Ye Yi immediately asked again on the phone.

Chu Yu was relieved when he heard Ye Yi's answer.

"It's like this, thank you Mr. Ye for saving me last night, I would like to treat Mr. Ye to a meal as a reward"

""Mr. Ye, do you have time?"

Chu Yu asked with courage.

It was her idea to invite Ye Yi to dinner.

First, it was to thank Ye Yi.

Second, it was to make friends with Ye Yi.

Third, she really liked Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was not too surprised to hear Chu Yu's words.

He saved Chu Yu last night, so it was normal for Chu Yu to have such an idea.

Ye Yi thought about it immediately. It seemed that he had a lot of free time recently.

In addition, he didn't hate Chu Yu.

So after considering it, Ye Yi agreed.

"Okay, no problem."

Chu Yu was delighted to hear Ye Yi agreed.

How could she not be delighted?

Chu Yu immediately spoke

"Are you free tonight, Mr. Ye?"

Of course I have time tonight, Ye Yi readily agreed.

Chu Yu was even happier.

After being happy,

Chu Yu politely ended the call.

After the call ended, Ye Yi naturally continued to play games.

What kind of girls are fake?

How can you play Landlord ?

Soon it was evening.

At the time agreed with Chu Yu, Ye Yi called Chu Yu.

Ye Yi was going to pick up Chu Yu directly!

So he asked Chu Yu's address.

Of course Chu Yu gave the address to Ye Yi with confidence.

She had never seen anyone more decent than Ye Yi.

Ye Yi quickly picked up Chu Yu.

But he was not in a hurry to go to the place to eat.

Instead, he went to Patek Philippe first!

Ye Yi didn't like the watch he bought last time.

Ye Yi wanted to buy a new watch.

So there was no rush to eat, but to come to Patek Philippe first.

Anyway, Ye Yi was not short of money now. After arriving at Patek Philippe. Chu Yu was a little surprised. Ye Yi was going to buy a watch? She didn't expect Ye Yi to buy it for her. So subconsciously she thought Ye Yi was going to buy a watch. Soon Ye Yi went in with her. Driving a Rolls -Royce. A man and a woman were dressed well. It was obvious that someone of status had come in person. So the manager here came out to greet Ye Yi in person. The manager was a man. His name was Huang Guang

"Hello, sir and madam, I am Huang Guang, the manager here. What kind of watches would you like?

Huang Guang introduced to Ye Yi enthusiastically.

At the same time, he was secretly surprised.

The man is so handsome and the woman is so beautiful.

It is really a perfect match.

After hearing what Huang Guang said, Ye Yi spoke directly.

"I need a customized men's watch!"

Last time, Ye Yi only bought a few million.

He never bought a customized one.

Because customized ones need time to wait, Ye Yi doesn't have that patience.

So Ye Yi came to see if there are any ready-made customized ones.

Customized ones are the most expensive!

Huang Guang saw that these two people are not short of money.

So Huang Guang was very happy.

How could he not be happy?

He immediately took Ye Yi to the customized area.

The Magic City is the Magic City.

There are ready-made customized watches.

And there are five or six models!

Of course, the value is not cheap.

The most expensive one is 50 million.

50 million is enough Buy the most luxurious residential property in Shanghai.

It's really one watch for one house.

But Ye Yi is not short of money.

He paid 50 million and bought the most luxurious one!

Although most of Ye Yi's money is in the group.

But he still has some for himself.

Ten or eight hundred million is not a problem to spend!

Huang Guang couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He looked at Ye Yi as if he was looking at God.

Isn't he God?

He packaged it for Ye Yi personally.

50 million.

The commission alone is enough for him to buy a house in a first-tier city!

After Ye Yi bought it, he pointed to Chu Yu next to him.

"Is there a custom-made watch for women that is suitable for her?"

Ye Yi looked at Huang Guang.

But this time, Chu Yu was completely shocked.

She never expected Ye Yi to buy her a watch.

Custom-made watches are very expensive.

Even the children of aristocratic families are reluctant to buy them casually.

Who is willing to spend tens of millions to buy this?

Isn't it good to invest money to make money?

But Ye Yi actually wants to give it to her?

How can she not be shocked?

After being shocked, she refused.

She has been well-educated since she was a child and does not accept gifts from boys casually.

Moreover, such an expensive

"Mr. Ye, you are too polite. You don't have to give me these. I don't like them."

She refused directly.

If she didn't like them, it was fake.

I'm sorry if it was real.

So of course she refused.

Ye Yi saw it and frowned.

"You've treated me to a meal, so isn't it normal for me to give you a gift?"

"It's a matter of reciprocity!"

"If you don't accept it, I won't accompany you for dinner, and we won't be friends anymore."

Ye Yi deliberately put on a stern face.

Upon hearing this,

Chu Yu was delighted.


Does that mean Ye Yi considers her a friend?

Of course she was delighted!

How could she not be?

She had never dared to think before that she could become a friend of a young master from a super family.

So of course she was delighted. Since

Ye Yi said so, she had no way to refuse. She could only agree.

So Ye Yi picked out a 50 million women's custom watch for Chu Yu.

Seeing that 100 million was spent on a watch, and 50 million was given away without blinking an eye.

Chu Yu was extremely shocked!

He must be a young master from a super family.

She was even more certain. She was even more shocked.

After buying the watch, she naturally left.

Chu Yu did not choose a high-end restaurant in the Magic City.

It was not that Chu Yu was poor.

But many delicacies were not in the so-called high-end restaurants. No matter how difficult the Chu family was, it was always no problem to have a meal!

Chu Yu chose a western restaurant in the suburbs.

Although it was small, it looked very exquisite.

"Let's go inside. The food here is delicious. My dad often brought me to this restaurant when I was a child."

"Now the restaurant is still there, but my father is gone."

After Chu Yu arrived at the restaurant, she spoke with sadness, obviously thinking of the past.

Her heart was inevitably touched.

Her father loved her very much.

It's a pity that the second generation of the Chu family didn't know what happened, and they died one by one inexplicably.

Otherwise, the Chu family would not have fallen to this point. When

Ye Yi heard this, he was shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

He finally understood why Chu Yu came here.

After the shock, Ye Yi had a better impression of Chu Yu.

It's good that the impression is better.

I like Chu Yu more.

Soon, Ye Yi and Chu Yu went into the restaurant together.

Ye Yi didn't like to eat anything else.

He only ordered steak and red wine.

Chu Yu was the same as Ye Yi.

He didn't order anything else.

Basically, Western food is just steak.

What else can you eat?

Soon the dishes were served one after another.

It's worthy of being a restaurant brought by Chu Yu. Ye Yi tasted it and it was really good.

It was much better than what he had eaten in those so-called high-end restaurants.

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