family at the age of 22?

How could he not be shocked? He couldn't even believe it.

Because even the Dragon Group, which is known as the most amazing, has never had such an amazing genius.

So how could he dare to believe it?

But at the same time, he also knew that this student would not joke.

It was absolutely true.

After being shocked, he was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

What a joke.

Such a talent, let alone being a guest official. Even the chief instructor is easily available during holidays.

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