This is also the only hope for the Chu family to overcome the difficulties.

Ye Yi came back soon.

Chu Yu chatted with Ye Yi for a while.

I have to say that Ye Yi actually likes Chu Yu very much.

Chu Yu is not only beautiful.

She also has a very good temperament.

Who doesn't like her?

And Chu Yu asked Ye Yi what job he did.

Ye Yi naturally said nothing.

He just said that he was an ordinary student.

Are ordinary students qualified to be Lei Kai's brothers?

What a joke?

Chu Yu is not stupid. She is more certain that Ye Yi is a real super young master.

Because only super young masters are so low-key.

Ye Yi said this, and she was more certain that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

Soon Ye Yi and Lei Kai ended their meeting.

They were both ready to go back.

At this time, Chu Yu was extremely entangled.

Should I leave Ye Yi's phone number?

How can I not be entangled? It would be too disrespectful to leave it on my own initiative.

But if I don't stay, Ye Yi will leave soon.

Then there will never be a chance.

Not to mention that Chu Yu likes Ye Yi in her heart.

What's more, Ye Yi is the only hope for the Chu family to survive the crisis.

After much entanglement,

Chu Yu still asked for Ye Yi's contact information.

Ye Yi did not refuse.

In fact, he did not dislike Chu Yu.

So he exchanged contact information with Chu Yu.

Then he personally sent Chu Yu and the old housekeeper to the downstairs of the club.

After sending them to the downstairs of the club,

Ye Yi asked if he wanted to drive them back?

Chu Yu declined.

She was embarrassed to trouble Ye Yi too much.

Because she also drove here.

So she declined.

Ye Yi didn't care, so he drove his low-key Rolls-Royce home...

Early the next morning.

Ye Yi was awakened by Wei Xin's call early.

Seeing Wei Xin's call, Ye Yi actually guessed what was going on.

But he still picked up the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Wei Xin was extremely shocked.

Isn't it shocking?

There is an additional 300 billion in the group account!

This is 300 billion.

She subconsciously guessed that it was transferred by Ye Yi.

Except for this boss.

Who else is so capable?

So Wei Xin quickly asked

""There are 300 billion more in Mr. Ye's group. Did you transfer it?"

Wei Xin asked immediately.

Ye Yi smiled.

He guessed that he came for this matter.

So Ye Yi quickly answered yes.

Hearing this, Wei Xin was even more shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

300 billion!

The group was originally worth more than 500 billion, and another 300 billion was transferred.

That's 800 billion!

Ye Yi is only 22 years old, and he has 800 billion.

Even the eldest son of a super family is not so rich, right?

How could Wei Xin not be shocked.

So of course she was completely shocked.

She couldn't see through Ye Yi at all.

Who is Ye Yi?

Why does he have countless assets?

She found that she couldn't see through Ye Yi more and more.

Of course, after being shocked.

Wei Xin continued to speak.

Asking is just one point.

More importantly, she has something important to discuss with Ye Yi.

"Mr. Ye is like this. I thought about it and found that Yangcheng is too small to accommodate the Ye Investment Consortium."

"After a comprehensive review, I think it would be better to move the headquarters of Ye's Investment Consortium to Shanghai, after all, Shanghai is the top economy in China."

"What do you think, Mr. Ye? If possible, we can just leave a branch in Yangcheng in the future."

Wei Xin said immediately.

This is exactly what she wanted to discuss with Ye Yi. She was going to move the Ye Investment Consortium directly to the Magic City.

Wei Xin had considered it many times.

In the end, she found that Yangcheng was too small to accommodate a behemoth like the Ye Investment Consortium.

Yangcheng only looked powerful, as one of the four first-tier cities, but its economy was not strong.

Instead, it was the Magic City, the real financial center.

Only there, the Ye Investment Consortium could thrive.

This was the conclusion Wei Xin came to after considering it for a long time.

Hearing this,

Ye Yi was not angry, but happy.

Because Ye Yi thought the same as Wei Xin.

Originally, Yangcheng was not possible.

Ye Yi had long planned to move the headquarters to the Magic City.

After all, Ye Yi wanted to cultivate his own super power.

But he couldn't really display it in Yangcheng.

But the Magic City was different.

The Magic City was too perfect.

A real financial center.

What did Ye Yi disagree with?

Of course, he agreed immediately.

He immediately agreed to let the Ye Investment Consortium move to the Magic City.

"No problem. I also think Shanghai is better. I will move our headquarters to Shanghai from now on."

"I'm in Shanghai right now, so I can help you."

Ye Yi said directly.

Wei Xin was surprised. Ye Yi actually went to Shanghai?

But she was very happy soon. She agreed immediately.

After agreeing, Wei Xin naturally went to work.

Busy with the group's move to Shanghai.

It would be ok to leave a branch here...

Shanghai, in a villa.

This is the villa where the Chu family is located.

At this time, Chu Yu was sitting in front of the dressing table, but her pretty face was full of entanglement!

The Chu family was originally a glorious and ancient first-class family.

It had once been at its peak.

Unfortunately, Chu Yu's uncles, uncles, and fathers all died unexpectedly one after another.

And Chu Yu's grandfather suffered a major blow.

Chu Yu was young at that time.

So the Chu family declined rapidly.

A lot of assets were also swallowed up.

Therefore, they could only move to the current villa.

The Chu family is also shaky. Falling.

Even the last bit of assets could be swallowed up by other families at any time!

It can be said that the Chu family is in a state of crisis!

Chu Yu was extremely conflicted at this moment.

Although she had Ye Yi's phone number, she was extremely conflicted.

Should she call Ye Yi?

It would be too disrespectful to call him on her own initiative.

But Ye Yi wouldn't call her!

So how could she not be conflicted?

Of course, she was conflicted to the extreme.

In the end, she thought that the Chu family was about to collapse.

Grandpa could hardly hold on.

Ye Yi was the only hope for the Chu family to survive the crisis.

So she naturally mustered up her courage in the end.

She called Ye Yi!

She had no choice.

At this moment in the sea view villa.

Ye Yi was playing Landlord happily.

This was also Ye Yi's favorite game���

Just when the game was at a critical moment, a phone call came.

Ye Yi looked and found that it was Chu Yu calling.

He felt very disappointed.

How could he not feel disappointed?

He was most afraid of being interrupted while playing games.

What's the point of beauties!

It's more interesting to play games!

But he still picked up the phone subconsciously.

"Mr. Ye."

Chu Yu's nervous and embarrassed voice came from inside.

How could she not be nervous?

Chu Yu was really very nervous.

It was the first time she took the initiative to call someone.

And it was a boy!

So of course she was extremely nervous.

Ye Yi smiled and spoke immediately.

"Hello, Miss Chu." Ye Yi smiled and asked.

"I wonder what Miss Chu wants to see me about?"

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