"Old Liu, come and take a look at this file."

Zhong Gu immediately handed the file to Old Liu.

The file was Ye Yi's file.

Old Liu's name was Liu Fang.

Liu Fang was also one of the directors here.

The leader of the Dragon Group was not here at the moment, so all the affairs were managed by the four of them.

As a director, Liu Fang's rank was not low. He was even higher than Zhong Gu before he retired. Of course

, Liu Fang took the file.

He was shocked when he saw it.

"This... is definitely a good seedling, a 22-year-old high-level inner family, you guys take a look."

Liu Fang handed the file to the other two directors.

After reading it, the other two directors praised it again and again.

How could they not praise it?

A 22-year-old high-level inner family.

This is a true genius.

So of course they praised it again and again.

Praise it very much.

Praise it to the extreme.

If it is true, what is a mere guest official?

I'm afraid he will be the chief instructor in the future.

This kind of young man must be retained!

The four directors made up their minds at the same time.

It's good that they made up their minds at the same time, and they didn't want to miss such a good seedling.

"Now the chief is out on a mission, we as the directors cannot miss such a good seedling."

"That's right. We must keep such a good seedling for the chief. In this way, we will directly agree to let him become a guest official."

Zhong Gu also spoke up.

He wanted to keep such a good talent for the chief.

The chief is the current leader of the Dragon Group.

He is also the leader of the Dragon Group.

His status is very high.

Unfortunately, the chief has an important task, so he went to resist foreign enemies.

Therefore, there are only a few old men left in the headquarters.

And facing such a heaven-defying person.

Zhong Gu certainly decided to keep him for the chief.

Let Ye Yi become a guest official directly.

The other three people also nodded repeatedly, saying that it was no problem to let Ye Yi become a guest official.

But no problem is no problem.

You can't just accept whatever others say, right?

The Dragon Group is not so easy to get.

You have to test it.

Another old man immediately spoke up.

"But you can't always say what is what, you still need to test it"

"How about this? Doesn't the Dragon Group have a guest in the Magic City? This guy named Ye Yi happens to be in the Magic City, so let the guest go and test him."

"If he is really a high-level fighter, then we will make him a guest official right away."

The old man suggested.

What he said was also kind.

You can't just say whatever you say.

Is the Dragon Group so easy to fool?

We must test him.

If he is really a high-level fighter at the age of 22, and has good character.

Then let him become a guest official right away.

Hearing this, the other three old men had no objection.

They all thought that what he said was very reasonable.

We must test him.

If we don't test anything and a fake comes in, wouldn't it be a shame?

Can the Dragon Group be so easy to fool?

Ye Yi didn't know about what happened in Beijing.

After returning to Seaview Villa No. 1,

Ye Yi fell asleep. He was really tired after a day.

But Meng Yi was disappointed in another room...

How could she not be disappointed?

She and Ye Yi were in the same room.

She hoped that Ye Yi could cross the line.

But Ye Yi always treated her as an ordinary friend.

Was she so unattractive?

Thinking of this, she even doubted whether she was too ordinary. She couldn't attract Ye Yi at all...

The next morning, Ye Yi got up early.

After getting up, Ye Yi received a call from Su Xiangzhong early.

Su Xiangzhong said that the Dragon Team had reviewed it. He agreed to let Ye Yi be the guest official.

But he had to send a team member to test Ye Yi's strength.

But it was just an ordinary test, not the kind that would kill him, just to check whether Ye Yi was bragging.

After all, not everyone can enter the Dragon Team.

It's not justifiable not to test him.

As long as the test is passed, Ye Yi will be a guest official of the Dragon Team.

Ye Yi was naturally overjoyed after hearing the call.

It's just a test, nothing, how could he not be overjoyed?

So he hung up the phone quickly.

Ye Yi was about to become a member of the Dragon Group, and of course he was overjoyed.

During this period of time, the pressure from the noble family on Ye Yi was too great.

How could it not be great?

Ye Yi's martial arts cultivation was not afraid of the noble family.

But his background could not compare.

If the noble family used its power, Ye Yi would be in trouble.

So Ye Yi was always under great pressure.

But now he was about to become a member of the Dragon Group.

As long as he became a guest of the Dragon Group, what would the noble family be?

Whether you are from a noble family or a master, don't even think about bullying the members of the Dragon Group! This is the heaven-defying thing about the Dragon Group.

So how could Ye Yi not be happy?

Of course, the Dragon Group was not allowed to bully people.

Violators would also be cleared out.

Soon after Ye Yi was happy, he patiently waited for the guest of the Dragon Group.

This was a test for the Dragon Group. It must be completed.

In the Magic City, somewhere at this time.

In a corner.

A street vendor took out a mobile phone.

It looked like an ordinary mobile phone.

In fact, it was an encrypted communication tool.

The moment he saw the message above.

The vendor who was smiling just now suddenly showed a terrifying aura!

Of course, it flashed by. He quickly disguised himself.

The vendor handed the stall to the person next to him and asked him to help take care of it.

Then he stopped a taxi directly.

But as soon as he got in the car.

He had already transformed into a middle-aged man in a suit and tie.

How could he look like the vendor just now? He was already a successful person.

The middle-aged man was called Du Ming.

Vendors and successful people were not his identities.

His real identity was a guest of the Dragon Group.

The vendor was just a disguise for him to go on a mission.

At this time, he also received a new mission and rushed to a villa area.

But Du Ming smiled quickly.

It was very interesting.

It turned out to be a 22-year-old high-level inner family?

Isn't this interesting?

That's very interesting.

There hasn't been such a genius for a long time...

Ye Yi certainly didn't know what was happening outside.

But the doorbell of Villa No. 1 was soon rang.

Ye Yi has no friends in the Magic City.

Someone came to visit Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi had already vaguely guessed that it might be a guest of the Dragon Group.

So he hurried out.

Meng Yi also hurried out.

Ye Yi saw Du Ming.

A Du Ming in a suit and tie, who looked like a successful person!

But the moment he saw him, Ye Yi was sure.

This Du Ming is definitely a master.

And he is higher than the average high-level!

Ye Yi was even more sure that this was definitely a guest of the Dragon Group.

Soon, Ye Yi naturally opened the door for the other party.

Ye Yi was looking at Du Ming.

Du Ming was also looking at Ye Yi.

And he was frightened by Ye Yi.

How could he not be frightened?

There was no ancient martial arts fluctuation on this young man, and he didn't look like an ancient martial arts master at all.

Could he be an ordinary person?


Is his realm higher than his? Is he a half-step master? That's why I can't tell?

That's even more impossible!

Du Ming was speechless for a moment.

But it is certain that this young man is a bit evil.

And it's a very evil kind.

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