After the shock, they were excited.

How could they not be excited?

This is 500 million!

Not only can it help their company overcome this difficulty.

It can also make the company develop better than before.

Xiao Guobang was instantly excited.

He didn't know where to put his excited hands.

Just now he had the idea of committing suicide, but now he feels that the future is bright.

How can it not be bright?

He has even begun to consider how to use the 500 million.

It is not a big problem for the company to survive the crisis this time. 500 million is enough for him to go public faster.

Even better than before!

And all this is thanks to Ye Yi!

With Ye Yi as a backer, Xiao Guobang suddenly felt that he didn't have to be afraid of anyone in the future.

That's the legendary chairman of a company with 900 billion!

He and his daughter are friends, so he, as a father, will naturally benefit from it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Guobang suddenly seemed to understand something. He looked at his daughter with curiosity.

Are they really just ordinary friends?

Thinking of this, Xiao Guobang felt that he had discovered something.

My daughter Xiao Qian might have an unusual relationship with Ye Yi!

Maybe they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

That's right, they are boyfriend and girlfriend!

Otherwise, why would they give you 500 million for no reason?

And they threatened that you don't have to pay it back.

I just don't know when they were together.

I haven't heard that my daughter knows this person before.

But Xiao Guobang has been a university professor after all.

He knows that things between young people sometimes develop very quickly.

Many times, all it takes is a glance, and maybe the two of them will be together.

Thinking of this, Xiao Guobang looked at his daughter with even more gossip.

It is said that Ye Yi is handsome, rich, and young.

If his daughter can find such a son-in-law, he couldn't be more satisfied!

As for Xiao Qian, she finally recovered from her shock at this time.

She felt a little uncomfortable when her father looked at her inexplicably.

She quickly changed the subject.

"Dad, Mom, you haven't eaten yet, right? I'm hungry.

Although the topic change was a bit abrupt, Xiao Qian had no choice but to continue.

"Yes! I was so happy eating that I forgot about it."

"After being busy for so long, your dad and I haven't eaten anything."

Ruyi, looking at Xiao Guobang's eyes, guessed something.

She was even happier.

How could she not be happy?

If her daughter really brought back such a son-in-law, she would definitely agree 100%!

Thinking of this, Ruyi immediately threw the poison in her hand into the trash can and cooked by herself!

Of course, they also had a nanny at home.

But Ruyi was so happy that she cooked by herself.

In order to avoid her father's eyes, Xiao Qian hurriedly followed Ruyi to the kitchen.

"Mom, let me help you!"

It can be said that Xiao Qian is a goddess in the eyes of many people, and her cooking skills are also very good.

Soon, the family sat together for dinner.

Xiao Guobang finally couldn't help it at this time.

He kept staring at his daughter.

"Qianqian, what is your relationship with Mr. Ye?"

While saying this, Xiao Guobang and Ruyi exchanged a glance.

The gossip spirit was burning in their eyes.

"It's just an ordinary friendship."

Xiao Qian was stunned and replied

"An ordinary friend would give you 500 million? Is he really not your boyfriend?"

Xiao Guobang didn't believe it when he heard it.

No matter how rich he is, it's a favor for him to help you with 200 million. How can someone give you 500 million right away?

And you don't have to pay it back!

How could Xiao Guobang not think about it ?

""Oh, Dad, what are you talking about? It's really not true. There's really nothing between Mr. Ye and me."

Xiao Qian blushed when she heard that.

How could she not blush?

Thinking of the legendary Ye Yi who was young, handsome, and so kind to her, Xiao Qian couldn't help but think too much.

She wanted to be Ye Yi's girlfriend!

But she had to have that opportunity.

"I don't believe it. Dad is not that kind of pedantic parent. I support your free love."

Xiao Guobang immediately expressed his opinion.

Seeing his daughter blushing like a persimmon, how could he still believe Xiao Qian's ordinary friendship? He became more and more certain that his daughter was definitely Ye Yi's girlfriend.

Besides, Xiao Qian had been the apple of his eye since she was a child.

Except for financial resources, Xiao Guobang didn't think his daughter was bad in any way.

But even so.

If she could really find a boyfriend like Ye Yi, Xiao Guobang also felt that it was Xiao Qian's blessing.

He expressed his opinion immediately.

"Of course, although Dad supports your free love, you must be grateful. Mr. Ye is our family's savior, and I will recognize him as my son-in-law in the future."

Xiao Guobang's professor-like appearance was reflected at this time, and he preached in a serious manner.

Ruyi glanced at him.

"Just now she said she supports free love, but now she wants her daughter to repay her love with her own body.

Her tone seems to be disagreeing.

But the next words she said are contradictory again.

"However, Qianqian, you really have to hold on to him, and don't do anything to let him down. Mr. Ye is such a rare talent, our family is considered to be marrying up. But since he is willing to spend 500 million for you, he really cares about you. If you let him down in the future, mom will not recognize you as her daughter."

Ruyi said it very seriously.

Xiao Qian was even more speechless after hearing it.

How could she not be speechless?

Although the two of them had a lot of fun chatting, they never talked about topics that crossed the line!

Not to mention ambiguity.

She became an anchor because of her hobby. She couldn't do the methods used by other anchors who relied on sneaking to the top.

But after Ye Yi's help, she fell in love with Ye Yi.

Let alone a girlfriend. Even if she was asked to marry him now, she would be willing.

But the prerequisite is that Ye Yi must also like her!

As long as Ye Yi opens his mouth, she will definitely...

Thinking of this Xiao Qian blushed to her ears.

What was she thinking about?

She was also raised up.

But Xiao Qian always kept herself clean and never thought she was superior to others.

It was also because of this that she had many suitors.

But she never liked any of them. But it was this Ye Yi. He had only been around for a few days, but she was already attracted to him. He was unconditionally good to her, but not proactive.

Xiao Qian couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

But Xiao Qian didn't expect that her random thoughts would have a different meaning in the eyes of her parents.

"Come and eat. You've been missing him for so long since we last contacted each other?"

Ruyi said.

Seeing her daughter's face flushed, she believed that Mr. Ye had a relationship with her daughter!

When she thought of this, Ruyi felt that her life was perfect.

She didn't ask for great wealth, but only for her family to be safe.

And she also wanted her daughter to marry a good family.

Now that her daughter has such a good home, how can it not be perfect?

Xiao Guobang nodded at the side.

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