But he had already lost to Wei Xin.

So even Meng Yi lost completely to Wei Xin at this moment.

Wei Xin was also looking at Meng Yi at this moment.

She had already known this anchor. She knew that she was the anchor next to Ye Yi.

To be honest, she would be jealous.

But Wei Xin also knew that Ye Yi, such an outstanding male god, must have countless girls around him.

So Wei Xin didn't feel sad for long.

Now she is already very strong in her heart.

A real strong woman.

She won't get entangled in such trivial matters.

Wei Xin has arranged cars for other backbones of the group.

So after Ye Yi picked up Wei Xin, he drove off directly.

Wei Xin is worthy of being a female president with strong hands.

Before coming here, she had bought a super large office building in the center of Magic City.

As the headquarters of Ye's Investment Consortium in Magic City.

High-quality assets such as office buildings will only appreciate and not depreciate. No matter how many you buy, you will not lose money.

So Wei Xin bought one directly.

Ye Yi didn't object, anyway, he had too much money to spend.

Now Ye Yi was driving to see the office building.

Ye Yi drove Wei Xin himself.

They hadn't seen each other for a while.

Ye Yi felt that Wei Xin had changed.

The girl was still the same girl.

But at this moment, Wei Xin was like a queen.

High and mighty.

Her feelings for Ye Yi might not have changed.

But her temperament had completely changed. She also became less talkative.

The atmosphere among the three people in the car suddenly became strange.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In fact, it was his fault. He didn't care about anything and just acted like a hands-off boss.

The entire group was handed over to Wei Xin.

"How are you doing recently?"

After a long while, Ye Yi really didn't know what to say.

He could only ask awkwardly

"Fortunately, you are not here, and I am the only one in charge of the group."

Wei Xin replied coldly.

Although she did not complain.

But after hearing this, Ye Yi felt even worse.

Who made him born a salted fish?

There is nothing he can do.

This is really hard for Wei Xin.

Soon the car arrived at the office building.

Under Wei Xin's arrangement, the office building has been pre-marked with the sign of Ye's Investment Consortium.

In other words, this will be the headquarters of Ye's Investment Consortium in the future.

After getting off the car,

Ye Yi took a look.

He was quite satisfied with it.

Meng Yi was stunned by Ye Yi's handwriting.

Ye Yi's group can buy an office building for tens of billions.

How can she not be stunned?

Such a tall and magnificent office building.

Will it be the office building of Ye's Investment Consortium in the future?

She was completely shocked.

Wei Xin arranged some work here.

Although they just got off the plane, some people have already started working. It's done. Everything is in good order. The skill of the female president Wei Xin is fully demonstrated.

She is worthy of being a genius who can manage the Ye Investment Consortium in an orderly manner. After the arrangements here are made.

These employees have no accommodation for the time being.

Ye Yi, the big boss, was not stingy.

He directly used tens of millions to book a nearby hotel.

Let these backbones live there for a month.

This way it is convenient for going to and from work.

They can take longer to find a place to stay.

These backbones were stunned by Ye Yi's luxurious means.

It's really domineering.

They all like Ye Yi more.

As for Wei Xin, Ye Yi left a bunch of keys to the No. 1 Sea View Villa for Wei Xin.

Wei Xin can go back to the No. 1 Sea View Villa to live at any time in the future.

After all, Wei Xin needs to work in the Magic City for a long time in the future.

The accommodation problem must be solved, right?

It seems that Ye Yi is on the contrary Ye Yi is not often in Shanghai.

He usually stays in Tianhai Province. He just happened to come here this time for something.

Wei Xin did not refuse.

She really needed a place to stay.

For example, Seaview Villa No. 1 is already the best villa in Shanghai.

Of course, she had no objection.

She and Ye Yi had broken everything off a long time ago.

No need to be too polite.

The two of them did not take the final step except that they were not formal boyfriend and girlfriend. Everything else was the same as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ye Yi quickly took Wei Xin and Meng Yi back to Villa No. 1.

The Seaview Villa was too big.

There were too many rooms.

Wei Xin could just pick a room by herself.

It happened that Wei Xin was really tired.

It was rare for her to return home. She went to sleep freely.

Since Ye Yi handed the group to her, she hasn't had such free time for a long time.

At this moment, Shanghai was completely shocked.

A huge piece of news came.

The behemoth with a market value of 900 billion, the behemoth Ye Investment Consortium has come to the Magic City.

The headquarters is rooted in the Magic City!

With a market value of 900 billion, it is definitely a behemoth.

There are groups in the Magic City that claim to have a market value of over 1 trillion, but there are actually not many.

And there are even fewer with their headquarters in the Magic City.

What's more, the boss of this group with a market value of 900 billion is rumored to be a 22-year-old young man!

So of course it caused a super earthquake in all the families in the Magic City.

How could it not be an earthquake?

At the age of 22, there is a market value of 900 billion.

What does this mean?

Even the eldest son of a super family doesn't have that much money.

The entire family in the Magic City was shaken.

It caused a huge earthquake.

As the news came out, everyone was shocked.

They all cast their eyes towards the headquarters of the Ye Investment Consortium.

At the same time, they were curious.

What kind of person is he?

He became a boss with a market value of 900 billion at such a young age!

Is he really a young son of a super family?

Such a behemoth suddenly came to the Magic City.

In addition to being shocked, all the families were restless.

They quickly began to investigate this consortium.

Including the three super families among the four super families!

They also began to investigate.

Magic City, the super family Lei family.

At this time, Lei Kai was sitting in the hall.

Other families did not know the true identity of the Ye Investment Consortium, but Lei Kai had known it for a long time.

Isn't that Ye Yi's group?

He formed an alliance with Ye Yi, promising to help Ye Yi Group solve all the problems in Magic City.

So the Ye Investment Consortium would come.

He was not surprised at all.

But what shocked Lei Kai was that in a short period of time, the Ye Investment Consortium was no longer 500 billion assets.

It directly became 900 billion assets.

900 billion assets at the age of 22, Lei Kai was completely shocked at this moment.

After hearing the news.

Lei Kai was completely scared.

How could he not be shocked?

How come Ye Yi's money seemed to be endless?

The more he spent, the more he had?

At the age of 22, he had 900 billion assets.

What does this mean?

Lei Kai knew better than anyone that even the super family was not so amazing.

So of course Lei Kai was scared at this moment.

He could not see Ye Yi clearly at all.

What happens after the shock?

Lei Kai was even more certain that Ye Yi was definitely from a prominent family. He was definitely the eldest son of a super family!

Even more than a super family!

Anno Group, Cao Meng was also completely shocked at this time.

The entire Magic City was completely shocked, and Cao Meng naturally knew about the Ye Investment Consortium.

Naturally, he also knew that the Ye Investment Consortium had moved to the Magic City.

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