Although Cao Meng knew that Ye's Investment Consortium belonged to Ye Yi before.

Cao Meng even had contact with Wei Xin.

But at that time, Ye's Investment Consortium had a market value of only 500 billion.

Now, in just a few days, it has become 900 billion.

How could Cao Meng not be shocked?

Of course, he was completely shocked.

At the age of 22, he had assets of 900 billion.

What kind of background did Ye Yi have?

A family even more super than a super family!

In the evening.

Chu's family!

Chu Yu was sitting in the hall, but he was on full alert. It was obvious that something big had happened.

Not to mention Chu Yu.

Even Chu Tianxiong, who was in poor health and basically did not take care of affairs and had been bedridden, got up. He also sat on the sofa and looked at the door with full alert.

Chu Tianxiong was Chu Yu's grandfather.

He was already in his eighties.

He should have retired long ago.

But the second generation of the Chu family died unexpectedly, and Chu Yu was still young at that time and could not maintain the Chu family.

So Chu Tianxiong could only barely maintain the family.

Chu Yu grew up slowly, and after he became capable, he basically handed over to Chu Yu in the past few years.

Chu Tianxiong usually stays in bed to recover from his injuries. He is really in poor health. He doesn't have many years left.

But now, Chu Tianxiong got out of bed himself.

He sat on the sofa.

He was on full alert with his granddaughter.

Obviously something big happened!

In fact, something big did happen.

The Chu family had been in a big crisis before, and the last bit of assets left were about to be divided up.

But at that time, the enemies hadn't taken action.

The Chu family thought it wouldn't be so fast.

Who would have thought that the enemy would take action so quickly now. They would come to kill tonight and divide up the Chu family.

So how could Chu Tianxiong not be nervous? Chu Yu was even more desperate!

Yes, it was despair.

The Chu family had been riddled with holes for a long time.

It was no longer the first-class family before.

Now her grandfather was so old, and the Chu family was about to be finished.

There were not many masters.

But how could they survive?

Chu Yu wanted to protect her grandfather.

He was her only relative at this time. Seeing that her grandfather was running out of time, she really didn't want her grandfather to suffer any more blows.

She just wanted her grandfather to leave the world quietly.

She didn't even dare to hope for the assets.

She just wanted her grandfather to leave the world quietly!

But now her grandfather was dying of illness.

He had to face the enemy with all his strength.

At this moment, Chu Yu was desperate, completely desperate.

She hated that she had no ability to protect the Chu family.

She had no ability to protect her grandfather.

With only these few masters in the Chu family, how could they stop the siege from the opposite side? Chu Yu was even more desperate!

In despair, the next moment Chu Yu's heart was touched.

She soon thought of someone!

Ye Yi.

It was the unfathomable Ye Yi.

Ye Yi had promised yesterday.

He would protect her and help the Chu family avoid all crises!

Chu Yu didn't know if Ye Yi said it casually.

She was embarrassed to disturb others.

But now there was no choice.

The Chu family was about to end!

So she immediately sent a message to Ye Yi.

She said that the Chu family was in a major crisis and asked Ye Yi for help.

After sending the message, Chu Yu was desperate.

She didn't know if Ye Yi could help.

Saving or not saving people is a matter of favor.

She had no way to ask others.

So she was not sure whether Ye Yi would come to rescue.

Soon, there was a noise at the door of the Chu family.

The two middle-level masters of the Chu family were beaten and flew in.

They vomited blood!

Then, more than ten people walked in!

The leader was three young men.

Chu Yu knew all three of these young men.

The leader was Li Long, the eldest son of the Li family in the Magic City!

Next to him were Zhang Tian from the Zhang family and Chen Hu from the Chen family.

The Li family is a first-rate family, and the Zhang and Chen families are second-rate families.

The Chu family was also a first-rate family before.

But the Li family took advantage of the fact that all the second-generation figures of the Chu family died, leaving only the old man to support them.

So they united the two major families.

They swallowed up most of the Chu family's property!

So the Chu family fell to the point that it was no longer even a family.

It can be said that Li Long was the mastermind!

Chu Yu saw Li Long at this moment and hated him very much.

How could I have thought that there would be such a greedy person in the world.

Someone who kills everyone!

The Chu family only has the last bit of property left, but they still won't let it go.

Are they going to kill them all? She was extremely desperate!

The three great families of Li Long, Zhang Tian, and Chen Hu brought a total of five or six masters.

Each of them is at least at the peak of the intermediate level!

There is even one who is about to step into the half-step high level.

Stronger than Feng Hai in the past!

You can imagine how big the lineup is.

No wonder they dared to shout that they would divide the Chu family in one night.

On the other hand, the Chu family has only an old butler who is very old.

The old butler is at the peak of the intermediate level.

But it was no match for the opponent who was about to reach the high level of half a step.

Not to mention that there were five peak intermediate level on the opposite side.

These five people were at the same level as the old housekeeper.

There was no way to fight!

Moreover, the old housekeeper was old and weak, and was injured.

There was even less chance of fighting.

The disadvantage was completely exposed.

Chu Yu was even more desperate!

It was as if he had seen the scene of the Chu family being divided.

Sea view villa.

Ye Yi was playing games.

There were three people in the villa at this time.

Ye Yi and Meng Yi and Wei Xin.

The atmosphere was a bit weird.

But I have to say that the two beauties were really pleasing to the eyes.

Ye Yi was still satisfied.

Just when he was satisfied.

He received a letter from Chu Yu for help.

Ye Yi was shocked instantly, and then he was furious!

How could he not be furious? How could

Ye Yi bear it.

He didn't even play his beloved Landlord.

He just took the car keys and set off.

At the same time, he was murderous.

Haha, who dares to touch Chu Yu's hair.

I will kill you!

Ye Yi had made up his mind to protect Chu Yu.

Of course I won't let her get hurt.

Ye Yi quickly drove to the Chu family.

He had been to the Chu family twice, so he was very familiar with it...


Tianxiong was angry.���

But because of anger, he got hurt.

He coughed up blood again.

Chu Yu was worried.

She felt distressed.

She almost cried.

How could she not feel distressed?

This was her only relative.

But what about Li Long, Zhang Tian, and Chen Hu?

The people from the three great families showed no mercy at all.

Instead, they mocked him like a beast.

"Yoyo, are you going to die of anger?"

Li Long sneered.

This shows how ugly and vicious human nature is.

Not only did he rob people of their assets, but he also sneered at them when they were about to die.

This shows how sinister and despicable he is.

In fact, Li Long himself is also a sinister and vicious person. He has a very bad reputation in the Magic City.

But because he is from a first-class family and has a super family behind him, no one dares to say anything to him.

"Haha, if you are going to die, you'd better die early, otherwise you won't have a complete body."

"If you hand over the Chu family assets earlier, we might consider leaving you 100 million or 800 million to allow you to recover from your illness." What about

Zhang Tian and Chen Hu.

These two young masters from second-rate families also spoke up.

But they were all sarcastic.

In terms of personality, they were even more twisted than Li Long.

The three of them were like-minded.

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